Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Mirror Image

Sofia, Bee Bee, Lee, Myself and Kahlil were hard at work studying local immigration laws ,taking notes and looking up things on our laptops to help Matthew Ake ,our new client with his citizenship.. It was the same way we had worked on Jade's citizenship three years before.
"This reminds me of when we were working to get Ms. Jade's citizenship."said Sofia.

"Yeah, but it didn't seem like we were working this hard!"laughed Bee Bee.

"Wow ,I am learning sooooo much."said Lee.

"This is the dull boring work that attorneys must do that is never seen on Television..but yet has to be done." I told her.

"Jessica, Chip, thank you guys sooo much for helping us."said Kahlil...

Our friends from the Innocence Project, Jessica Sanchez-Burrows and her husband Charles "Chip" Burrows were helping us..They had just finished an immigration case and we had worked with them on several immigration cases in the past..

"Not a problem...you guys have helped us many times." said Jessica.

"Yeah ,how could we not?.... Virginia, thanks for the grub." said Chip .....

"I ordered from Chinese Bob's....They got it here faster than I thought."  she said.

Virginia ordered Chinese food for all of us and a Thermos of Hot Tea for everyone.. She realized that we weren't going to stop working to go to lunch...

Ms. Yvette and Jade were not in the office today...They were going to visit the ICE agent who might help with this situation...

"It's going to be weird for you seeing Shawn again isn't it?   He had the hots for you." said Ms. Yvette.

"I haven't heard or seen him in three years...I'm certain he's gotten over me..Plus I'm married now!" said Jade.. but the biggest surprise was awaiting them..

Shawn came to the door... He was surprised to see them but happy...

"Ms. Yvette!! Jade...How nice to see you....Come on in.." he said.

"Thank you for seeing us....We have an immigration case....A Nigerian who has been here since he was six months old....This is all he knows and your boys in ICE are breathing down his back....He has grown up ,gotten a law degree from Yale and with his father, also an Immigrant but now a naturalized citizen..practices International law at the consulate." said Yvette.

"His Mother and Father and his sister have all gotten their citizen ship.."said Jade.

"I suspect he's had a work and a student visa all this time huh?" said Shawn.

"He has both...We are trying to fast track his citizenship as we speak..We have our four associate attorneys and a para-legal working on it right now."said Jade.

"Just like they did for you....Only we are in different times now, less tolerant....What did you want from me?" asked Shawn.

"Don't you have some drag with your fellow ICE Agents? Don't you know someone in charge?" asked Yvette.

"Ahh that's the thing....I'm no longer with ICE....I left ICE two years ago ,shortly after I got married."said Shawn.

"Married? You got Married?" said Jade.

"Congratulations Shawn>" said Ms. Yvette, equally surprised..

The doorbell rang..

"That's my wife now...I want you to meet her." said Shawn..

"This is my wife, Jacqueline.....Jackie these are some old friends of mine.. Attorney Yvette Jones-Lockwood and her investigator, Jade Lee..

"Nice to meet you both." said Jacqueline who stared at Jade..

Jade stared at her....It was like staring into a mirror... They were the same height and build ,with eeriely similar facial features

"My wife is an Attorney who practices International Law at the Consulate...I am a Security Expert at the consulate...Have been for two years...That's where we met and fell in love. She helped me get my job."said Shawn.

"Awwww that's so sweet." said Yvette.   :You work at the Consulate...Do you know Matthew Akes Sr.?" asked Yvette.

"I know him quite well...I interned for him after I graduated from Penn Law School and now I work for him...A Very nice man." said Jacqueline...   "I Hear his son is having problems with ICE..." she said.

"Yes, my law firm is working on his appeal...I have four associate attorneys and a para-legal dilligently working on it as we speak." said Yvette.

"Good let me give you a few pointers... I remember you at PENN LAW...We graduated the same year...
I believe we had a couple of classes together."said Jacqueline.

"It's a small world...Now that I think about it...I remember you vaguely." said Yvette as the two women talked.

Jade had worn a tight orange mini skirt to possibly attract Shawn and get him to help us had all but given up that tact.

His wife was her twin almost...He could see Shawn's attraction to her since he couldn't have her...

Jade smiled at a memory from years ago...before she was married.. before either of them was married.,

Who marched over to Jade's apartment and banged on her door..
Once more Jade answered the door in her bra and panties and a man's shirt..

"I'll be glad when they transfer you to Houston or Atlanta...What do you want?" said Jade..
"Where are your friends Jade? I'm in no mood to play.. Where Are they?" he asked.
''Did you try Josie's ,Aqua Bar or Stoleys?" she asked.
"How the hell would I know? They're young people...They like to party...Maybe they tired of you watching their every move.. By the way, did you see what I was wearing last night.? That Gold Thong and Purple Bra-lette…?/" she asked..

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...Oh My god Jade...I nearly came in my trousers..You are sooo hot.." said Shawn Columbsy...
''Come inside...Don't stand in the hallway yelling at me.."she said..
He walked inside and closed the door..

"I didn't mean to yell at you Jade.." he said softly...
Jade stood close to him...

"Shawnnnnnn, If I asked you nicely....would you put a stop to this around the clock spying on me and my friends?" asked Jade..
''Well uh, it uh depends on how nice you ask..Heh Heh Heh?" he said..

She kissed him softly...

"That was nicely, wasn't it?" she said softly...

"Yes ..Yes it was.. It was very nice.." he said.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMM UMMMMMMMMMMM!" they both moaned and continued kissing...

They kissed passionately for about FIFTEEN MINUTES....

"Look, they are Attorneys...

they are representing a client.. A client who was subpoenaed in a federal murder trial...They're working on getting him a new work visa...now why can't you back off, huh?" she said softly...speaking of the people who were like family to her...The closest thing to family she had in these United States.
His trousers were standing out like a circus tent.. He was very aroused..

"Jade it's my job.....but..if you continue asking me uh nicely heh heh heh...I can make this whole thing go away..." he said softly...
Jade stroked his crotch area softly....

"I'm asking nicely...."she said softly....

"Yes you are ...and I like it...Jade...I'm weak for you....I-I'll pull my men off..but when he shows up at court...I've got to take him.. unless you're real nice to me.. Know what I mean?" he said..
He slipped his hands down into her panties and rubbed her buttocks..They continued to kiss passionately...Jade could feel how hard he was...she hated to admit it, but all this kissing and fondling was getting her slightly aroused too..

This continued for another FIFTEEN MINUTES.....Shawn unhooked her bra and began to suck on her breasts...She softly removed his hands and snapped her bra back on...

''Let's not take this too far." she said softly...

''Why not? We are both adults...We are alone...I'm ready." he said.

She eyed his trousers....

"Yes...I see.." she said..

He threw her up against the wall and kissed her as passionately and slowly as he'd ever kissed a woman.. 

For a few minutes Jade did find it enjoyable, but she did not intend to sleep with this man...He had tried to have her deported...She hadn't forgot that..

She broke free of his embrace...She was trying to catch her breath...

"Look I've got to get dressed and run to my office.. When I come back...maybe we'll talk about how nice I could be.."she whispered..
''Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd! Okay Jade....Ohhh" he moaned..as he left her apartment...
And just like that...He pulled his men off of all of the residences...
Shawn was sooo easy she had thought..

But that was six years ago...an eternity...Things had changed...They both were married now.....To Other people.


Jade and Ms. Yvette rode home on the train alone tonight...By the time they finished...All of us were long gone and home.

"Wow! Shawn is married and to a woman who is a mirror image of you...wasn't that something?" asked Ms. Yvette.

"Yes, really, you can't know how shocked I was...Did you actually know her in law school?  "asked Jade.
"I had two, maybe three classes with her...We weren't friends and we never socialized...She was easily forgettable..So was I ,I suppose...My besties back then were Olivia Bennett, Karen Page, Sharon Harris, now Hopkins , Tony Hopkins, oh yeah and Greg Garland.....I wasn't really close to anyone else."said Yvette.

"Shawn was always obsessed with me a bit....Now he has me...I suppose in a warped kinda way." said Jade.

"Yeah, very. That's kinda creepy!" said Yvette.  Both women laughed.

After work, the four of us, Me, Bee Bee, Sofia and Kahlil walked down to Food Corner..It was just like the old days when we lived in the apartment complex..

"Hey this is just like the old days..huh?" I said as we all ate our Banana Splis..

"Yeah coming here after work, Having Pizza or Ice Cream..It does bring back memories." said Bee Bee..

"Only we live six blocks the other way in our homes and not in the apartments."said Sofia.

"I'm still glad we live close to this place,." said Kahlil.

"Yes...It is a pretty cool place to hang out and eat at." said Lee , who lived six blocks the other way in our old Apartment complex.

She too had joined us this afternoon for a late snack!

After we finished....The four of us walked home and Lee walked back to her apartment..


She felt better having been with us most of the night.... Her doorbell rang shortly after her arrival..

It was Matthew-

"Hi Lee..." he said.  His left eye was partially swollen...So was his cheek.

"What happened to you?   What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I had a fight... It was nothing....Long story....Anyway...I know I'm supposed to be in Cherry Hill, but I couldn't stop thinking about you....I just had to see you.." said Matthew Akes.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww!" she said.   "Let me get a cold towel for your face...." she said.

"I don't need a cold towel, all I need is you." he said and took her into his arms..

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" he moaned..

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you're so sweet." said Lee continuing to kiss him..

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM YOUR LIPS ARE SO SOFT!" he said in between kisses..

"SO ARE YOURS!" she said.

This was all happening so fast...she thought..

They both undressed each other...

He unsnapped her bra...

and slipped her panties down...

And before she knew what hit her, they were both in bed....making love...



"I THOUGHT ABOUT YOU ALL DAY!" he exclaimed.

"YOU DID?" she asked.

"YES...I COULDN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY MIND!" he said, thrusting away....

She was so wet, smelled so good...skin so soft...He was nearly delirious, not knowing if he was coming or going....His body was trembling so fiercely, she was almost afraid...


Her head was turning from side to side and she was crying like a little girl, she felt so good..

Her head moved from side to side...Her body trembled...and she began to cry tears like a little girl again!...She was experiencing an intense orgasm....

He couldn't stop....

EIGHT TO NINE HOURS LATER!  they both climaxed for the last time...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuu that felt good!" she said as he cradled her in his arms..


She softly fondled his still hard penis....

and kissed him one last time before they both fell asleep!

The next morning...He and Lee took a hot soapy shower together and got dressed.

"Thank you for staying with me this morning..."said Lee..

"Thank you for letting me stay...I guess I'll see you in court tomorrow." said Matthew..

They kissed each other one last time....

He walked away with her lipstick smudge on his shirt and the side of his face...

Sometime later at breakfast...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuu somebody is simply glowing...Did your fella visit you last night?" whispered Jazzy.
"YES HE DID! OH MY GOD!" exclaimed Lee giddily...

Jazzy was sitting on Dabnis's lap...He was slurping his coffee...
Kayla heard the conversation..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu freshie...You've got that "love connection " look on your face." she laughed.
"And what is a love connection face?" asked her husband, Ray,laughing....

"You know what it is...That goofy look you get after I put it on you good.." said Kayla,laughing.

"You know what that face looks like.....You guys get it too, like the look my husband has on his face now." said Jessica.

" Huh?? What?" laughed Chip...
Jazzy and Kayla busted out laughing....

"Pay them no mind...Whoever your fella is, invite him to party with us..."said Karen..
"Oh he'll be around sooner than you think." said Lee.
"Good ,Can't wait to meet him." said Natalie.
"What does he do for a living?" asked her husband, David.
"He's an attorney....He practices International Law at the Consulate..." said Lee.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuu now that's going for the gusto."laughed Brooke.

"I like that." said Sean.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm good breakfast this morning.." said Zoey.
"Yes."said her husband Lem as he finished his breakfast....
"We'll be at Curleys on Thursday Night, Couples Night...And if he can...Friday Night and Saturday Morning at No ID Bar....That would be perfect for him..."said Renee.

"That would be nice...I-I hope he can make it." said Lee.

"Is he Asian like you?" asked Tyrell.
"He's Black, like you!" said Lee jokingly.

"Ohhhhh nice!" said Paris.

"Ohhhhhhhh nice!"
laughed Lee again...She enjoyed joking with Paris, Tony and Tyrell, they were like Big Brothers to her.

Tony laughed hysterically......
Later in our conference room...

"Ms. Yvette, I feel I should tell you this before we go any further...Matthew Akes, our client and I are an item...We have been sleeping together for a short while...I should tell you...He actually lives down the hall from me in my apartment complex...If this is a conflict of interest...I'll remove myself from the case. I had no idea he was going to be our client. I wanted to be transparent."said Lee.


 "That's not a problem at all...You are not removing yourself from this case...You have helped us too much...You and him, That's your personal business...It has nothing to do with this case.. Now concerning his case are we ready for our first court appearence tomorrow?" asked Ms. Yvette.

''We are ready!" I said.
"Ready as we'll ever be." said a smiling Bee Bee.
"It's at 9:00 am" said Sofia.
"Hopefully we'll get out in time for breakfast at Sam Mother's." said Kahlil.
"Do I need to be there?" asked Jade.
"No you don't have to be there Jade....Stay here and keep Virginia company!" said Yvette.

"Yeah, keep me company."laughed Virginia.

We all laughed...

Philadelphia's International Consulate.

The floor of the consulate cafeteria-

"Somebody beat the hell out of this kid..."said a crime scene investigator...

"Yeah, cause of death appears to be blunt force trauma..."said another crime scene investigator..

"Body temperature says he's been dead a little over three hours."said Dr. Hazel Baylor..

"Somebody hit him in the back of the head with a blunt object...Meaning there could have been two people here...One he was fighting with and another who came afterwords."said Dr. Marcy Martin.

''We got a couple of eyewitnesses who say he was in an argument that turned into a fist fight between
our guy here and another guy...a Nigerian attorney named Matthew Akes.. The victim's name is Gabriel Secane. He is allegedly an operative of the Department of Government Efficiency.." said a Homicide Detective.

"Another eyewitness said the two men were fighting because one accused the other of snitching him out to ICE.." said another detective.

"Find this Akes kid...Pick him up." said Lt. Tragg.

At that very moment, Ice Agents were raiding the apartment complex where both Matthew Akes and Lee Phillips lived searching for him....

While Lt. Tragg and a Tactical squad of policeman raided his apartment also and like the ICE Agents, finding nothing...


Virginia did a double take when she saw the woman in our office...

"Jade, you changed your clothes and your hairstyle that quick?? I just saw you." said Virginia.

"I have met your Jade...I assure you, I am not she....I must see your Ms. Yvette..It is of the utmost importance." said Jacqueline Columbsy.

"I'll, I'll get her right away." said Virginia.

Virginia entered the conference room where Ms. Yvette, Myself, Bee Bee, Lee Phillips, Sofia, Kahlil AND Ms. Jade were seated..



"Vettie, somone to see you, says it's very important."said Virginia.

Yvette followed her into the lobby and was surprised to see-

"Jacqueline....I mean Mrs. Columbsy..." she said.

"That's okay...The son of my dear friend and mentor has been arrested and charged with murder....Matthew Akes...I know you guys were working on his citizenship....but you've got to help him..." she said.

"Murder?? Murder?? We had a court hearing tomorrow at Immigration!" said Yvette.

"He came to visit his dad yesterday at the consjulate and he ran into a guy named Gabriel 
Secane, a punk who is part of the new Department of Government Efficiency...He's been hanging around being a complete nuisance for the past month... Matthew Jr. believed that he snitched his status to ICE... Shortly after he arrived, ICE agents began asking about his status and even though he's been in Philadelphia and the U.S. his entire life...He's in danger of being deported to Nigeria...Where he hasn't been since he was six months old...

Words were exchanged and they got into a big fist fight...It was pretty bad...It took about five of our guys to pull them apart.... Matt left....Sometime after the fight ,Gabriel was found dead near the vending machines in the back hallway... Somebody struck him in the head with a blunt instrument of some kind,
killed him!   I know Matt didn't do it....Matt is no killer....Matt left him alive...I'll testify to that!" she said.

"Thank you for coming...Take this note pad, write down the names of people who will vouch for his charactor, I need phone numbers, email addresses and home addresses...Write them down and give this list to Ms. Virginia here." said Yvette.

As Ms. Virginia came out...

Yvette returned to the conference room! 

 "Change of plans guys and gals... Our client, Matthew Akes has been arrested and charged with murder...We've got to go and get him and soon." said Yvette.

"Murder??? Nooooo! That can't be...That just can't be..."said Lee Phillips.

"Don't worry...We are going to get him right now." I said.
"I suppose I'd better call and cancel our hearing tomorrow."said Bee Bee.
"Yeah let's get on that."said Sofia.
"We need to get charactor witnesses.."said Kahlil....

"We are already on that!....Jade, Virginia will have a list ready for you." said Yvette.

"That was fast." said Jade..
"Everybody else, follow me."said Yvette.



The Fishbowl, the nickname the detectives gave to their interrogation room- 

"Two eyewitnesses say you and the boy, Gabriel Secane were seen fighting..."said Lt. Tragg.

"Fighting....I didn't kill him..We were pulled apart and I left..I didn't return, end of story."said Matthew Akes.

But talking to Lt. Tragg was like talking to a brick wall...

"You were still angry and you came back and brained him with a baseball bat." he snarled.

"You should write for television...That's a good story, but that's all it is..a story.. It didn't happen..I left and I went home..." said Matthew.

"Look, make it easy on yourself...We got you for manslaughter, you two fought...In the heat of anger, you killed him."said Lt. Tragg.

"I didn't kill him." protested Matthew Akes.


 ''Say no more Matthew...We are here."said Yvette.

Lee looked like she wanted to cry, seeing him like this...

He looked so hurt and embarrassed , her seeing him in this predicament, and on the eve of his citizenship hearing.

"Like Ms. Yvette said, We are here now." I said.
"Not another word to anybody about your case ."said Bee Bee softly.
"We are going to try and get you arraigned. Mrs. Columbsy provided us with charactor witnesses,,,"said Sofia.

''We are going to get you out of here as soon as possible."said Kahlil.

Lt. Tragg eyed Lee Phillips.   "I seen you with Olivia and Beverly a few weeks ago, now you're with Vettie... A new addition to your crew Yvette/" asked Lt. Tragg.

Lee Phillips was silent.

"She's a para-legal and a law student...She graduates from law school in a few weeks...She's been interning with Olivia and me..."explained Yvette.

"Ohhhhhhhh I seee."said Lt. Tragg..

Just then a man walked into the "Fishbowl"

"I'll take him off your hands Lieutenant,"said the man..

"Who are you?" asked Lt. Tragg,..,

"I'm Lieutenant William Stryker, ICE...He's a candidate for deportation."  he said.



  1. Oh My God this was hot! Throwing my panties and my bra to the rafters!

  2. The Love Story that is blossoming here is beautiful with the backdrop of a murder .

  3. I'm loving this story...It is different...Loving this African man and his Asian Boo!

  4. Cute Couple...Good Storyline...Now he's in double trouble...Reminds me of how they met Jade a little bit.

  5. Makes me glad I'm an American Citizen in these perilous times for Immigrants. Good Storyline Keith, Ripped from today's headlines.

  6. Jade was a big tease back in the day....Guess Shawn got tired of her and got him a Jade....Though I admit.. This is kinda creepy.
