Beverly and I were in the condo of the late Haley Connors... I had my fingerprinting kit out...The same one the police use..and I had equipment for extracting DNA.
"What do you find Donnie Ray?" asked Beverly...
"Hmmm little more than what the police have already found , Her fingerprints, Dougie's fingerprints and DNA... Hmmmm I have found a foreign fingerprint or two.." I said.
Beverly looked around..
"Nice place..This must cost a mint."said Beverly.
I smiled.
"It is... You and your auntie could swing this now.."I said, smiling.. I looked out the window...
I saw Lt. Jake Ludwig standing across the street..He looked up and our eyes met...He turned and walked down the street,.
got into a car and pulled off.
and at our house...
"Liv, I think I'm going to take you up on your offer...I'm packing my bags tonight...I'll stay here...I 've got the feeling my phone is tapped and that somebody is watching me....I'll make sure I'm not followed here.," said Dougie.
"Good, Donnie Ray and Beverly are at the initial crime scene right now...Nelson is in our media room..
as we speak, looking at possible jurors ,studying their voting habits, taking into account their education, where they work etc. and deciding just which type of juror we need.
My girls, Josie and Bresha are in the law library studying the laws pertaining to your trial, predicates and like trials and their laws.....They're looking at crime scene photos, autopsy reports and any witness statements... There is one that states "A creepy looking man dressed in black was seen hanging around before the crime occurred." said Olivia.
"You really have a well oiled machine working here Liv... I appreciate what you guys are doing." said Doug.
"While you are here...this is a portal...
you can communicate with us from the sub-basement and get updates on the progress your trial is making.. You don't have to be in sight." said Olivia.
"Thanks Liv.." said Doug...
"This is our burner phone...write this number down.. Don't call our business phone or our personal phones...Call this number....It's a burner phone... If you do go out...Use this to talk to us." said Olivia.
"You guys are incredible...I love it.."laughed Dougie.
Dougie quietly slipped out of the Hotel...Paying his bill and quietly driving to our headquarters...I went with him and removed the four GPS trackers found on his car and placed them in the river...
Lt. Jake Ludwig was livid when he returned to the hotel only to find out that Doug had left..equally livid That the GPS on his phone had been turned off and that his phone ,now on a charger was untraceable...The GPS Trackers now in the river were gone...He had no idea where Doug Baldwin was now!
The Next day, Lt. Jake Ludwig paid us a visit.
"Hello...I'm Lt. Jake Ludwig, Philadelphia Police..I'd like to speak to your boss lady.
"One minute."said Alfreda... but before she could pause to contact us... He walked past her
"Excuse you!" she said.
He walked into our conference room..
It was his lucky day...We were all assembled there..
"I am Lieutenant Jake Ludwig, Philadelphia Police Department...I want to know where you have Doug Baldwin holed up." he said.
"He is our client, but what business do you have with him?" asked Olivia.
"THAT IS MY BUSINESS...NOW WHERE IS HE STAYING?" he asked rather gruffly.
I was the only one who knew him. "You need a warrant for us to produce him Jake...You got one?" I asked.
"You have a P.I. license that I can pull Donnie Ray...How about that?" he asked.
"No you can't, but you're welcome to try...We'll see you in court."said Beverly.
"I think that ends this conversation."said Nelson.
"This isn't even your case...It's Lt. Tragg's case." said Josie.
"No Warrant and another detectives case....You've got NO rights to anything from us." said Bresha.
"You could have asked us nicely, but we still wouldn't have given you access to Dougie.. Come to court...He'll be there." said Olivia.
Lt. Jake Ludwig smirked and then without saying another word, turned and walked out....
We apparently knew the law and too much to be intimidated by us...
"Boyyyy, he was rude." said Alfreda.
"I saw him hanging around Haley's condo yesterday when Beverly and I were inspecting the crime scene ...Wonder what his interest is in all of this?" I asked.
He sat in his car at the end of our block and watched as the train pulled into the station...
He watched our neighbors walk to and enter their homes..
and he watched carefully who entered our home...
Of the three Black males he saw enter our home, He only recognized ADA Rockland Cambridge...
He suspected correctly that these men were the spouses of Olivia's other staff members and that they came to eat dinner.
He had no idea that Doug Baldwin was having dinner with us at that very moment.
He watched the block intently....
He saw Gary Lockwood, An investigator for the D.A.'s office, once a Lieutenant in both I.A. and Robbery-Homicide enter his house.
And Lt. Danny Ho, who he knew, entering his home...
He sat quietly for an hour more and then pulled off.
The next night..
Olivia and I were in the bedroom..
"I did some digging today....I was at police headquarters...I asked about a certain Lieutenant Jake Ludwig..
He and the late Haley Connors were an item...back when she was Haley Johnson,
a high priced call girl...She went for $200.00 a night...He was a beat cop then... He fell in love with her.. Took her off the street...She entered college , got a business degree from Temple and then went to the Wharton School of Business at PENN, your alma mater and got her masters...She was at the top of her class.. All that time, he was her lover and her biggest supporter. She was very good at Buisness , at leveraging buyouts of big companies...and in time, she became quitye wealthy... He wanted to marry her.. but by now the thrill was gone... She left him for wealthy upcoming socialite...John "Jack" Connors
They got married...The marriage was a rocky seven year marriage with restraining orders and break ups and make ups....
And meanwhile patrolman Jake Ludwig moved up the ladder, to detective, then Sgt and finally Lieutenant...he still pined for her...but by now...her marriage to Jack Connors was falling apart...
and she was falling for her lawyer, Douglas Baldwin..
He helped her not only with her divorce,,,,but to win controlling interest in the company she and her husband had started..."I said.
"And one of those two killed her....I mean theoretically they both have a motive. I'm going to draw subpoenas for them both....I have questions I'd love to ask them in court."laughed Olivia. "You done good work...You deserve a reward.."laughed Olivia.
"Indeed" I said as we lay across the bed and kissed..
Olivia is a very sensual woman....Her prim,prissy and professional appearance aside...behind closed doors, she was a completely different woman...We lie across the bed ,kissing like two horny teenagers.
Tonight she was hopeful about this case and of us launching a decent defense...
I was hopeful too!..
Olivia's panties and bra slipped off the minute she entered our bedroom., so did my trousers ,boxers and shirt...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.." I moaned.
as we headed straight for the bedroom...
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Donnie Ray, Give it to me Daddy....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." she moaned. "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu yes baby!" I moaned as she moved up and down on my rock hard penis... "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don't stop...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh baby....Ouuuuu,easy Donnie Ray...ouuuuu" she moaned...
"Damnnnnnnnnnnnn gurlllllll.ohhhhhhhh, you feel so good." I moaned... as I thrusted faster and faster inside of her....She was so round, so soft, so warm....
She wrapped her legs around me so she could take all of me in and I she moaned and groaned...We slowed it down some and got
into a slow rhythm...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuu, you're as hard as an iron pipe..ouuuuuuu.." she cooed as she moved up and down...up and down...
I spread her legs open and entered her again......
"Ouuuuu,ummmmm, I love you so much Donnie Ray." she moaned.. as I humped her over the bed...
"I love you too Olivia..."I moaned..nearly out of breath as we continued to make sweet love...
EIGHT TO NINE HOURSof sweet and intense lovemaking went by....
She laughed and then tossed her head back...moaning softly...Her body quivering softly....Her breathing getting heavy...
"Ohhhhh...Ohhh my god Donnie Ray...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned...
"Ouuuuuuu...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Olivia....Ohhh my goddd.."I moaned as she moved up and down on me...
TWO MORE HOURS of sweet lovemaking followed...We were both enjoying ourselves immensely.....
Olivia riding me softly and slowly and me nearly losing my mind....
Olivia was sweating profusely and laughing one minute and crying the
next....She began to climax slowly,intensely...her body shaking and she
smiling the sweetest smile I had ever seen....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....Donnie Ray baby, we
have to get some sleep, tonight! .Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu Yessssssssssssss..." she said as she moved up and down and kissed me softly..
"I know baby.Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my godd!"I said..
"So we need to get to sleep soon..." she said..
ANOTHER HOUR slipped by and I began to cum like a river...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."I moaned, shaking..... "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu,That's my guy..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...That's my guyyyyyyy" she moaned as she herself began to climax...She held me tightly and continued to kiss me as she came and came hard...
She kissed me softly as I continued to cum like a river....
"I am so grateful for you Donnie Ray..." she said, as tears ran down her face....
''I'm grateful for you too, Olivia." I said as she lie on top of me and softly drifted off to sleep....
And a floor below us in another room....
Beverly and Nelson were standing in the middle of the floor naked, kissing passionately.......
"MMMMMMMMMMMMM!" she moaned...
They had just taken a nice hot shower together.
Beverly's Bra and panties were already off and hanging on the wicker chair in the hallway....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuu Nelson......ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu baby, I need you inside of me....." she moaned...
"Girl, come here,I can't wait..." he said as he led her to the bed....They didn't bother to uncover the sheets....
Nelson was gentle with Beverly.....He softly kissed her navel and her breasts and her eyelids and her earlobes and eventually worked his way to her sweet lips...
By the time he did enter her warm and moist center, she was near the point of climax......
Nelson entered her softly and gently and began to stroke her softly and
slowly....She moaned and put her arms around his neck and drew him closer
to her..She wrapped her legs around his waste and they began to move in a
slow, yet deliberate rhythm for quite some time...She held him tight as if she never wanted to let go...She was so moist and smelled so good...Nelson was losing his mind slowly....while continuing to stroke her masterfully....Beverly's body began to tremble something crazy...
, her head turned from side to side...tears streamed down her face.....
He hugged her...
"I AM SOOO ENJOYING YOUUUU!" he moaned softly...
She laughed...
"I AM ENJOYING YOU TOOO!! OUUUUUUU!" she cooed. Once again...her body began to tremble something crazy... , her head turned from side to side...tears streamed down her face.....she was having another orgasm....
Nelson and Beverly made sweet and slow passionate and intense love for EIGHT TO NINE HOURS straight....
She felt as though she was climaxing several times....then in a huge
wave....Nelson climaxed furiously and hard....not yelling , but shaking
mightily.....then taking a deep breath and collapsing on top of
Beverly....drenched in sweat....
She looked up at him and gave him a juicy
and wet kiss....
He surprisingly felt himself getting hard again...and began to move slowly inside and out of her....
"Ohhhhhhhh My goodness...NELSONNNNNNN! Again?? OHHH MY Godddd!" she yelled out...
They made sweet love for at least another TWO HOURS AND A HALF!...Beverly could see how much Nelson was thoroughly enjoying this experience....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I'm cumming...I'm cumming..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she said and began to shake and gyrate and turn her head from side to side....Crying like a little girl and sweating profusely....She couldn't believe how good she was feeling at the moment..
Nelson was one of maybe two other lovers she had had , who could make her cum like this...
He began cumming like a gusher....and shaking....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned...
"Oh yes Nelson..Yes....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...niceeee...ummmmm." she moaned, kissing him as he continued to cum like a gusher...
''We gotta get some sleep baby... she whispered...
Nelson agreed , he was breathing heavily....His breathing soon got softer and he drifted off to sleep.
Beverly shook her head...That was okay...He had earned it...He put in some work tonight! she reasoned...
She put his arms around her and rested her head in the crook of his arms...He hugged her tightly...She smiled..
None of us went to Curleys on Thursday Night or the No ID Bar on Friday Night...We had all been very busy with our different court cases and litigations...So we instead went to our neighborhood spot, Josie's..
Still the best place to go for drinks,live music and dancing... and far away from Lt. Tragg and Lt. Jake Ludwig...
Who were no doubt in Curleys...
looking to spot us and question us about Dougie and his whereabouts....
Saturday ,On the advice of Jazzy and Ms. Yvette...We loaded up the buses and headed over the bridge to New Jersey to a new spot for drinks and brunch..
We went to a nice Restaurant/Winery in South Jersey..
It was very spacious...
And had great food...
and good wine...
and mimosas....
"Jazzy, this place is incredible....I never knew about it."said Olivia.
"I must admit...I never knew about this place either." I said.
"Wow, now that's a switch, a great place to eat that YOU don't know about..."laughed Beverly..
"A guy I used to date brought me here once... I loved this place more than I loved him and vice versa...Then Ms. Yvette and I worked a case together years ago before she was in our building and she and I came here to celebrate." said Jazzy.
"That was back in your "Heartbreaker" days huh Jazmataz?" joked Beverly...
"Yeah girl, I was out of my mind..."laughed Jazzy, hugging Beverly...
"Yeah, Ole girl was on the dark side...but luckily we pulled her back into the light."said Kayla, hugging her and Beverly's good friend...
"I'm glad you remembered this place...It's beautiful.." said Nelson.
"Thanks for inviting me out....It feels good to be out and about.." said our client, "Dougie Balls."
"You are welcome.... We figured you'd enjoy this outing.. This place is so spacious isn't it?" said Olivia.
"And the food and the wine..."said Josie..
"And we can hang out all day..."said Jazzy...
"That sounds alright with me."said Paris.
"It's nice getting out of Philadelphia, for a little while."said Bresha.
"Sure is."agreed her husband, Tony..."And to a nice joint like this." he said.
"This place is beautiful.."said Alfreda,
"I'm surprised I never heard of it." said Rockland.
"To Tell you the truth Rockland, I've never heard of this place either." said Dougie.
"It is a well kept secret." said Jazzy.
"A nice secret." said her husband, Dabnis.
"WOWWWWWW This is nice." said Kayla, helping herself to French Toast and a glass of white wine.
"This is so cool and relaxing, getting away from the city for a day." said her husband, Ray.
"I guess they missed us at Curley's Thursday and the NO ID BAR, Friday Night and This Morning."said Jessica.
"It was nice hanging out in Josie's..." said her husband, Chip.
"It was..We had music for a change...A Live band and a D.J."said Karen, who was introduced to Josie's by her two Blackl girlfriends, Olivia and Yvette years ago as a young law school graduate.
"It was fun...I enjoyed it.." said B.L.
"Jazzy this place is niceeee." said Natalie. Natalie was sitting on her husband, David's lap.
"As I was telling Bev and Kayla, A guy I used to date brought me here once... I loved this place more than I loved him and vice versa...Then Ms. Yvette and I worked a case together years ago before she was in our building and she and I came here to celebrate." said Jazzy.
"Girrl you were wild back then..."laughed Natalie.
"Yeah, I kissed a lot of frogs before I met my prince..."laughed Natalie,.
"So did I girl, so did I." said Natalie, snuggling up to David even tighter...
David couldn't believe his good fortune..He had daydreamed about Natalie for years and here he was, married to her and her on his lap in this great restaurant...
It was as if Brooke could read his mind...
"It's like a dream come true huh David? You have your Natalie." she said to him, smiling...
David smiled.
Her husband Sean smiled at her..
"And you're my dream come true." he said.
Brooke smiled back. "And you're mine." she said.
"I don't know what tastes better this food, or this excellent wine."said Zoey.
"How bout both?" said her husband, Lem.
"Jazzy told me about this place. I couldn't wait to get here."said Renee.
"It's a great place indeed." agreed her husband, Tyrell.
"Jazzy and I worked a litigation together about three years ago...After we settled, we came here for lunch...I had almost forgotten this place."said Yvette.
"It's usually Liv that comes up with these getaways...Wowwww this time it was you two."said Gary.
"This food is good...a little pricey but then it would be." said Keith Jones.
" Ms. Olivia and Ms. Yvette are putting our meals on their company credit cards, calling this a "Business Meal" ,They are splitting the costs. "laughed Bee Bee.
"Must be get to their level and be able to take care of us like that..." said Sofia.
"Jazzy and Dabnis and Ms. Karen are doing the same thing.."said Kahlil.
"They wanted us all to have a good time."said Jade.
"Must be nice."laughed Danny Ho.
"Oh No, I don't believe it..It can't be!" said Ms. Virginia.
"It is." said her husband, Jetty...
Judge Kelly Ann Mercer and Lt. Tragg walked in just then...
"ADA Don Giorgio wanted to take me here that first Saturday you were on the boat....I declined his offer...I wanted to come here with you." said Judge Kelly Ann..
"That creep... Remind me to deck him the next time I see him... but I gotta hand it to him..This is a classy joint." said Lt. Tragg, who did a double take and saw all of his favorite people seated and eating and laughing and talking and drinking ..
"Arthur, we came here to enjoy breakfast and have some good wine...forget out them." said Kelly Ann..
"Just one minute baby....I'll be right back."said Lt. Tragg..
Kelly Ann sighed..
Lt. Tragg walked over to where we were all eating..
"Sooooooooooo Dougie you're out and you're outside of Philadelphia I see." he said.
"Hi Artie...I'm free on bail..." said Douglas Baldwin..
"He was released on his own recognizance..No Ankle monitoring system and no restrictions on his movements or curfews." said Olivia.
Lt. Tragg stared balefully for a minute..
"See you in court Dougie.. This is a nice joint aint it Liv? Your first time here?" he asked.
"It is...Yours?" asked Olivia..
"Yeah...Enjoy!" he said and he walked away and joined Kelly Ann..
It was a weird bit of civility between him and Olivia...No threats, no speeches...Nothing...He and Kelly Ann took their seats, placed their orders and enjoyed their food and their wine.
We all enjoyed the rest of the day without further incident!~
Beverly, Josie and Bresha were hard at work doing their legal research and writing notes....As well as looking at the Autopsy Report, The Urinalysis, The Crime Scene photos and report..
And next door in our media room...
Nelson was busy looking at the juror pool, studying their educational background, their voting record,their age, gender, race,nationality, religion....All pertinent facts in picking a jury..
While I was studying Dougie's GPS record on his phone...Studying where he went that day and trying to figure out
what happened in the hour he was knocked unconscious and drugged and then ferried away to the lovers lane.
and next door in our conference room...
"Olivia your team goes all in when working a case...They are a well oiled machine..You have trained them well."said Doug.
"Your trial is next week...We are almost ready to go to trial.. I've got to hand out two subpoenas...To two men I think will have some interesting answers on the stand." said Olivia.
At a Bar in South Philadelphia..
Jack Connors, Haley's ex-husband..
downed some tequila shots...He was drunk...He had come in every night since his ex-wife's murder and drank himself into a stupor....
A Young Asian woman walked up to him...
"Jack Connors?" she asked..
"Who wants to know? Who are you and what do you want?" he asked.
"To Answer your first question...I would like to know..To Answer your second question... I'm a Para-legal and a law student...My name is Lee Phillips.... and to answer your third question...I am here to serve you this subpeona.." she said.
She placed the subpoena in his hand and smiled sweetly....
At Curley's.....
Lt, Jake Ludwig was bellying up to a tall glass of beer..
A Young Asian woman walked up to him..
"Lt. Jake Ludwig?" she asked.
"Yeah? What about it?" he asked gruffly...
"This is for you." she said.
She passed him a subpoena. Then she calmly walked out of the bar and down the street....
She made a phone call..
"Hello...both subpoenas have been served." she said.
"Excellent work Lee....Excellent work...Thank you!" said Olivia.
"She delivered and served both subpoenas.."said Olivia.
"Good! Josie and I didn't have to chase anybody." said Beverly, remembering past attempts by the tywo of them to serve subpoenas.
"And we didn't tear a good pair of pantyhose or tights." said Josie.
Great Story!
ReplyDeleteI love that these people hang out together...Work together et al...It adds a humanity to the stories.
ReplyDeleteThis story answered a lot of questions I had.
ReplyDeleteStanding and Applauding and Throwing my panties high!