Friday, March 10, 2023


 PRELUDE- The Walt Whitman Bridge, August 2, 2016, Dusk

A Man parked his car on the bridge as cars drove by on both sides...Some leaving Philadelphi and going home to South Jersey , others coming home to Philadelphia from South Jersey...

He had several newspapers with him...The Headlines read the same:





The man, Regis Stockton put the papers down... He got out of his car and just looked at the water down below..

It only took him minutes to make a decision...

He jumped!!!

The Next Morning...His body was fished out of the river...

"That's him , that's Stockton...We found his car on the bridge...Bunch of newspapers  on the front seat, talking about the indictment..." said a CSI guy as they snapped photos..

That same morning at Harvard Law School in Boston...His son Frederick was in one of the dorms with a young lady....

"OHHHHHHH FREDDDY!" cooed the young woman, also a law student..
"OHHHHHHHHH VERONICA!" moaned Frederick Stockton, the young son of Regis, a law student at Harvard in his final year...
They were kissing passionately the night before after their last summer class. and 
he had relieved her of her panties...
They had been making love in a marathon session that had lasted the last EIGHT HOURS

when the phone rang...

"Ouuuu I have to take this." he said.

"Don't take too long." she cooed from the bed.

He had a blank expression on his face..

"Freddy??? What's wrong???" she asked.

"It's my dad!! He's dead!! He killed himself!!" he said.


TODAY- The Courthouse waiting room..
"I have all the confidence in the world in you guys...You did wonderful preparation...I'm here to give you moral support..And I want you to know you have universal support.."said ADA Karen Page, their boss.
"We support you and you know we know you're good."said Olivia Bennet-Alexander., whose team was taken to three hung juries by these guys before they got an acquittal..
"From personal experience...So you guys go in there and get em." said Yvette Jones-Lockwood , whose team also went through a grueling trial with Natalie and Brooke before finally handing them their first defeat in court.

Now Olivia and Yvette , both who had worked with them since then seemed like their aunties.. That's how everybody in their circle, all the younger attorneys felt about Olivia and Yvette, like they were their aunties....
''We are certain we got this.." said Brooke.
"This guy has been locked up too long and the way they railroaded him was just unimaginable."said Natalie..
"Look who it is." said David.
Lt. Tragg walked in...Both of his eyes were swollen shut..His lips were horribly swollen and his cheeks were discolored... He had called out sick today...One had to wonder why he was in court...Guess he had nowhere else to go...
"OH MY GOD!!" exclaimed Karen..
"He shot his mouth off yesterday in Sam Mothers and a customer beat the snot out of him."said Natalie.
"It was the same guy who beat him up in Curley's...That big guy...He's a lawyer ,but he used to be a boxer." said Brooke.

"Ohhhhh Eric Bishop...Yes...He's an Attorney and an Activist for the Homeless...He's the fiance of Bresha's girlfriend, ADA Sharon Carter..."said Olivia.

"Yeah, Mr. Bishop actually came to our rescue...We stopped in Sam Mother's Diner Yesterday after meeting with the ADA's at City Hall and Lt. Tragg walks in...Naturally he couldn't leave us alone...He insults me, He mocks my wife....and you know goes on and on , whining and complaining like he usually does...Won't let us eat in peace...And Eric comes up, basically tells Tragg to shut up and go away and Tragg hit him...Big mistake...I think that was the only lick he got in...That man beat him from pillar to post..tore both of the sleeves off hs suit jacket and split it in the back...He had to walk out to his car and sit down...That's the first time I ever saw a man beat out of his suit."said David.
"OHHHHHHH MY GODDDDD!"laughed Yvette..
"David,you do have a way with telling a story."laughed Karen..
"Doesn't he now?" laughed his new wife, Natalie.
Brooke giggled..

Yvette, Olivia, Natalie and Brooke broke out in gales of laughter...

Lt. Tragg heard them laughing...He knew David was probably telling them about his latest mishap in Sam's...

The air of Brevity ended...when Assistant District Attorney Frederick Stockton walked in...Everybody got silent...He recognized every attorney in the room...He was ready to do battle.

Teddy Bellamy was brought in ,in an orange jumpsuit and white sneakers.. David and Brooke had fought hard to allow him to get a haircut and come to court in a suit, but it was not allowed...

ADA  Stockton successfully got Judge Jetty Dukes to recuse himself, citing that he had been the judge in several of our cases , worked in the same building with the Wrongful Conviction Unit/ Conviction Integrity Unit and was "socially friendly"with many of the attorneys who tried wrongful conviction cases...

"I'd like to smack that Smart Alecky bastard.." said Jetty angrilly...

Since this was a retrial....There was no need for a preliminary hearing...We got right to it..

Instead Judge Michael King was called to preside over the precedings...

The Wrongful Conviction Unit had an advantage...David Charles had been working with both Olivia's team and Yvette's team...He had studied the juror pool and they had picked the type of juror they wanted.. He had his questions ready and his methods...He used every nuance and bait and switch tactic taught to him by Yvette, Nelson, Keith Jones and Kahlil.

and he got 11 of the 12 jurors picked... It was a monumental victory for the defense...

Both Brooke and Natalie high fived each other.. It was a monumental victory for the defense...
Frederick Stockton was frustrated, realizing he had been out dueled on Voir dire..

"We have a jury....Alright...It's Monday....Be here tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM...Attorneys be on time and be ready for trial." said Judge King....

We all cleared out of the courthouse...

Upon entering  Sam Mother's Diner.. Brooke, Natalie and David were stunned to see all of the people who came to support them... Brooke broke into tears, seeing her husband, Sean, Beverly, Nelson, Josie, her husband, Paris, Bresha, her husband, Tony, Olivia's husband, Donnie Ray,  Ms. Alfreda, Ms Virginia, Jetty, and of course, Olivia and Yvette, Keith, Bee Bee, Sofia, Kahlil and Jade... They all came to gve their best wishes and support.. They all knew how important this trial was to Natalie...  Both Brooke and Natalie got emotional and broke into tears...Seeing all of these relatively new friends..who had become like a family to them, helping them ,supporting them...
"Oh My God...Thank you all...Thank you all." said Brooke...
"Don't Cry...Don't Cry baby...We came to show you that we love you and support you." said her husband ,Sean.
"Oh My God!" said Brooke, Fighting back tears...
"Don't thankful for the support and help all of these people have given us..."said David.
"I'm so proud of you guys...You just don't know."said Karen gushing like a proud mother.
"There's security in numbers...We want everybody to know that we got your back."said Beverly..
''Anything you need, help with an appeal if it comes to that, we are right here."said Nelson.
"I remember how tough they were when we went up against them...It's not gonna come to an appeal..They got this." said Josie.
"WOWWWWW!"said Paris.
"They're good...We know this."said Bresha.
"I believe you...I remember those four trials...Three Hung juries and finally you guys got a victory...They were tough."said Tony.

"Tough and Smart." said Donnie Ray.

Alfreda and Virginia smiled, remembering the trials of both of their teams against these two and how they praised them for being good, even during their trials against them...
"I'd still like to smack that Smart Alecky bastard Assistant D.A. " said Jetty angrilly...
"Ahhhh don't worry about it...You've done your part Jetty, they'll be alright.."said Olivia.
"Judging by what I saw today in court...They'll be just fine." said Yvette.
" I think so too! All I know about this ADA is that he's the son of the original ADA who tried their case."said Keith Jones.
"Didn't he kill himself/" asked Bee Bee.
"Yeah...our last year of law school...He jumped off the Walt Whitman Bridge at night.."said Sofia.
"He was about to be indicted...Several Federal charges...He was runnin g for States Attorney at the time."said Kahlil..
''Cool it guys...Here he comes." said Jade.

ADA  Frederick Stockton walked into Sam Mothers and immediately felt as though he was in enemy territory...He not only saw opposing counsel, but with them were several attorneys they had worked with in the past...All here he supposed in a show of support..

He ignored them and walked past them to the counter to order his food.

Lt.  Tragg walked in...With a horribly swollen face, swollen lips , eyes nearly swollen shut...He looked like Hell....He saw all of the attorneys he had faced off against sitting together in a bloc in the center of the diner..

He couldn't resist walking over to the center of the diner..

"What is this... You guys took off from work to come down here and intimidate that young man over there? He's better than all of you put together..He aint gonna be intimidated..."snarled Lt. Tragg.

"Nobody has said anything to him....He came in and went to the counter to order his food...Why don't you do the same?" said Natalie...
"You need to do something about that mouth of yours missy."snarled Lt. Tragg.

"You's actions like this, which is why your face looks like a Jackson Pollock masterpiece." said David.

The entire area burst into loud non-stop laughter.....

Thin skinned Lt. Tragg couldn't take the non-stop laughter and ridicule..He turned and stormed angrilly out of the diner...everybody clapped and whistled...

Frederick Stockton glared angrilly at all of the attorneys sitting together and laughing...He didn't know of their contentious history with Lt. Tragg...

"Laugh now..Laugh all you want...I'm gonna take the smiles off of your faces...Just wait!" he snarled.



Judge Michael King was presiding. The retrial of Teddy Bellamy began....
With ADA Frederick  Stockton eerily conjuring his father's ghost and giving the exact same argument, almost word for word that his father gave 17 years ago...
''Damn this is like Deja Vu...He looks and sounds just like his lying corrupt ass daddy "said an angry and bewildered Teddy Bellamy...
"That's Okay...I'm not going to sound like your weak assed intimidated , bought and paid for Public Defender." said Natalie...
"And neither am I."said  Brooke.
In other words...We got you man."said David..

Frederick called as many of the original  Prosecution witnesses as he could dig up...

Natalie and Brooke eviserated every last one of them on cross , asking them questions they felt as if the original Public Defender should have asked and essentially making their testimony null and void..
Frederick launched enough objections  and challenges to their questions...

but Brooke and Natalie knew their law...They knew predicates, laws from like cases and the general law involving the present case..They foiled him at every corner, every turn..

By day three Frederick was soo frustrated...He tossed his suit jacket up in the air in frustration...
This brought snickers from the jury and spectators as well.

Judge King was impressed with Brooke and Natalie... "They're good , They're damn good..They've been working with Olivia, Beverly and their team and Yvette Jones and her team and it shows.. They are good..They know their law..." he mused.... "They're making young Stockton look like a first year law clerk." he also mused.
Frederick presented the usual prosecution witnesses, Cops who were on the scene, CSI men who were at the scene....

David Charles questioned them...A lot of their memories were fuzzy...It had been 17 years...He had their original statements from the first trial to remind them and he caught more than one of them in a contradiction of facts..He had the original crime scene reports and autopsy reports to make his points...
The Frustration in young Frederick Stockton's face was apparent...He came in here thinking he had a slam dunk , thinking he had prepared well and these three attorneys had made him look and feel like a complete fool, like he didn't know what he was  talking about. He made a final compassionate argument to the jury to think of the wives and mothers of the three victims (Only one was actually married at the time of death and he and his wife was seperated)  and avenge their "Untimely deaths"  Even he didn't believe this...As far as he was concerned...These three men were Black Thugs, who would have ended up like this anyway....and the Jury sensed that he wasn't sincere, that his heart wasn't in this.

Lt. Tragg sat in court all four days...Livid...He felt as though Natalie and her husband, David were ganging up on him...He assigned no blame at all to Brooke, who did her share of damage..
The swelling in his lip and his eyes had gone down...His face was still a bit swollen...He had on a new suit , Shiny new shoes, a mani-pedi and enough make up to hide the beating he had taken in Sam Mother's Diner...

"Due to the lateness of the hour...I'm going to recess court for the day....You don't mind presenting your defense tomorrow do you Mrs. Charles..?" asked Judge King.
"No Not at all...In fact...I prefer to start fresh..."said Natalie..
"Alright Girlfriend, speaking of fresh...Don't you and David here get too fresh tonight and oversleep.."joked Brooke..
"Nah...We gonna sleep tonight.." said David..
"You liar, as soon as I take my skirt off , you're gonna be all over me."laughed Natalie as the the three left court and watched as Teddy was handcuffed 

put back in the Sherrif's cruiser 

and driven back to the Holding Facility....Hopefully he wouldn't be handcuffed much longer..

That Night at home...

Natalie's last statement proved to be true..

Natalie got undressed...

As soon as she took her clothes off...

Charles put his arms around her...

"You can't help yourself when you're around me can you?" said Natalie, kissing him..

"No, I'm afraid I can't" confessed David...

"That's okay!" she said and smiled..

She kissed him again, slowly, softly..She tried to devour his lips......

He spread her legs and entered her slowly doggie style.....She gasped ....



"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU DAVID,OUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" she moaned loudly as he turned her around, placed her on the bathroom sink and spread her legs apart..


She was trying to devour his lips as he plowed into her....


They both surprisingly came together....

They took a nice hot, soapy shower together.....

She lie on top of David afterwords.......

"Ouuuuuuu that was nice.." she whispered to him..

"Yes, it was." he said, smiling..

"I love you..." she whispered...

"I love you too!" he whispered as they both drifted off.

Next Door...

Brooke had made no such promise to be chaste...
She and her husband, Sean, who had not seen each other all day...
were kissing passionately as soon as she got in the house..

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, Sean..." she moaned..

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Brooke.." he moaned in between hot kisses...
He had her clothes off
and her panties down in record time..
and had her hoisted in the air, thrusting away....much to her delight...



He placed her petite body on the bathroom sink , spread her legs and began plowing away, while Brooke kissed him so softly and slowly that he was nearly delirious...


They took a nice relaxing shower together....

and they too relaxed a peaceful sleep afterwords.....

While at Curley's Bar..
After downing 10 Beers..
A Drunken Frederick Stockton fell off the bar stool and on to the floor...

"I got him..." said Lt. Tragg, "Poor kid has had a rough week in court." said Lt. Tragg.



Natalie began her defense of Teddy Bellamy stating that although he did have a Juvie record that dated back to when he was 13, in the past year before the triple murder he was attending school regularly and was making good grades...He had even checked out some colleges , had rented a tux and was preparing to go to his school's prom..

"He made his money driving , known Drug Dealer , Larry Barker....Barker had dealers on every other corner at the time..Barker paid him $150.00 a day for driving him around...He didn't touch drugs because Larry himself was never caught with drugs or a gun...He had a street boss , who collected the money, doled out the product and made the collections.. Ths kid just drove him around...

Mr. Barker drew the ire of a rival drug crew run by Mr. Arthur "Scar" Robinson, a rival drug dealer...Scar dispatched three gunmen with heavy rap sheets to kill Larry Barker...Barker narrowly escaped the first time ,but was killed the second time.. These are the same the way who my client is accused of murdering....They are way out of his leauge ,older and more experienced...Nobody in the Barker gang would have enlisted my client to handle such a job..."said Natalie.

Brooke and David Charles interviewed 16 former and surviving members of Larry Barker's organization who verified Natalie's story.....They said that all Teddy was , was a driver and that Barker didn't allow him around any drugs or any weapons or in any meetings..All he did was drive and that Barker made sure he attended school on a regular basis...He kept him in Fresh Gear (clothes) and with money he needed for the girls as an incentive to avoid the "street life"  He liked him and wanted to see him do better.

Fred Stockton tore into them all, presented their lengthy criminal records and asked the jury why should they believe these "Common Street thugs." He didn't understand the jury that was made up of 7 African-Americans, four Puerto Ricans and one Asian...who all came from neighborhoods like this.. They were turned off by his holier than thou attitude and began to look at him as the enemy. He had lost the jury completely...

Natalie called witness Jimmy Nelson

Jimmy Nelson testified that he had been on the scene that night and that prior to his earlier testimony , he had actually seen the killing go down and that the real killer was Arthur "Scar" Robinson.. He said Arthur "Scar" Robinson had killed them as a personal favor to the new boss...Manny Spain , who was now selling his product to both Larry Barker's old territory and Scar's own territory... He said that one of the gunmen had slept with a close associate of Mnny Spain's wife and that associate wanted him dead...Manny ordered Scar to get it done as a personal favor....So although these guys were his boys..He had hired them to kill Barker... He had to kill them now for his new boss, Manny Spain... He said "Teddy Bellamy was no longer in the game...He was nowhere in sight that night."

Frederick Stockton had done his homework.. He pointed out that Manny Spain and Arthur "Scar" Robinson were both dead and how was to blame a dead man for a crime... He asked him why he waited until now to recant his original testimony..

"I recanted in 2010 after Scar was dead...You don't understand...Not only was Scar connected to the drug boys...He was an informant for the cops too.. Detective Phillip Marlowe to be exact and Captain Jack Tragg...

Both were notorious...They set people up in the Black community all the time back then...People were as afraid of those two cops as they were the Drug boys.." he said.

"A likely story....Is it not true...that YOU HAVE PERJURED YOURSELF IN TWO OTHER CASES??
I HAVE THE RECORDS RIGHT HERE, WHY SHOULD ANYBODY BELIEVE YOU NOW!!!" bellowed Fred Stockton... It was a got'cha moment...

David Charles came to the rescue with several witnesses...23 to be exact who said they were physically beaten up, some to the extent of being put in the hospital by Captain Jack Tragg and described him as a horrible human being ,who was hated and feared in the Black Community for close to 20 years..
He brought up the fact that Detective Phillip Marlowe who made the initial arrest knew full well that his snitch "Arthur "Scar" Robinson committed these murders...but that he turned his head on Scar's activities in exchange for information on others he wouldn't have normally have gotten.

Lt. Tragg was livid, sitting in court, hearing his beloved Uncle Jack described in such a matter and watching these three attorneys rip Regis Stockton's boy to shreds...

Natalie brought up the fact that Phillip Marlowe himself was now serving a life without parole sentence for Murdering a Black Attorney and Civil Rights Leader in 2009. "That case went unsolved until last year when justice finally caught up with him...How ironic ,he's in the same prison where my client Mr. Bellamy is serving time...My client , who he sent up on trumped up charges..."said Natalie, getting emotional.

Brooke called up the defense's final witness,

Mary Wiggins, who was also on the street that night...She witnessed Scar shoot and kill  the three men..
Scar threatened to "Cut her throat" if she didn't testify that Teddy Bellamy was the shooter.. She did as she was told, but after Teddy was convicted and sentenced to life, no parole at 17...She felt bad...She said she couldn't sleep at night and she recanted her testimony in 2008 and 2009 without naming Scar as the killer.. She was still afraid of him, but couldn't live with sending an innocent man to prison for something she knew he hadn't done.. She said in 2010, after Scar was dead..She and Jimmy Nelson both came forward and recanted their original testimony, but nobody, No Judge, No ADA and not even the original Public Defender, now working at a cushy job with a corporate law firm would listen to either one of them she testified,.

She was a much better witness than Jimmy Nelson. Prior to the murder, she did not have a police record...and had never perjured herself in any previous trial... There was Public Record of her recanting her original testimony in 2009 and 2010 and again in 2017...

Frederick though hammered her on being a Prostitute....and having done a year in County Lock Up and two years for petty theft in State Prison.... He made the mistake of calling her "No More than a common whore.."  This didn't fly well with this jury...who was already hostile to him and now saw him as just another arrogant and elitist white man....He had totally lost the jury and didn't realize it!

Natalie made the closing argument and just like that, The Case was over... It was Tuesday....The trial had lasted a week and three days.

Natalie and David sat in the back corner of the waiting area 

They were kissing passionately like there was no tomorrow.

Brooke was on her phone.. She kept moving away because Lt. Tragg was in her personal space.
Almost as if he was trying to listen to who she was  talking to... 
ADA Frederick Stockton thought as though he might have salvaged his case...He peered over at Natalie and David kissing and Brooke on her phone... They seemed quite calm, quite confident...

A Bailliff walked up..

"The Jury is back with their decision sir." He said.

It had been barely THIRTY MINUTES..

They all crowded back into the courtroom.

"Mr. Foreman ,Has the Jury come to a decision?" said Judge Michael King.

"Yes we have your honor." said The Foreman."

Bailiff, hand me the verdict." said the judge....He read it, 

"Read it !" he said to the bailiff,






He banged his gavel...... 

"I would like to thank all 12 jurors for your time and your patience.... Your checks will be mailed to your residences... Thank you again..Case adjourned." he said..

"OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!! I'M FREE!!! AFTER NEARLY 18 YEARS...I'M A FREE MAN...."screamed Teddy Bellamy with tears in his eyes as the handcuffs were taken off of him..

He hugged Natalie... "OH THANK YOU NAT...THANK YOU!!!" he cried.
"Make the best of it Teddy, Your Mother is here...And so is your sister and your son..Your Baby Mama as well.. They brought you a suit....You can change in the bathroom...You don't have to leave here in that orange jumpsuit and cheap sneakers."said Natalie, tears welling up in her eyes...
"Ms. Brooke, Ms. Brooke, Thank youuuuuuuuu" he said, hugging her....
"I'm not so bad, for a white girl am I?" joked Brooke, hugging him back..
"You're aces in my book.... Davey,......Davey Boy....Thanks for the hook up with the sandwiches...and thank you for what you did for me in court...I'm forever in your debt." said Teddy..
"Make the best of it Man, you've been given a clean slate."said David.
Frederick Stockton was not a happy camper...He tossed his suit jacket up into the air...He kicked a trash can until it dented and ran out of the courtroom in tears...
"I DON'T BELIEVE IT!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!: scoffed an angry Lt. Tragg...

In the hallway, Teddy was greeted by his girlfriend, His Son, His Mother and his sister...His mother was happy to see two of her children free and was eagerly awaiting her oldest son's release in July of this year..It was a joyous time for her family...

"That's 362.." said David.
"362?  Ohhhhh Yeah 362 victories for the Wrongfully Convicted Unit." said Natalie.
"What's really sad is that so many innocent people have been incarcerated..And there is probably more."said a somber Brooke.

"But we are doing something...Something Good, We are getting them out...One by one.."said David.

"Call up the gang, let's celebrate." said Natalie.


Teddy Bellamy finished his senior year of college classes at Temple University and graduated with honors the following June.. His Mother, Sister, Older Brother and Girlfriend was at his graduation with his young son, who would be entering college in the fall. He was on his way to a new life.

The Wrongful Conviction Unit Staff Attorneys found a beautiful new Rooftop Restaurant to celebrate their 362nd victory ..Their first major case done completely on their own.
"Ohhhh wow, this is sooo nice and I'm so glad everybody could make it."said Natalie.
"I am too! This was a great win...We did it! That's what was most important."said David.
''Yes..We did it alone and it felt so good, the three of us working together, by ourselves."said Brooke.

"Proud of you babe." said Brooke's husband, Sean.

"I'm so proud of you guys, I don't know what to say."said their boss, Karen Page.
"I'm having you guys and Teddy Bellamy on my show next week."said B.L..

He and Karen were staying with Olivia and Beverly this weekend..

"I lovvvvve this place.. I hate to tell em you and I have been here before Donnie Ray."giggled Olivia.
"I was planning to tell everybody we could come here."said Donnie Ray..
Beverly shook her head..

"You are the ultimate foody." she said.
"Investigator, Musician, Restaurant critic...Donnie Ray ,you're a true renaissance man."laughed Nelson.
"This place is so nice...It was cool that everybody has a table of their own, but near each other." said Josie.
"It was cool that I called ahead." said Paris.
"Yeah that was cool.." said Bresha.
"We beat the crowd." said Tony...
"Nice place...You and I ought to come here alone sometimes."said Alfreda to her husband, Rockland.
"Your wish is my command." said Rockland.
"Remember we double dated with Olivia and Donnie Ray and came here?  I was wondering why we never came back...I love this place." said Yvette.
"Yeah, I like it too!"said Gary,,,
"I just love this place...You and I ought to come here alone sometimes."said Bee Bee.
"We'll come here on our anniversary."said Keith Jones.
"That sounds nice...real romantic."said Sofia.
"It's unseasonably warm tonight...We probably don't need these heaters."said Kahlil..
"Such a beautiful night."said Jade.
"Couldn't be better."said Danny Ho.
"Ouuuuuuuuu Jetty this place is so nice and has such a view.."said Virginia.
"Yes it is... I was soo happy those kids won in court and beat that snotty little bastard."said Jetty.
"It's over now Jetty, are you still mad about that?" asked Zoey,laughing at him.
Lem laughed.. "Yeah he's mad about it..Glad we didn't go to Curleys Tonight...He's probably in there with Lt. Tragg whining and crying in his beer.

"Ouuuuuuu Baby here comes our food."said Jazzy..
"And Just in the nick of time..I'm famished."said Dabnis.
''So Am I."said Kayla.
''Here it comes..Smell it.Good Pasta."said Ray..
"Where are the drinks?" asked Jessica.
"Settle down, everything is arriving."assured her husband, Chip.

Plates of Pasta was served to all of the tables as well as their drinks of choice.. Beer and Martinis..

is was a great night until the most unexpected guest walked in...

Lt. Arthur Tragg, who walked over to the area they all were sitting in. There was a collective grunt and groan when he appeared.


Natalie approached him...

"Ugh Ugh...NOT ANOTHER WORD!  You are not going to spoil our celebration tonight..."she said..

She showed him his two tracking devices...She, David, Brooke and Sean had come in their car tonight..,The only ones who didn't come in Olivia's buses. She put them back in her purse.

"I forgot to check Brooke's car after trial this morning... I know how you like to place these things on our vehicles and follow us around...We found these just as we pulled into the parking lot here..What is wrong with you? You really need to get laid on a regular basis or find a hobby or something... I held on to these because I knew you'd show up here sooner or later. Nobody cares what you have to say about a case that's already over..Nobody wants to hear that tonight.Look around! There are several people here who have restraining orders against you...Unless you have a have no business around any of us... I'll make one phone call.. One call and you'll spend the rest of your weekend in the cooler... I don't want to hear anything else..Take your ass out of here and don't come back...GO! GET OUT OF HERE....Or I call the Sherriff's deputies." said Natalie.

He was as red as a beet, but he had no choice, but to turn and leave...Oh How he hated Natalie!!!

They all clapped and cheered and laughed  as he turned and  left...He was mad as hell...and embarrassed...

Donnie Ray showed Natalie how to disable the trackers..She did and tossed them in the waste basket.

Everyone enjoyed the rest of their afternoon....

Lt. Tragg watched from across the street in the parking lot as Olivia's two buses arrived two and a half hours later. he watched as each of Olivia's buses  filled with people, including Karen Page and B.L. and pulled off.. He really wanted  to nab the people in Brooke's car.. He knew in addition to eating they all were drinking..He wanted to put Brooke's Black husband, Sean  in jail for a DUI...That would make his night.

Brooke's car pulled off shortly after Olivia's busses pulled off..Or so it seemed.

Lt. Tragg was in hot pursuit...

What he didn't know was the car he was following was not the car Natalie, David, Brooke and Sean were in, but an identical model.. Had he of checked the license plate he'd of known that..

"We lucked out with that other car that looked exactly like yours Brooke.
"Yes...I didn't feel like any more foolishness from Lt. Tragg...He nearly wrecked our celebration."said Brooke. "It was good there was an identical car in the indoor parking lot.
''We've got to be careful when we drive anywhere near the courthouse or central booking."said David.
Natalie said nothing , She leaned her head on her husband's shoulder and curled up in his arms.

Sean, Brooke, David and Natalie drove home...without incident.

Lt. Tragg stopped the other car four blocks away...
He made them sit there for seven minutes purposely and then strutted over to the drivers side..

"Heh heh Heh driving under the influence eh? How many beers did you have tonight Sean?" he laughed.

"What are you a traffic cop now Tragg? You're supposed to be working Homicide and you're off duty..What is the meaning of this?" said The Deputy of Operations.

"Don't you have anything better to do with your nights?" said ADA Jillian Baranski.

Lt. Tragg looked like he had swallowed a canary...He had trailed the wrong car..

"Oh...So sorry sir..I-I thought..." he said.

''As usual, you didn't think...NOW GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS CAR AND GO HOME!" snarled the Deputy of Operations.

"YES SIRRRRRRR SIRRRRRR!" said Lt. Tragg, saluting..

As the car pulled off.


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