Monday, June 3, 2024

The Rollerover


Ms. Yvette was in the flower shop, looking a different flowers.. she had Bee Bee and Sofia with her...we had all returned from brunch after being at the NO I.D. Bar's Saturday Morning Brunch.

"I don't know....Do guys like getting flowers the way we do?" asked Ms. Yvette.
"Gary will like them if they came from you...Trust me Ms. Yvette."said Bee Bee..
"I agree, go ahead and get them.He'll be so excited tonight at his party.." said Sofia.

Lt. Tragg happened to be in the same flower shop ordering flowers....

"I want the White Roses delivered to her condo and the Yellow ones delivered to her office." he said and passed the cashier a couple of extra dollars.

''Will do Mr. Tragg." he said.

"Ouu look at you...a Double Whammy eh?  One sent to her office and when she gets home ,another set...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu somebody is in lovvvvvvvvvvvve"laughed Yvette.

"Yvette?" said a startled Lt. Tragg..."What are you doing in here?" he asked.

"I live around here...WHAT ARE YOU DOING AROUND HERE?" she asked...Even though she knew..

Judge Kelly Ann Mercer lived in the Lofts on the other side of  Three shopping Centers that bordered her neighborhood...

"My husband's birthday is tomorrow...I was buying flowers for him. We are all going out celebrating tonight." she said cheerfully...

"Ohhh this is the uh rare Saturday that Judge Mercer had to work...a Retreat or something..." he said nervously...He was as red as a beet..

"Awwwwww that's nice....I'm sure she'll appreciate the flowers." said Ms. Yvette...

Everybody knew he has been dating Judge Kelly Ann Mercer.....We'd seen them in Curleys and other places, holding hands, kissing so passionately it was embarrassing...Emerging from the Judges Chambers at the courthouse, with his suit wrinkled and lipstick on his face and collar... It was no secret..

"Hello Lieutenant" said Sofia.

"Hello Lieutenant." said Bee Bee..

"Hello Sofia, Bee Bee....Where are your husbands?" he asked.

"Home ...probably waiting for us...We are all going out celebrating tonight.." said Bee Bee.

"Yeah. We are celebrating Mr. Gary's birthday tonight." laughed Sofia.

Yvette, Bee Bee and Sofia all knew he was ordering flower deliveries for Judge Kelly Ann Mercer..

"Well uh....enjoy...This is uh beautiful weather we are having huh?:" he said , as red as a beet and visibly nervous.

"Yes It is." said Yvette....There was an awkward quietness between them... "Well enjoy your Saturday Lieutenant." said Yvette....

"Byeeeeee" giggled Bee Bee.

"Byeeeeee" said Sofia...

As they left.....

''She is blowing his mind in the bed...Got him buying flowers and having them delivered to her office and her loft....Wowwwww!" said Bee Bee.

"El Poder De las Bragas. (The Power of the Panties in spanish.)" said Sofia.

"Indeed!"laughed Ms. Yvette as they all headed home..


Later that afternoon-

Stephan Bristol held a gala at his Rooftop Bar and restaurant..... Ms. Yvette and Olivia and Alfreda had booked private space for all of us... The place was packed..a sea of people of all races dancing and drinking and having fun.

"Happy Birthday Gary...Enjoy!" said Millionaire /Entreprenaur- Stephon Bristol who allowed Yvette ,Olivia and friends to use his popular rooftop Restaurant/Bar for Gary's birthday party tonight... 

"Thanks man, this is incredible.." said Gary.....

 "Enjoying yourself Babe?" asked Yvette to her husband, Gary...

Gary was fighting back tears... "I-I-I never expected this....all of you guys...all of my friends here tonight.....I can't believe it...I never expected this....I love you so much.." said Gary..
''Awww I love you too"said Yvette.

They kissed passionately....

There was a beautiful cake.....

and bottles of the best Champaigne and glasses for all of us..

"I'm sleeping in tonight...You can go to Josie's and bring me back a platter at Super Brunch."said my wife, Bee Bee.
"Good Idea Girlfriend..We can warm up our breakfast." said Sofia.
"Good Cake, Good Champaigne." said Kahlil..
''What a night?" said Jade.

"Indeed!"said her husband, Danny...

"Everybody who is everybody is here." said Virginia..

"And then some..."said Jetty.,

More drinks arrived....

"Oh myyyy..We are going to sleep good tonight..but right now, I want to get my dance on." said Olivia.
"Bristol told me he's got three D.J.'s setting up." said Donnie Ray.

"There they are over there....Oh wow, tonight is gonna be epic!!"said Beverly...
"I'm glad we have these reserved tables." said Nelson.

"The advantage of knowing the owner."laughed Josie.
"You guys have the best clients." said her husband, Paris.

" And we get the best benefits from that." said Bresha.,
"Yes indeed."said Tony.

"We've known Stephon Bristol for years ...When he was a teenager...He was sweet on Olivia..she wasn't interested in him in that way...but they remained good friends over the years...She introduced him to Yvette and he was sweet on her too for a little while..I don't think she was interested in him in that way either...but they too remained good friends.." said Alfreda.

"Now he's a multi-millionaire...look at that...Maybe they shoulda been interested."laughed Rockland.

More Champaigne and drinks arrived.

"Ouuuu I love this....Quite a view."said Jazzy..

"The weather is kind...." said her husband, Dabnis.

"Ouu the D.J.'s are setting up..."said Kayla.
"Ready to dance?" asked her husband Ray...

"YESSSSSSSS!" said Kayla.

"Ready to dance??." said Jessica.

''After all this drinking, yes I am." said her husband, Chip...

"I love this...A Night like this..."said Karen.

"I do too!" said B.L.

"Ummmm this champaigne has me woozy." said Natalie.

"The D.J.'s are setting up...We are going to dance that wooziness off." said David.

"YAYYYYYYYY!" said Brooke.

"Yeah you need to get up and dance...The champaigne has gotten to you." said her husband, Sean.

''Stop eating so much cake. The D.J.'s are setting up." said Zoey, who was anxious to dance..
"Oh I'll be ready." said Lem as Zoey took a napkin and wiped cake frosting off of his lips...

"Ohhhhhh they are starting." said Renee.

"That's my song...come on let's dance." said Tyrell, taking Renee by the hand.

Eating one last slice of cake....

and taking one last sip of Champaigne.

The Three D.J.'s played tag with each other and crowded the floor with just about everyone on the floor dancing...

We all partied well into the night....

Everybody was not dancing.....On the other side of the roof...

"OHHHHHHHH, Look who it is....The Big time ATF Agent..." sneered off duty policeman, Todd Jergens... He actually hated Brad Dougherty, with a passion... The feeling was mutual. 

"That's right....Some people move up in the world.... Hi Kimmie.." said newly minted ATF Agent, Brad Dougherty....he hated Todd Jurgens, but he wanted Kim like nobody's business.

"Kimmie " was pretty Philadelphia Police Officer, Kim Gladden...She had recently signed up to take the Detective's exam...she and Todd had dated for awhile, but had broken up...She didn't feel Todd was ambitious enough for her..Yet they remained friends and occassionally went out drinking...Like tonight.

The Three of them met when they were students in the police academy.. All three were honor graduates... After serving for three years...Brad left the Philadelphia Police force and joined the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms... better known as the ATF...

"Hi Bradddddd, haven't seen you in awhile....Wowwwwwww...You're an ATF Agent now, a Fed..." said Kim..

Receiving an unwarranted kiss in the lips from Brad....

"OUUUUUUUUUUUU!" said Kim, who was surprisingly aroused... "OHHHH MYYYYYY!" she giggled...Blushing.

"I got courage to do a lot of things buddy...Like move on from riding around in a squad car all day, bustin drunks,junkies and hookers....I do REAL POLICE WORK....and Kimmie is about to make detective...When do you take that exam Kim?" asked Todd.

"In two weeks ."" she said..

"You'll pass with flying colors....Next time I see you, you'll be in a sexy pants suit or maybe have on a skirt and be sitting at a desk...while chuckles here will be fetching your coffee and still riding around in a squad car..heh heh heh.." laughed Brad.

"I've worked Plain Clothes with Vice, Robbery-Homicide and the Criminal Investigation Division...So there...." said Todd trying to defend himself..

"Todd you went on one raid with the C.I.D.   I was on it too....and Vice, you helped round up some hookers....and Robbery-Homicide...You worked Three cases as a plain clothes guy."said Kim..

"Yeah, I know...You don't have to tell me Kim..."laughed Brad..

"You think because you're a fed now you're big stuff....You're still the same loudmouth selfish lout you've always been Brad....You're no different...Come on Kimmie..." said Todd, grabbing her by the
arm.."Let's dance.." said Todd.

"In a minute Todd....I wanna catch up with Brad.." said Kim....

Todd joined the massive crowd on the other side of the rooftop and danced and had a few drinks..

Kim joined him soon...

She layed her phone down....Todd glanced at it...Brad had sent her several texts...

"I'd like to see what color panties you're wearing or if you're wearing any tonight..."

"Call me after you take that loser home..I'll still be up.."

"This is the type of guy you want huh?  A Guy that talks to you like that?  Thengo on then....I hope you two are happy together." said an angry Todd...

"Todd Relax...Okay?" said Kim...

"Yeah Todd relax..." said Brad...

"Get out of my face..." snarled Todd...

Todd  punched Brad in the jaw so hard he spun around like a top... Brad swung two , then three haymakers that missed..

Todd hit him with 17 lefts and 17 rights to his face.. He spun around like a top and hit the floor... He came up swinging...missing every punch he threw...Brad landed 17 rights and 17 lefts to Todd's face....Todd  landed 20 lefts and 20 rights to Brad's face, which was unrecognizable now and landed a left -right combonation which sent him flying into an un occupied table which he knocked over, chairs and all..
His night was over.. There were claps and cheers from other spectators that night as staff members came picked him up off the floor and sat him down....Both men's faces was unrecognizable.. Someone got Them both some coffee.....Brad's  nose was bleeding profusely....Someone got him a cold towel...


"Todd what is WRONG with you?" said Kim...administering a cold towel to Brad's face..

"He's crazy....He's crazy."said Brad, with a cold towel over his left eye..

Stephon Bristol was livid!!! "I want you both out of here....NOW!" he barked.


 "Oh My God!! A Fight!!" said Yvette..

"I know those two guys....They're cops.....At least one of them is....The other one just became an ATF Agent." said Gary.

"WOWWWWWWW! I bet they were fighting over that girl." I said.

"She's a cop too!...Uniformed the other guy."said Gary.

"Wow....It's been awhile since we went somewhere and there was a fight."said Bee Bee.
''Well it wasn't Lt. Tragg tonight.."said Sofia, giggling..
"Nope, it wasn't him...He's nowhere near here..." said Kahlil.
"He hasn't been in a fight in a long time."said Jade.

"No he hasn't....That Judge has really calmed him down." laughed Danny, who also knew the three policemen.  "One of those guys works in my precinct...Plain Clothes...." he said.

"Looks like they were fighting over that girl." said Virginia.

"Yeah that's what it looks like." said Jetty... 

"A Fight ! and we were having such a good time too! It's been awhile."said Olivia.
"Yes it has.. This is the last place I expected it..."said Donnie Ray....

"All this Alcohol freely flowing....Somebody's temper was bound to flare."said Beverly.
"Yeah...Well, Lt. Tragg wasn't involved in this..."said Nelson.

"Yeah it was somebody we didn't know for a change." said Josie.
"I prefer it that way....This fight didn't involve or affect any of us at all." said Paris.

"That's a good thing...We had a nice time just the same.."said Bresha.

"We did!" said Tony...
"It's a quarter to two...We'll be leaving soon anyway..." said Alfreda..

"Wowwwwww what a night...."said her husband, Rockland, quite tipsy himself.

"WOW! A classy place like this is the last place I'd expect to see a fight." said Jazzy.
"Classy Place, with a few unclassy people babes." said Dabnis.
"Yeah, we were having such a nice night."said Kayla.
"Can't take some people anywhere."laughed Ray.

''Aint that the truth, some people can't hold their liquor."said Jessica.

''I don't think this was about liquor baby...They appeared to be fighting over that girl."said Chip.

"That was my take on it too!" said Karen...

"Alcohol, raging hormones...It never fails..."said B.L.

"And speaking of raging hormones, yours are raging aren't they?" said Natalie to her husband, David.
she removed his hands from under her skirt...

"Yeah, I suppose they are..."said David..

"That's okay...We'll be home soon and I'll take care of that."said Natalie, smiling at him..

She leaned over and began kissing him slowly and softly...She loved that David loved her so much....She couldn't understand it...but she liked it...

The fight hadn't dampened Brooke and Sean's libido either..

They were in a corner kissing passionately...

"It's two 'oclock...The buses should be here to pick us up soon." said Zoey...
"It's been quite a night.."said Lem, yawning..

"Yes it has...All and All, I had a great time...."said Renee.

"Yeah Me too!"said her husband Tyrell..


At Home ,Gary couldn't stop raving about what a special birthday he had had....

''Awwww My God!  The Flowers, Then the surprise party on the rooftop...Stephen Bristol's place...The Cake, The Champaigne.....Baby I loved it..."said Gary, smiling from ear to ear..

"And don't forget the fight." joked Yvette, lying across the bed....

Allowing her dress to drift up over her hips, exposing her sexy black pantyhose and red bottom heels....
Gary's eyes bulged out of their sockets.....His trousers were standing out like a circus tent... Yvette smiled ,looking at him...

"Yeah, I can't forget that ...hahahahaah! Oh for the rest of my birthday present..." he said,laughing raffishly...

and slipping off her dress and unhooking her red bra....

Kissing Yvette Passionately and rubbing her butt softly in the middle of the floor..
Yvette eased down on him and began to move up and down, riding him...driving him completely out of his mind...



"OUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed as she began to ride him faster on top of the bed...

A little while later, Gary had Yvette's legs spread apart and he entered her doggie style...
Her body began to tremble, her legs began to shake ,her head turned from side to side and tears and sweat streamed down the sides of her face....She was having an intense orgasm...


Soon they were on the bedroom floor, still doing it doggie style....



He eventually got her on the bed, where he flipped her over and entered her missionary style.....


Her body again began to tremble, her legs began to shake ,her head turned from side to side and tears and sweat streamed down the sides of her face....She was having another  intense orgasm....
Yvette began to cry like a little girl........




They made sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS......

Still kissing after each had climaxed.

"OUUUUUUUUUU HUSBAND!!" Yvette moaned...


"Happy Birthday Baby!" said Yvette as she cuddled up under his arms...

"Thank you baby.." said Gary, smiling from ear to ear and holding Yvette in his arms...

JOSIE's- Sunday Morning- 11:30 AM-

In addition to a local Jazz Band performing...
this morning a local D.J. was playing soft, smooth jazz music..

A Catered Breakfast....

And a soul food meal

It was Super Brunch....People in our neighborhood came here almost every Sunday...If we weren't in Josie's any other day of the week..You could count on us being there on Sunday.. This was our Breakfast ,Lunch and Dinner...

 "I'm super hungry....I guess you are too after last night."said Yvette as she made two plates..

"I'm famished....You drained me of all my energy girl.."laughed Gary...

I kept hugging Bee Bee and squeezing her...
"Ouuuuuuu hot stuff... let me get our food..We did enough of that last night...tee hee."laughed Bee Bee.
''So did we? Aye Mios Dios"laughed Sofia.
"I'm going to need some sleep." said Kahlil.."I think we all would need some sleep."he said.

"Ouu husband, last night was wonderful."said Jade..

''Especially after the party."laughed Danny Ho.

"Jetty, we almost didn't make it here this morning...Are you on something?, my goodness."exclaimed Virginia.

"I'm only on you."laughed Jetty..

"You are so horny...It doesn't make any sense...Every Night at home and all day at work...My goodness.."said Virginia,laughing...

Olivia sat in her husband Donnie Ray's lap...She looked exhausted.. Donnie Ray brought back two plates of food for the both of them...
He looked exhausted too. They had made love from the time they got home until just a few hours ago...

"I guess everybody was doing the Hibbity Bibbity last night...Look at their faces..." said Beverly, who was exhausted and hungry herself.
"Yeah, phew...We sure were...After we leave here...Let's go home and get in bed...AND SLEEP!"said Nelson..

"That's a deal...whooooooooo you wore me out last night and this morning, Horny toad!!"laughed Beverly, playfully swatting her husband on the arm....

"We are going to take a nice hot shower together when we get back and lie down...and sleep." said Josie to her husband, Paris..
"Yeah I'm tired..."said Paris as he ate his food.

"You should be...Whoooooooooo!" exclaimed Josie with a smile.

''What a night...What a party.."said Bresha..
"Last night after the party wasn't so bad either."laughed her husband, Tony...

"Yeah that was nice..." said Bresha, smiling devilishly....They had made love on all floors in their home last night.

"You outdid yourself last night and this morning Rockland, whoooooooo...I'm not going to be able to walk." joked Alfreda..

"I'll carry you, lawd have mercy.."said an exhausted Rockland.. 

"Ouuuuuuuuuu Dabnis honey,last night was great..."said Jazzy...
"After we leave here and get back home..I'm gonna make it even greater. Jazzy baby!" laughed Dabnis.

"Nawww we are going to take a nap...Jazzy baby is tired...exhausted...." said Jazzy, smiling..

Kayla sat in her husband  Ray's lap...She looked exhausted..  Ray brought back two plates of food for the both of them...
He looked at his wife and smiled.. He spoon fed her ,her food..

"Papi let's take a long nap when we get back." said Jessica.
"Agreed!" said Chip...

''What a night..A Great party and a fight."laughed Karen as she ate her food.

"Those were cops....I've seen them before...Wonder what the fight was about?"pondered B.L.

"Guess everybody was doing the Hibbity Bibbity last night...Look at their faces..." said Natalie, who was exhausted and hungry herself.
"We sure were and I want to do it some more when we get home.."laughed David..

"Can we take a nap first? I'm tired." said Natalie.

''Sounds like a plan...I was just kidding." laughed David.

"No you weren't." said Natalie, laughing.
Her bestie, Brooke was laying her head on her husband, Sean's shoulders...
Sean was looking at her adoringly and smiling...

''We almost didn't make it here this morning...You wanted to go for round three."whispered Zoey to her husband, Lem..

"I sure did...but I'm taking a nap when we get back..We do have to go to work tomorrow."laughed Lem...

"Yessss, you wore my little body out..."laughed Zoey.

Renee and Tyrell had finished their food and were kissing passionately...

Sissy and her husband, Eddie C. , Carlotta and her husband, Keith Wallace, Rico and Sirena, Jimmy and Angie, Hop and Sharon and Duke and Hazel all came in , waving and sitting down to eat and groove to the good music.


Josie's was our neighborhood safe space.



"From the looks of this guy, he was beat pretty badly and then run over by a car...."said one CSI man as
another man snapped photos of the body...

"Body Temperature and Lividity shows that he died around 3:00 AM this morning..or shortly thereafter..."said Dr. Marcy Templeton, who was working solo today...dr. Hazel Baylor was off today..

" See those tire tracks...I'd say a Jeep Wrangler...My brother has one..."said another CSI Man...

"Ewww, he was beat unconscious and then run over twice....damnnnnnnnnn!" said another CSI man..

Lt. Tragg drove up...The usually immaculate Lieutenant's suit was wrinkled..

Lipstick was on his collar and his cheek...

A uniformed officer passed him a tumbler of hot coffee...

"Thanks Rudy..." he said.."What have we got here?" he asked.

Dr. Templeton took a disinfectant wipe and wiped the lipstick off of his collar and his cheek..

"This man was beaten pretty badly and then run over.  He died around three in the morning." she said.

"I know this guy.....He's a cop....He's one of my uniformed officers....Todd Jergens!! Oh My God......Good Guy....Has a lot of potential....Never seemed too ambitious...Not interested in moving up...but a good guy anyway....Oh My goddd!"said Lt. Tragg..

"He married? Got any kids?/" asked Marcy...

"Nah, but his dad is a cop....I gotta call his dad...Awww lawwd! Get him out of here and uh get me the autopsy as soon as possible...even though it's uh quite obvious how this kid died.. Who would do something like this?" asked an anguished Lt. Tragg.

"Okay guys...let's wrap him up and get him out of here."said Marcy at the cruelty of it all.

The body was put in a White Body Bag and strapped to a gurney and removed from the street to a van that was headed to the Medical Examiner's Office.

At Ms. Yvette's house.. She and her husband Gary were relaxing in their bedroom...

"I thought I'd come back here and fall fast asleep...but I'm not that sleepy, how about you?" asked Yvette...

"I was...but looking at you in that night shirt that barely comes to your hips is a sure fire way for me to uh not be sleepy.." said Gary...

"Guess I'm going to have to invest in a grandmama gown...huh?" she laughed as she lay on top of him.

"I suppose so." Gary laughed.. as they kissed passionately...

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" she moaned.. "That wouldn't stop you...You'd still be pawing at me." she said.

"I suppose so." Gary laughed.. as they continued to kiss passionately...

For Ms. Yvette and us...It was the calm before the storm.



  1. It's Monday, Must be Ventures or Escapades...Always a good one.

  2. Nice Set Up Story as usual.

  3. Nice premise....Like the sub plot of Keith's Father getting married too!

  4. Standing and Applauding and Throwing my panties high! Loved the sex scene between Yvette and Gary.

  5. Loved the set up....The scene with Lt, Tragg and Yvette, Bee Bee and Sofia in the flower shop was priceless.
