"Oh My God, Bee Bee, she's in our old apartment..." gushed Sofia.
"Ohhhhhh wowwwww!" said Bee Bee.
Bee Bee and Sofia came to their old apartment complex to pick up Para-Legal, Lee Phillips.
"Oh wow, talk about co-incidences....You two lived here huh?" said Lee Phillips...
She filled up her laundry bag...
"I'm ready to go.." said Lee smiling.
"Ouuu her laundry bag is so cute!" laughed Bee Bee.
"I knowwww." gushed Sofia...
The three girls got on the bus that was waiting for us.
and the catering van with the food that followed everybody to the laundromat..
"Once a month, we all packed our laundry in laundry bags ,boarded the bus and headed across town to a modern laundromat where we did our laundry... Beverly had discovered this place and had come up with the idea of us picking a Saturday and coming together and washing and drying our clothes..
When we lived in the apartment complex....Kahlil and I used to follow the girls to our basement laundromat and do our clothes... That basement laundromat had four washers and three working dryers and was dark and badly lit..They never wanted to go down there alone..
We hated doing laundry...Now of days we loved it!
We arrived at the huge building that housed the laundromat...
"Ouuuuuuuu this place is beautiful."said Lee.
We unpacked our laundry, picked our machines....
"You're going to be working with us next week Lee."said Yvette.
"I'm looking forward to it.."said Lee. It would be her second time working with us.
"You just finished working with Olivia and her crew and now you're back with Ms. Vettie and her crew...You are getting the kind of experience you can't pay for." said Gary.
"And she's having fun on top of that." I laughed.
''We always make sure she has a good time."said Bee Bee
"But I'm sure she has just as much fun with Beverly, Josie and Bree."said Sofia.
"We are all a fun bunch!" said Kahlil.
"True that." said Jade.
Her husband, Danny laughed.
"Here comes the food...Let's eat first.." said Virginia.
"Amen" said Jetty...
Alfreda, Rockland and Renee brought the trays in and lit them up and got the food prepared.
A Catered Breakfast
Hoagies for lunch
and Cheese steaks for lunch also..
There was a Thermos full of Hot Coffee and a Thermos full of Hot Soup!
"You guys thought of everything."gushed Lee.
"This is doing laundry, not the most fun event...We try to make it as bearable as necessary." said Olivia.
"I know what we forgot...Cards..." said Donnie Ray.
"Oh well...We are going to be busy....I know Nelson and I have a lot of laundry.." said Beverly..
"Glad they have enough machines."said Nelson.
"That's another thing we love...Look how many of us it is...And there is enough machines for all of us."said Josie.
"Yeah nobody has to wait, like we do at the laundromat around our way..."said her husband, Paris.
"I have a lot of laundry.....I'm using two machines and still not holding anybody up."said Bresha.
"Same Here.."said Tony...
"Everybody grab a paper plate , a knife, a spoon and a fork and dig in...Don't by shy...We are all family here," said Alfreda.
Her husband Rockland was the first in line,,,,
"Ouuuuuuuu this is sooo cool, You guys are so cool."said Lee..."All I'm missing is a plus one."she laughed.
"There's no man in your life Lee?" asked Jazzy..
"There is a guy in my building....He's an attorney too! He's kind of interesting...I met him in the basement laundry room of all places ....LOL!" she said.
"You should have invited him to this." said Dabnis.
"I don't....I don't know him that well...We've only met in the laundry room and in the hallway once or twice."giggled Lee.
"Ouuuuuuuuu you are blushing." laughed Kayla.
"I predict you two are going to meet more than just once or twice." said Ray...
"Leave her alone you guys, you're embarrassing her."laughed Jessica.
"All things in due time." laughed Chip.
"I used to live in this building....a lot of it's residences are gone for the weekend...They use this place during the week, but they probably make the most money the one or two times we all come here."said Karen Page-Benz, who now lived down the street from us.
Her husband, B.L. had put his clothes in a washing machine and was eating his breakfast...
Natalie and her husband David were putting their clothes in a washer and sitting in a corner, eating their breakfast and talking quietly.
David looked at her adoringly...
That warmed her bestie, Brooke's heart ,watching them and sitting on her husband's lap..
Their clothes were already in the washers...
Her husband Sean was the first one to place his clothes in a dryer....
Zoey was eating her breakfast...her clothes were in one of the large washers....
''Wow, we get a months worth of clothes washed and dried in here."said Lem.
"Us too!" said Renee, who was enjoying her food..
"Shame we didn't bring any cards, and there are no games on TV, but it's cool." said Tyrell.
We all ate the food ,leaving very little behind and finished our day...packed up our things..
and headed to our homes.
in the apartment complex-
Lee Phillips had been let off at her apartment complex...six blocks from where we all now lived...The Apartment complex we used to call home...
She put her laundry bag down in the corner...She would sort her clothes in the morning...when her doorbell rang... She had already began to undress...
It was the handsome lawyer from Nigeria she had met a week ago in the laundry room.
She cracked the door just enough for him to see she was in her panties.
"Oh my god, wait!" she said and closed the door quickly.. He had gotten a good look and had seen more than he ought to.
"I'm so sorry ,come in.." she said embarrassed...She threw on her night shirt...
"It's okay....I have a sister...I've seen a woman in her underwear before." he laughed.. "If this is a bad time.." he said. He was Matthew Akes, the young Nigerian Lawyer she had met a few weeks ago in the laundry room and again last week again in the hallway.
They had had coffees and Pizza and quiet conversation late night in the Food Court a few days after that..
A popular eatery a few blocks from their apartment complex..It was quite obvious they were attracted to each other.
"Oh No...No.....Come in!" said Lee. Her night shirt came to her hips...He could see she had nice legs.
"I uh...I found these in the uh laundry room...I think they are yours." he said. He had a cute smile ,she thought to herself...
passing her a bra and a pair of panties...
"Oh My God, they are mine!!!!....Did I leave anything else?" she asked..
"No I don't think so"..He laughed, smiling... "I came by earlier today, but you uh weren't in." he said.
"I uh ironically enough was doing my laundry today!....I was across town with my lawyer friends...Some of the lawyers I've been interning with..."said Lee who was blushing like crazy...,,.
"Oh that's right...You are almost finished law school....Just a few more weeks now huh? Well if you need someone to help you study for the bar...I'd be glad to help..." he said.
"Oh that would be nice....That's so sweet of you." she said. "Come in...let me fix you some coffee." she said.
He walked inside and looked around...
"Nice place you have here..." he said.. He had walked her to her apartment the week before, but had never been inside before.. He noticed her...She had nice legs...and a nice shape...
She noticed he had a huge bulge, a huge erection in his trousers....She smiled a devilish smile and giggled to himself.
As she fixed them both a cup of coffee...
Elsewhere that night, six blocks away...
After we all got home from doing our laundry that day....We were all settled down with our significant others.. What better way to spend a cold winter night than to be making love.?
Bee Bee was wearing another sheer see through Baby doll.....She had just taken a hot shower and walked into our bedroom..
My eyes popped out of my head..She had on a new bra and matching panties and a pink baby doll that I hadn't seen before.
She giggled..
"Oh my goddd..look at you...Are you going to act like this all the time?..WOW!!! That boner in your boxers is massive." she said and put her hands over her mouth..
"I'm gonna start watching you when you get dressed in the morning."I said.
"Awww you say that all the time."giggled Bee Bee.
I pulled her towards me...Is this something you bought at Bridget's store the other day?" I asked.
"Yes, the bra, the panties and the baby doll...I knew you'd like it." she giggled..
"I like everything on you.." I said.
"Awwwwwwwwwwww" she giggled.
I undressed and unhooked her bra and slipped her panties down and off and took her into my arms and kissed her softly....
Who could ask for anything more?
"Ohhhhh my godddd, Bee Bee..."I moaned...
"Ummmmmm, ouuuuuuuuuuuu you are so hard....Ouuuuuu, look at youuuu!" she exclaimed as she stroked me lightly...
We lie across the bed, kissing and practically slobbering over each other....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Bee Bee..." I moaned..
Soon we were making love passionately on top of the bed..
The next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, all we were thinking about was each other..
The same was next door at Kahlil and Sofia's house..
Sofia and Kahlil were lying across the bed..
Kissing ,fondling and laughing..
He unhooked her bra and slipped her panties down and off...
"OHHHHHHHH MAMASITA!!!" he moaned...
"OUUUUUUUUUUU PAPI...AYE MIOS DIOS! You are sooo damn hard! OUUUUU! AND BIG! AYE MIOS DIOS" Sofia moaned as she rode him on the side of the bed until neither one of them could take anymore...
"You've always gotten me hard mamasita." said Kahlil.
before they too were making sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!
"Don't worry baby....I'll protect you." said Gary ,hugging Yvette..
"I know you would....I love you." said Ms. Yvette ,finally calming down after a day of anger.
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu this is the best feeling after today!" said Yvette..
"I'm glad I'm able to make you feel good." said Gary...
"Ummmmmmmm is it good to you? Is it good to you baby?" cooed Yvette.
They had made love early into the morning hours....
Enjoying their massive and new smart bed..
Yvette smiled..
The bed was sturdy and very very comfortable...It moved with their every move and was very comfortable and warm..It actually enhanced their lovemaking..
EIGHT TO NINE HOURS had passed by.
Bee Bee and I were fast asleep in each others arms..
Sofia and Kahlil were in each others arms and still kissing, almost asleep.
And Gary and Ms. Yvette were sound asleep..
A nice finale for a nice Saturday..
And At Ms. Jade's House...
"I'm so glad we are finally home." said Danny...
"I'm glad to be home with you too." said Jade.
"Come here..." said Danny, pulling her towards him..
They kissed passionately..
Standing in the middle of their bedroom kissing passionately.
Danny slipped her panties down....
She eased herself down on Danny slowly.....
They began making love.
Enjoying a nice cold winter afternoon and night.
At Ms. Virginia's House, a few doors down...
"Jetty!! You're staring at me like you want to rip my clothes off."said Ms. Virginia.
"I swear sometimes I feel like it."said Jetty.
"You don't have to do that...Don't I give you easy access.?" asked Virginia, jokingly..
"You sure do baby, you surrrre do!" he said.
"I'm positive. your penis got bigger...Ouuuuu lawddd!" said Ms. Virginia..
"I'm certain it has...especially in the last few seconds...Heh Heh Heh!" he laughed.
"You are so nasty....You Horny old mannnnnnnn!" she cooed..
"But I'm your horny old man....Nobody elses dollface." he said.
"That's rightttttttttttt you're my horny old husband.." she said..
"YES I AM!!!!." he whispered.
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU YEAH!" she said and they both giggled in between smouldering hot kisses.
He unhooked her bra...
He slipped her panties down...
and humped her over the bed....
Jetty was on top of her and didn't know if he was coming or going... She always smelled so good, Her skin was so soft...and her voice was so entrancing, he couldn't control himself..
"YOU LIKE IT DADDY?" she asked him..\
"YOU LIKE IT DADDY?" she asked him..\
"LAWD!!" he mumbled as they made sweet love..for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS. He was deeply in love in a way he had never been before...Virginia loved that a man loved her this much....
And in Lee Phillips apartment. She and Matthew Akes were kissing passionately as if they had known each other for years instead of just weeks...
"Did getting a glimpse of me in my panties get you all hot and bothered ?" she asked Matthew
"No....I've been hot and bothered about you since the day I met you." said Matthew Akes..
"You're fresh....." she laughed as they continued kissing.
"Ouuuuuuuuuu!" she cooed, laughing..
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" he moaned... She liked the sound of his voice..
He reached under her night shirt and slipped her panties down..
and sat her on the counter, spread her legs apart..
..,dropped his trousers and boxers and slowly entered her.....
"Ouuuuuuuuuu...no wait..." she said..
She ran into her bedroom and came back with a condom...
"Here, use this." she said. He smiled...slipped it on....
"You're so big...it almost doesn't fit....I'll have to buy a larger size next time."she smiled nervously...
He spread her legs and entered her again.....She was so warm and so wet....
"OH MY GOD! LEEEE!" he moaned..
"AWWWWWWW LAWWWWD!" he moaned...
"UMMMMMPH!" she moaned.
They went at it for TWO HOURS!
"WOWWW! That was..That was awesome!" she said, catching her breath....
''WOWWW! Can I..Can I spend the night?" he asked.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! But that doesn't mean you can't spend the night at some future time..."said Lee..
She gave him a soft kiss..
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" she whispered and smiled.
"Most definitely." he said. "Good Night Lee." he said as he left..
"Good Night Matt." she said, smiling...
A Nice ending to a Saturday!...
MONDAY MORNING!-The Bridge Building.
We were all in the Cafeteria... Lee would be working with us today..
"I love your cafeteria...It's like a five star restaurant." said Lee.
"Yeah, everybody says that... We love it... We missed you at uh Super Brunch yesterday."said Jazzy.
"I overslept...remind me to tell you about it." said Lee.
"Ouu okay!" said Jazzy, not pushing her...She figured Lee would tell her when she was ready.
"Another work week huh?" said Jazzy's husband, Dabnis.
"Yes....We've got a big litigation today....I'm glad it's here ." said Kayla.
"That's how I felt last week...Glad it was here and we didn't have to travel in town." said her husband Ray.
"I've got to run over to immigration... "said Jessica.
"I'll call an Uber."said her husband, Chip.
"Well we've got to run to court..." said Karen.
"I've gotta run to work."said B.L. ,who was eating breakfast with ua..
"Well at least we got to have breakfast before we go to court."said Natalie.
"Hopefully we'll be back in time for lunch."said her husband, David.
"You got anything going on today?" Brooke asked her husband...
"I got two cases...both should be done by Thursday if I'm lucky....They aren't major."said Sean.
''A lawyers life..We have a litigation today."said Zoey...
"Yeah I know...Glad it's here."said her husband, Lem.
"Yeah, I am too! I don't feel like traveling far..It's kinda cold."said Renee.
"We had a big litigation last week..but it was here..." said her husband, Tyrell.
"Yeah that was a big one."said Paris.
''Well it's clean up day today...Putting files back..Writing our end of case reports."said Tony.
"Glad to have you working with us Lee, Our client will be meeting with us today in our conference room."said Yvette.
"I'm looking forward to working with you guys again."said Lee with a bright smile.
"You've been having fun between Olivia and Beverly and us.. " I said.
"I know you can't wait until your graduation.."said Bee Bee.
"That's how we felt when we were where you are now...We couldn't wait...."said Sofia.
"It'll come soon enough.."said Kahlil..
Jade hugged her...She was happy to have a countryman with her..
Lee smiled sweetly.
''Well let's gather our things and get upstairs to our meeting."said Virginia.
She kissed Jetty...
"Bye Baby!" she said.
Jetty smiled..
Upstairs in our conference room Ms. Yvette addressed us..
"This is an immigration case...What makes this time sensitive is that our client is desperately trying to get his American Citizenship...He's been in the United States since he was six months old...He doesn't know anything else..anywhere else and they want to deport him to a country, Nigeria that he's never known...His Mother and Father and his older sister have all gotten their citizenship in the past few years and he's working on his... Mamasita, this is your area of expertise...I want you and our para-legal Lee, who will be with us this week to work on this."said Ms. Yvette.
"On it!"said Sofia.
Lee smiled. She'd be learning Immigration law...
"Keith, you Bee Bee and Kahlil will assist them in whatever way you can...
''We're on it!"I said.
Bee Bee and Kahlil backed me up.
"Ahhh here is our guest now!"said Ms. Yvette..
The tall handsome young man, Matthew Akes walked into the conference room..
Lee Phillips's jaw dropped.It was him! HE WAS THE CLIENT!!
Matthew Akes was surprised to see Lee...He knew she was interning for several area lawyers but had no idea she'd be here...
"Hello everyone...Thank you for providing me this audience." he said. I was born in Nigeria..My Mother and Father came to the United States and Philadelphia when I was six months old and my sister was two...
My Father had a law degree from the Lagos Law School...So did my Mom...They came here on student visas and got American Law Degrees from University Of Pennsylvania Law School and got their citizenship within the next three years.
My Sister and I attended Philadelphia Public schools...My sister graduated from Girls High and I Graduated from Central High School.." he said.
"Bee And I went to Girls High." said Sofia..
Bee Bee smiled.
''And I graduated from Central." said Kahlil.
"I graduated from Girls High also." said Lee.
Matthew Smiled..
"I did my undergrad at Lasalle University...Guess I loved the area..."he said.
"OKAYYYYYY! I went to and graduated from Lasalle also...."said Yvette, smiling...
"I graduated from Yale Law School..." he continued.
"BOOOOOOOOOO!" I said laughing...
"A YALEY! BOOOOOO!" said Ms. Yvette laughing.
"We are PENN LAW SCHOOL GRADS!"laughed Bee Bee.
"All of us."said Sofia.
"Yeah!"laughed Kahlil.
Matthew laughed... "Well this Yaley needs your help. We are all Ivy Leauge." he said diplomatically.
"You're a good lawyer....You practice International Law eh? You're good."joked Yvette.
"My sister is in Med School at PENN ...She got her citizenship two years ago...I've been procrastinating...but now I've gone all in in getting my citizenship...I really need your help... I've been visited by ICE agents twice...The net is tightening..." said Matthew..."This is why I'm here." he said.
"Well we are going to start working on your citizenship right now....Do you have a proper work visa?" asked Ms. Yvette.
"Yes." he said and he produced it.....
"Okay...we'll start from there." said Ms. Yvette,.
"You're in good hands...They helped me get my citizenship...and I've been here, working for them ever since...I know a guy in ICE...I'll check with him ...See what we can do to stop the harrassment."said Jade.
Lee Phillips went downstairs a little later to get a soda and ran into Jazzy.
"Hey Girl, you came down here too huh? I tell you neither of our floors have any vending machines worth a damn." laughed Jazzy.
"I just noticed...Jasmine...uh have you ever met a cute guy and you feel as though you uh gave it up too fast?" asked Lee.
"Girrrrrrrl more times than I care to count....and ironically, I made my husband wait for years before I gave him some.. It's not a good thing to do...but sometimes it works out. Wait a minute? Did you do the nasty with someone Saturday Night after laundry day?"asked Jazzy,laughing.."OUUUUUU YOU FRESH THING!"she laughed.
"I met this guy in the laundry room of my building a few weeks ago...I was washing a few things...so was he.. He's cute...Tall, Handsome....We struck up a conversation...He's from Nigeria, but he's been in Philly since he was a baby......He has a law degree from Yale....I told him I went to Middleton Law School for two years and got pregnant and had to drop out...I told him about how I lost the baby and after a year I got my credits transferred to Drexel University's Thomas Klein Law School and that I'm almost finished... He gave me encouragement and that was that...
We met again a week later.. I was working with Olivia and Beverly on their murder case...he ran into me when I was coming home one night,...We sat on the stoop and talked until 1:00 in the morning about the case and my internships...He told me I was getting good experience and he encouraged me..
Then the night before the jury verdict in Olivia and Beverly's case.
We went to Food Corner and got some coffee and a couple of slices of Pizza and talked some more..He wished me good luck.
and then there was Saturday afternoon...You guys had just dropped me off..He came to my door with my bra and a pair of my panties that I left in the washing machine a week ago...He came inside.. That was the first time he was in my apartment...We had some coffee..We talked some more...One thing lead to another and the next thing you know..We are kissing and he's got my panties down and his trousers and boxers down and he's inside of me thrusting away,.,"said Lee.
"Yeah, it usually happens like that... A kiss leads to a screw. He had your bra and panties for a week...He could've given them to you long before then...He was waiting for the right moment...A Saturday Night....And you didn't give it up that fast...It's not like it was the first time you guys met...I wouldn't sweat it...You did use protection didn't you?" asked Jazzy.
"Yes I did. I'm not trying to get pregnant again , not this close to graduating law school."said Lee..
"Good Girl ! So.....Was it good?" asked Jazzy,laughing..
"Ouuuuuuu girl, he's like a horse and he takes his time and ouuuuuuuuuuuu!" cooed Lee..
"Girrrrl you sound like you're sprung."laughed Jazzy.
"I don't know what I am... but guess what? He's our client!!!! He's trying to get his citizenship... Philly is all he's known and he has a law degree from Yale.. ICE is breathing down his back."said Lee.
"Then girl you need to get back upstairs and help him out.."laughed Jazzy.
"Thanks for the talk...You're like my big sister that I never had."said Lee, hugging Jazzy.
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" said Jazzy, hugging her.
Back in our conference room... Sofia ,Bee Bee and Lee worked diligently on Matthew Ake's citizenship status...
Kahlil and I were on the phone with the state department and immigration.
"We are trying to speed your citizenship up and contact the government to see what they can do."said Yvette.
"In this climate...probably not much." said Matthew Ake.
"I know somebody in Ice... He might be willing to help." said Jade.
"You guys got it covered."said Matthew.
"We try hard."laughed Yvette. "You go home...Keep as low a profile as you can...You got anyplace you can stay for a few days?" asked Ms. Yvette.
"My parents live in Cherry Hill, My sister lives in town...She's married."said Matthew.
"Your parents are the best bet."said Ms. Yvette.
We headed home-
Lee sat by herself.....looking out the window, enjoying the ride and being with all of these new friends of hers.
She dozed briefly and dreamed of Her and Matthew making love on her counter the night before..and how good he felt inside of her..
Ms. Yvette and Ms. Jade sat together...
Bee Bee sat on my lap and laid her head in the crook of my shoulders..
Sofia did likewise with Kahlil...
Ms. Virginia and Jetty were busy "sucking face, kissing like it was going out of style.
Jazzy sat on her husband, Dabnis's lap...They were talking quietly to each other..
Kayla sat her husband, Ray's lap and quietly dozed off...
"We had a good day today....Tomorrow we are going to help Yvette and her group."said Jessica
"I heard they have an immigration case."said her husband, Chip.
Karen sat back and dozed off... It was a 45 minute ride..She enjoyed the nice sleep she got.
Natalie sat in David's lap, with her head in the crook of his shoulders and dozed off..
Brooke sat on her husband, Sean's lap...They were talking quietly....
Zoey and Lem were kissing passionately....
Renee and her husband, Tyrell were kissing passionately too!
Lee looked at them all... She wanted that for herself.. Even the ones who were sitting by themselves had spouses to go home to or who was coming home to them...Like Paris and Tyrell...married to Josie and Bresha. She had nobody...She had eaten dinner and was now going home to put her laundry away and then go to bed, she thought.
The Train let her off first....She knew that the majority would be getting off at the next station and the rest were getting off at the station after that...
She went home...
She relaxed in her apartment and undressed...She felt for some reason ,alone and couldn't wait until morning when she was with her friends again.
Her doorbell rang!
"Who could this be?" she thought...
It was Matthew Akes..
"Hi Lee....Uh Ms. Yvette told me uh I should uh go stay with my parents for a few days...I'm planning to go..but I had to see you again..." he said.
She smiled...She gazed at the huge bulge in his trousers...
"You wanted one for the road didn't you?" she said and smiled.
"Heh Heh Heh!" he laughed devilishly....
"I brought my own condom." he laughed.
"Ouuuuuuuuuu Look at youu! ,Come in...I don't want my neighbors seeing you all hard and erect..."she said.
He kissed her slowly, softly, passionately...
"Ohhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyy...Ouuuuuu you are very forward.....and very erect.....OUUUUUUUUU!" she said..Her legs shaking...She liked being held by a man, by this man....She found herself aroused beyond compare....She unzippered his trousers and softly caressed his engorged and erect penis...
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW IT'S ALL FOR YOU!" he moaned..sweating bullets...
"OH MYYYYYYY!" she said.
He lifted her night shirt and dug his hands deep into her panties...
and slipped them down...
He laid her across her bed, spread her legs and slowly entered her...
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUU IT FEELS GOOD...IT FEELS GOOOD! IT FEEEELS GOOOOOD!" she cried out.both of her legs were shaking, her whole body was trembling something fierce.....her head turned from side to side and tears were streaming down her face....She was experiencing an intense orgasm.....
They began making sweet sweet love......"OHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ,UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" she moaned..as the bed rocked and squeaked louder than it had since they'd begun making sweet love... The headboard creaked and sounded like it might split in half...
"AWWWWWWWWWWWW, AWWWWWWW baby....Oh my goddd this is sooooooooo damn good.." he moaned...
" OHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" she screamed out....
The bed squeaked even louder...
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed. She had yet another intense orgasm , that had her crying like a school girl, had her head turning from side to side and had her legs trembling...
They made love for the nextEIGHT TO NINE HOURS!! She couldn't believe how passionate he was, his stamina.. It was as if he didn't want to get up off of her!!
This time, she wound up sleeping on top of him with his arms around her..She never felt more comfortable with a man...
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