Friday, March 14, 2025

Forever In A Day

 Prelude- Daybreak! Monday Morning.

Matthew Akes and Lee Phillips awoke and took a long hot shower together.... They didn't have time for breakfast...

They kissed passionately once the shower stopped...They were dripping wet...

"Mmmmmmmmm let's dry off and get dressed.." said Lee..

"I don't want to let you go." he moaned..

"You have to...We have a trial to go to....pass me a towel."she said.
They got dressed..

"Ouuuuuuuuu look at my handsome mannnnn." said Lee, smiling and admiring him...

They took Lee's car to the courthouse.

At the courthouse... Kahlil and I bought coffees for everyone....

"Coffee's everyone."said Kahlil.
"Come and get em." I said ,passing out coffees.

"Thank You guys." said Yvette.
"Thanks guys." said Bee Bee.,
"There is a great coffee shop down the street that we always buy from."said Sofia.
"Ummm this is good." said Lee.,

"Yes....Just what I needed to wake me up." said Matthew.

From a distance, Lt. Tragg and Jumpshot Jim addressed the press concerning the "Immigrant Murder Case" as they were calling it.

"This whole case is a tragedy for everybody involved>" said an unsually contrite Lt. Tragg.
"We don't want to sensationalize this case more than it needs to be... This young man has been here in Philadelphia since he was 6 months old.. He is not a  citizen..but he's been here his entire life...I understand he was in the midst of getting his citizenship before this unfortunate event in which he took this man's life." he said.
Standing in the corner watching us and watching the new conference was Lt. William Stryker.

All the players were here....



"Good Morning Attorneys and Potential Jurors...I am Judge Michael King.. A lot of you Attorneys know me.....This is beginning to sound like a broken record but Welcome to my courtroom....Due to courtroom crowding of cases , we are going to bypass a preliminary hearing...We know that a crime, a henious crime has been committed..A Brutal double murder of a young man and a young woman, so we are going to go straight to trial.. We will have Jury selection today...I'll be out tomorrow..So Wednesday  we will begin with trial." said Judge King.. "We will start today with introductions.." he said.

"Representing the Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania, Assistant District Attorney, James Taylor your honor." he said.

"Jumpshot Jim. Yes, I know you.."said the Judge, smiling.

Lee smiled a bit.. She sat next to Ms. Yvette. 

 "Mrs. Yvette Jones-Lockwood, Lead Attorney for the Defense your honor." said Yvette.

"Keith Jones, Attorney for the Defense your honor." I said.
"Mrs. Beatrice Evans-Jones, Attorney for the defense." said Bee Bee.
"Mrs. Sofia Garcia -Ahmed, Attorney for the Defense your honor." said Sofia.
"Kahlil Ahmed, Attorney for the Defense, your honor." said Kahlil.

Jade sat with the defendant, Matthew Akes, who looked out into the visitors section and saw his Father, his mother and his pregnant sister..

"Yes I am familliar with all of you....Now that we are done with introductions, We'll begin with Juror selection." he said.

Unlike a month before with a Judge who did everything he could to knee cap us,including not allowing Bee Bee and Sofia to help us and only wanting one of us to select jurors, Judge King did not hinder us..
We had a fine knowledge of each juror...

Bee Bee, Sofia and Lee had laptops and whispered information to us which made it much easier..

Jumpshot Jim to our surprise had did no jury preparation at all..He was flying by the seat of his pants...Which is why we wound up with an 11-1 split, going our way....

Ms. Yvette smiled broadly and came close to clapping...

"Alright We have a Jury.  Trial will begin tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM, Jurors and Attorneys be on time and be ready for trial..You are dismissed said Judge King.


Jumpshot Jim made up for his poor performance at Jury selection the day before. He was more prepared for the actual trial than we believed..

He presented the entire story of the defendent, A young man who had been brought to the United States from Lagos, Nigeria when he was six months old, when his sister was 2 years old..

Both of his parents were educated..His Mother and Father were both lawyers who practiced International law...His sister, married, a medical school student..

He followed his parents into a career in law...

"He and I might have been classmates...We attended Central High School around the same time...He went on to Temple University and then to Yale where he earned a law degree and a JD...He returned to Philadelphia and got a job with his father at the International Consulate..but all the while he neglected getting his American Citizenship...and that my jurors is where he ran into problems...You see his parents and his sister got their citizenship...He procrastinated....

You all know the times we are in...The perilous times we are in...How immigrants are being deported everyday...I know he felt like an American...This is all he knows, but he isn't..He is an Immigrant..

Enter Gabriel Secane, the victim" he said  and he showed the jury a photo of Gabriel's bashed in and bloody head, lying in the back hallway...

"Mr. Secane was an operative of the newly formed Department of Government Efficiency...He was there at the Consulate asking questions and gathering facts...His job...whether you like it or not. His job..

Mr. Akes felt threatened by him...He was asking him questions about where he was born and his citizenship status..He was offended , he was unco-operative and downright hostile.. On this night, he and Mr. Secane engaged in a violent fight... A fight which unfortunately ended in Mr. Secane's death..." he said.

Ms. Yvette didn't dispute any of these facts in her opening statement...She gave a portrait of a very successful and loving family and the youngest son which they adored..

She too presented the entire story of the defendent, A young man who had been brought to the United States from Lagos, Nigeria when he was six months old, when his sister was 2 years old..

Both of his parents were educated..His Mother and Father were both lawyers who practiced International law...His sister, married, a medical school student..

He followed his parents into a career in law...He had never given his parents a day of worry....He had no criminal history at all, not as a teenager or an adult...He didn't even have a parking ticket...

His life was fine before Gabriel Secane arrived on the scene. She said he was a general nuisance ,probing and asking questions, prsonal questions about everyone at the Consulate.

Matthew didn't feel any legal obligation to answer his questions she said.

Then he began getting visits from ICE, She said and that made him nervous and anxious about his freedom.

She explained that she and her associates were ironically enough working on getting him a hearing for citizenship and a test in immigration court just one day before the murder of Mr. Secane.

ICE Lt. William Stryker sat in the visitors section watching the whole thing...


Jumpshot Jim paraded five witnesses who described the fight between Gabriel and Matthew that night..
Like most people who witnessed a fight, even when we were in high school, they all told different versions of just what happened.

Bee Bee and I exploited the differences in their stories on cross....

Sofia and Kahlil addressed the fact that they all said something different in their statement to the police than what they were saying now...

And despite Jumpshot Jim's objections...We were countering him with laws, predicates and laws from other simular cases..

Lt. Tragg was as red as a beet and frustrated with how we were systematically taking apart the case.

Matthew was impressed with us and so was his parents and his sister, who by the way were paying his legal fees. They thought we were worth every penny.

By Thursday-The battle of wits between Ms. Yvette and Jumpshot Jim had grown in nature and stature.,
He presented witnesses we couldn't refute, Police at the murder scene and forensic experts...
All they were presenting was the known facts... That after the fist fight..He had been hit in the back of the head with a blunt object ,causing his death.

Ms. Yvette asked them all if they had found the murder weapon at the scene or at the defendant's apartment.

They said that they did not. She argued that they had fought and been separated and that he had left and not returned. That Mr. Secane was alive when he left..

Sofia and I questioned his witnesses... They all said that after the two were seperated , that Mr. Akes left.  None of them recalled seeing him back at the consulate.

Jumpshot Jim insisted that Matthew returned after the fight, when the others were gone and clobbered 
Gabriel Secane in the back hall..

Kahlil showed the jury footage from the Street Cam and the consulate that showed no one returning that night and certainly not Matthew Akes....

Bee Bee interviewed Lee Phillips, our para-legal on cross.

She said that Matthew came to her apartment that night with a black eye...and swollen cheeks..She tended to his face and they spent the night together and that he did not leave.

Jumpshot Jim argued that he arrived at her apartment, well after the fact..

By now he had lost the jury...and he knew it.. He needed a day to retool..

"We will not be in session, tomorrow, Friday...We'll be in continuance...Court will resume Monday at 9:00 AM, Jurors and Attorneys be here and be ready for trial." said the Judge,.

Jumpshot Jim looked relieved. He certainly wasn't protesting.. 

 "Gary! What are you doing here?" asked Yvette, who was genuinely surprised and happy to see her husband..

Ms. Yvette's Husband, Gary was here today...

"I had a little time off, so I thought I'd come and see my baby work today." he said.

They stood in the corner and kissed passionately.

"Ms. Yvette is happy...Kinda like I am when I wake up next to you in the morning."I said.
"You are such a charmer Hot Stuff...Don't worry you're going to get some tonight."laughed Bee Bee.
"Wow...It's Thursday...Normally I'd be happy...but I know tomorrow is going to be a big day.."said Sofia.
"Yeah...for our client." said Kahlil.
"He'll be fine." said Jade.

"Mom, Dad, This is my girlfriend, that I've been telling you about...Lee Phillips." said Matthew Akes.
"Pleased to meet you." said Lee.

"Pleased to finally meet you Lee.. Junior talks about you soo much...I was beginning to wonder if you really existed." said Matthew Akes Sr.

"He does?" said a very surprised Lee..

"Oh Yes...Lee said this..Lee does this...So nice to finally meet you baby...You're so cute."said his mother, hugging Lee..

"I'm his sister, Yvonne...He didn't mention me...but I'm introducing myself...Hi Lee." said Yvonne, smiling..

"Hi Yvonne."said Lee, who felt so warm, so loved..

"And let me say thank you and great job to your legal team...You guys are the best..."said his father..


 ''We try...We try sir...This is my husband, Gary Lockwood." said Yvette.

"Pleased to meet you sir."said Gary..

"Pleased to meet all of you."I said.
''Pleased to meet you." said Bee Bee.
''Pleased to meet you." said Sofia.
"Pleased to meet you." said Kahlil.
"Pleased to meet you." said Jade.

Lt. Stryker stood by watching us all and smirking.


It was Thursday Night-Couples Night

"Hey where is Lee and Matthew?" asked Jazzy..

"They decided to stay in tonight....His hearing and his test is tomorrow." said Ms. Yvette.

"Yeah, this is a night I'd be coolin out." If I was in his spot.." said Dabnis.
"Yeah, I hear ya...So Much is on the line with this."said Kayla.
"I hear his folks are loaded."said Ray.
"They aint poor."laughed Ms. Yvette.

"They're paying his legal fees aren't they?" said Jessica.

"Yes..The Citizenship hearing and the murder trial.." said Yvette.

''Wowwww!"said Chip.

"Lee will be working with us next week...She is pretty good." said Karen...

"She's the best." said Bee Bee.
"We love her."said Sofia.
"We loved her too...She fit right in and went to work...." said Beverly.

"She's so down to earth. So cool." said Josie.

"Just a beautiful girl."said Olivia.

''And she is going to the school you went to Josie...Thomas Klein at Drexel."said B.L.

"That's right."said Josie.

''She started out at my alma mater-Middleton."laughed Bresha.

"We should all go to her graduation...I hope we aren't all embroiled in big trials at the time."said Natalie.

"That would be nice..."said Jazzy..

''And maybe we all could get her something...A Nice gift."said Kayla.

"That would be nice , her seeing us there.. Since both of her parents are deceased.. We'd be like the only family she has." said David.

"This group is made up of people with no other family...That's what makes our bond so special." said Brooke.

"Yeah." said Sean.

"Well let's have a toast to Lee and Matthew."said Zoey, hoisting her glass in the air.
''Yeah to Lee and Matthew.." said Lem.
"I hope they are getting some rest." said Renee.

Her husband Tyrell laughed. "I'm sure they are uh getting some rest." he laughed.


 ''We know they are screwing each other's brains out...but they should get some sleep.  He's got a big day tomorrow." said Ms. Yvette.

"Yeah he does...but I'm sure that's not what is on his mind right now."laughed Gary.,nudging me..

I laughed.
""Sex is all you guys think about."laughed Bee Bee.
"I know right? The world is on the edge of collapse, but they got to get that booty.." laughed Sofia.
"Yes indeed..."laughed Kahlil.
Jade laughed....

"They are right you know."laughed  Danny.

"I know you'd get yours....You stay on me twenty four seven..."laughed Virginia.

"Yes lawd."laughed Jetty.
"I can't wait for this to be over and for them to move back to the apartment.. It'll be nice having some neighbors."said Nina Rios.
"Si " said Carlos. 

"They've both been very delightful guests."said Olivia.
"Yeah they have been very cool."said Donnie Ray.

"We haven't had a bad guest yet."said Beverly....
"Yeah that's true." said Nelson.

"Slowly but surely things are coming to a head."said Josie.
"The Murder trial has started and his citizenship hearing begins tomorrow."said Paris.

"Yup they are getting things out of the way." said Bresha.
"Yeah this is it." said Tony...

"And then Baby Girl graduates..."said Alfreda.

"I must say, she's gotten a lot of good experience...The best.  No law school could teach her or prepare her for the training she's got from Olivia's team and Yvette's team." said Rockland.

More drinks arrived..

In a corner...Lt. Tragg was as unworried about us or the trial as he could be.

He was with Kelly Ann

and they were kissing passionately as usual..

and quaffing beers...

While in a corner...Lt. Stryker of ICE looked on...


And at this moment in the sub-basement at Olivia and Beverly's house.. Lee and Matthew were having 
loud, passionate sex...

HMMMMMMMM!"moaned Lee as Mathew plunged into her..





"YESSSSS!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" he screamed out.He didn't know if he was coming or going.

Her head was turning from side to side....tears were streaming down the side of her face....


HMMMMMMMM! PUT IT IN...PUT IT ALL IN...OUUUUU WOUUUUUU!"moaned Lee as Mathew plunged into her..


"OH MY GOD!!!!..I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!" she screamed......

The made love for NINE TO TEN HOURS, starting from around 3:30 pm when they got home to now...It was a little after midnight...when they finally climaxed...

"Wouuuuuuuuuu that was awesome! You are awesome!!! WOWWWWWW!"said Leah ,sitting on Matthew's lap..

"Mmmmmmmmm give me a kiss baby!"said a very satisfied Matthew.

"I gave you a kiss...that's what led to all of  this.. WHOOOOOOOOOU....You are something..."laughed Lee.
She kissed him softly....

"You are indeed Something Mr. Akes." she said as they kissed.....


Then opened her legs wide and straddled him, moving up and down on him...


Riding him like a surfer rides the waves...for another TWO HOURS~!

and kissing him again as he came and came hard and she herself experienced and intense orgasm....

She fell on top of him ,breathing heavily....Matthew was already asleep...She smiled and soon she too was sound asleep...

The next morning we were all at the courtroom for his hearing.

8:00 AM-

This time there was a different Judge. Judge Juanita Tilman, who we knew.. she was a sympathetic Judge, unlike the butthead that Bee Bee,Kahlil and Sofia faced the last time...

We were all there with Matthew and we had well prepared documents...We had done two years worth of work in a very short period of time.. 

The Judge was impressed ...She ruled in our favor.

"YESSSSSSS!" screamed a jubilant Matthew.


 "Good Job guys.."said Yvette.


''So are you." I said.
"We'd of never put this together so fast without you Lee. Thank you for helping us."said Bee Bee.
"I can't wait until you become an Attorney. You're going to be fierce." said Sofia.
''Yes you are lady." said Kahlil.
"This was great! This reminded me of how I got my citizenship."said Jade.

We were happy.Joyous at this victory!

10:00 AM-

We watched as Matthew took his citizenship exam.....and was sworn in as an American Citizen at 12:00 noon.
"I'm Legit!  I'm totally legit!!!!"said Matthew taking Lee into his arms and kissing her.

"You've been legit baby....Ouuuuuuu I'm so happy I was a part of this."said Lee..

They kissed as though no one else was there...
Just as passionate as they could be...

His mother cried tears of joy.... "I'm so happy for you baby!"she said.

"Thank God! Thank God for your great lawyers.!" said his father....

"Just doing our jobs sir." said Yvette.

We all stood and smiled...

"Bout Time Baby Brother.....Congratulations." said His sister.

"It was about time." said Matthew.

Lt. Stryker couldn't believe it...They had pulled it off..They had managed to get him American Citizenship even before his murder trial. He couldn't touch him now at all. He angrilly stomped his foot and stormed out of the room.

It was back to court for us on Monday!


Jumpshot Jim seemed rejuvenated from last week.. He gave an energetic  and eloquent closing statement although it lacked any proof..

Ms Yvette opened her argument by saying...."The Assistant District Attorney has given you a life history of my client, which I'm not going to over and he's woven a story....Just that, a story of a murder so improbable, that I wonder how an arrest was even made..." she said.

Jumpshot Jim, Jade, Me, Bee Bee, Sofia, Kahlil and Lee all stared at Lt. Tragg.

Lt. Tragg was again as red as a beet and squirmed in his seat......

Sofia and Bee Bee called 5 counter witnesses who witnessed the fight.. 3 of them pulled the two men apart...  They all told a different story about Gabriel Secane..

According to them...No one liked him...He claimed to be working for the Department of Government Efficiency...He rifled through everyone's personal data, he asked a lot of personal questions and basically got on everyone's nerves.... He accidentally came upon Matthew Akes information while studying his father and questioning his father's citizenship...He discovered thathis father and mother and older sister had gotten their citizenship years ago and that Matthew Akes Jr. had not..

Matthew refused to answer his questions or talk to him at all.. It was then that Matthew received two visits from ICE Agents...One at his apartment and the other one at his job...This is what angered him, took him over the edge and led to the brou ha ha in the cafeteria that afternoon.

Kahlil and I talked to Forensics specialists who agreed that the time of death for Gabriel was around 9:00 pm... The fight was over and Matthew Akes was seen leaving the building and getting in his car at 8:37 pm and never returning...We present records from his phone's GPS...Which showed him leaving at 
8:37 and arriving at a Gas Station almost a mile away...We presented the Credit Card receipt which says he was gassing up at 8:47 pm.. It showed him driving from the gas station to his Apartment complex where he stayed until Morning.

Ms. Yvette presented three witnesses who testified that Gabriel Secane was indeed alive after the fight and that he cursed and stomped his foot and vowed revenge, long after Matthew Akes had left the building...

He was killed a little after he was last seen alive, around 8:59. No one knows who might have been lurking around who could have done it.

What was known was that Gabriel Secane was wildly unpopular.

Lee testified that Matthew dropped by her apartment at 9:10 pm and was there until morning.

While Testimony was going on....Matthew stared at Lee Phillips...He remembered how attracted to her he was the first time he saw her...

It was in Aqua Bar...

She had on a form fitting dress that accentuated every curve......He couldn't take his eyes off of her..

The second time he saw her was in the basement of their apartment complex and that time he did speak to her...She acknowledged that she was at Aqua Bar the night he saw her...and that yes, she did live in his building... She told him she was almost finished law school and that she was a para-legal....

He told her he was a lawyer...That he worked at the consulate and practiced International Law...Now they had something in common, something to talk about. He was sprung and hadn't so much ever been in her apartment..


The Trial was over and the jury had come to a conclusion.  We were all standing for the Judge.

Jumpshot Jim had a confident smirk on his face...He was convinced he had done enough to win this trial.


 Yvette smiled ...

"He really thinks he won with that weak case...He didn't prove a thing.." she said.

Lee and Matthew held each others hands tightly,,,,,

"I think we got this." I said.
"I know we did...He didn't prove a thing."said Bee Bee.
"We created a whole lot of reasonable doubt.." said Sofia.
"But we don't know did kill this guy...It had to be somebody who never left the building and that's scary." said Kahlil.
"It's not our job to catch the killer...Just to prove Matthew didn't do it." said Jade.


"We have your honor." said the Jury Foreman who passed the envelope to the Judge...

He read it and passed it to the bailiff... 

"Read it!" he said.


"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" yelled Matthew Akes. He was an American Citizen at last and he had been acquitted of Murder charges..He was free and clear.....

He grabbed Lee and began kissing her...



"I LOVE YOU TOO!" said Lee...


 "We did it..Great job guys, I'm proud of you." said Yvette.

"Just doin our jobs!" I said, smiling.
''Wowwww, I'm exhausted." said Bee Bee.
"I am too!" said Sofia.
"Well we've earned our rest..." said Kahlil..
"We sure have."

"You guys are great,,,GREAT!! You saved my boy..." said a tearful Matthew Akes Sr.

"Thank you Yvette, thank all of you."said Mrs. Akes.

"Hey Baby Bro, stop kissing your future wife long enough to hug your sister." said Yvonne.

"Heyyyyy Big Sis." said Matthew hugging his sister....

Lee caught her breath and smiled.

Jumpshot Jim looked at Lt. Tragg.

"I hope the next big case I get, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!" he said and he walked off..

Leaving Lt. Tragg standing there with a baleful stare.
"Come on people...let's get out of here."said Yvette, smiling in victory.


Gabriel Secane's murder remains unsolved...No Murder weapon was ever found and there is no footage of anyone leaving the premises that night or entering during the timeline of the murder.. His case is still open and still unsolved!


In our cafeteria at the Bridge Building....He was surprised to say the least...



 "Congratulations Matthew, you're an American Citizen at last and you've been cleared of Murder charges."said Ms. Yvette, hugging Lee... "And thank you to our girl Friday here,Ms. Lee Phillips...We would have never have pulled all of this together without your help Missy."said Ms. Yvette.

"It's been a pleasure working with your team and Olivia's...You all have taught me so much."said Lee.

"You're gonna knock em dead in the legal world kid!" I said.
"You're going to be fierce...I can't wait to see you in court." said Bee Bee.
"I'm sure you have lots of job offers." said Sofia.
"I wish you could work with us or at least in this building." said Kahlil.
"I do too." said Jade.

"I'll be around a little longer...I have three assignments left in this building."said Lee.

"Come up and visit us."said Virginia.

"You act like you'll never see her again...The girl lives six blocks away from us."laughed Jetty. 

"I expect to hear great things from you young lady." said Olivia.
"And to play Spades with you again."laughed Donnie Ray...

"So Matthew....What do you plan to do now?" asked Beverly.
"You're going to Disney World right"laughed Nelson.

"Yeah that's the ticket!"laughed Matthew...

We all exploded in laughter.

"I know what he's going to do...He's going to help his girl study for the bar...."laughed Josie.
"Oh yeah that's right....She graduates in a little while."said Paris.

"We are all going to be there."said Bresha.
''Wouldn't miss it!"said Tony.

"It's been a pleasure hosting you both." said Alfreda.

"You coming out to "Couples Night " at Curley's tonight or are you and your uh man staying in?" whispered Jazzy to Lee.

''We are coming out...We've been staying in enough...I can barely walk.. He wants it constantly....We both need a break." laughed Lee...

"Ouuu girl, I know the feeling...This one here thinks I'm his personal porn star." laughed Jazzy.

"Huh? What was that.?"laughed Dabnis...hearing the tail end of the conversation...

"Nothing!   Nothing!...Take your hand off of my butt." laughed Jazzy...

"Matthew, I'm so Happy for you and Lee ,I can't wait until you come to intern for us."said Kayla.
"Congrats finally got the feds and the po po off your back...Must be a great feeling."said Ray..

"You just don't know...I feel like two weights have been lifted off of my shoulders." said Matthew Akes.

"I hear that,...Congratulations Matt." said Jessica.

"Yeah Congratulations Matt." said Chip.

"You are the talk of the city Matt." said Karen...

"And thanks for agreeing to come on my show next week." said her husband, B.L.

"Lee we can't wait for you to come and work for us next week." said Natalie.

"I know it's going to be great." said David.
"I feel like I'm a lawyer already."laughed Lee...

"You practically are....Just a few more weeks."said Brooke.

"A few more weeks, then the bar."said Sean...

"I know a certain cop....He's a detective on the force now...Was in law school with me..Graduated with me and couldn't pass the bar, took it five times..."said Zoey..
"That's not gonna be you Lee.."said Lem.

"You 've got too many Big Sisters here who are attorneys." said Renee.

"And Big brothers too!" said Tyrell..

Matthew sliced pieces of his cake and passed them to everybody in attendance..

Lee sat on his lap...

"Gimmee a kiss baby!" he said to her..

Lee smiled sweetly and kissed him...

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