Olivia Marissa Bennett-Alexander
Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California
Founding partner-Alexander & West , Attorneys at law..
Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney
No Children, two miscarriages..
Married-Donnie Ray Alexander
Beverly Cheryl West-East
Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocacy, Temple University..
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California
Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...
Worked as Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.
Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California
Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...
Worked as a Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.
Worked as a Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.
Worked for Bach and Roach LLC, as Associate Attorney
Founding partner-Alexander & West , Attorneys at law..
Divorced- Elwood Barnes..,Corporate Attorney
No Children, two miscarriages..
Married-Donnie Ray Alexander
Beverly Cheryl West-East
Graduated , Philadelphia High School for Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocacy, Temple University..
J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School
Passed the Bar, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Louisiana, Texas, California
Speaks French and Spanish Fluently...
Worked as a Public Defender,-Philadelphia PA.
Worked as a Public Defender,-Philadelphia PA.
Founding Partner-Alexander & West Attorney's at Law.
Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece
Married to Nelson East.
Nelson Sean East
Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...
J.D. -St. Johns University Law School, New York City..
Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California
Daughter of Olivia's Older Half Brother, James West... Olivia's Niece
Married to Nelson East.
Nelson Sean East
Graduated, West Catholic High School-Philadelphia PA.
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law- St. Johns University, New York City
Psychology Minor...
J.D. -St. Johns University Law School, New York City..
Passed The Bar , New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, Texas, California
Speaks Spanish , French and Russian Fluently...
Worked as Public Defender, -Philadelphia PA.
Associate Attorney at Robert Foxworth and Associates.
Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law.
Married to Beverly West
Donnie Ray Alexander
Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..
Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law
Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.
Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.
Married to Olivia Bennett
Also a semi-professional musician
Josephine Boyd
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City
Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University
Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.
Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.
Married to Beverly West
Donnie Ray Alexander
Born and Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Educated in New Orleans Public Schools..
Associates Degree- New Orleans Community College-Administration of Justice, Pre Law
Homicide Detective, New Orleans Police Department, Retired.
Principal Investigator, Alexander and West Attorneys at law-Philadelphia PA.
Married to Olivia Bennett
Also a semi-professional musician
Josephine Boyd
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Raised in Red Hook Section of New York City
Bachelors of Science, Architecture from Fisk University
Master in Business Administration- University of Pennsylvania.
Para -Legal -Alexander & West Attorneys at law.
JD- Drexel University -The Thomas Kline Law School..
Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York, Texas, California
Associate Attorney-Alexander & West, Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia.
Married to Paris Boyd
Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls
B.A. Administration of Justice,/ Trial advocacy /Pre Law- Lasalle University, Philadelphia PA.
J.D.- Middleton Law School, Bayside ,Pennsylvania.
Passed the bar, Pennsylvania, Deleware, New Jersey, New York, California.
Speaks Spanish and French Fluently...
Associate Attorney at Alexander and West , Attorneys at law...
Married to Attorney Tony Billips.
He had passed the last case on to the D.A.'s son, Chris Garcetti.
Douglas "Dougie Balls" Baldwin.. A charismatic and popular Philadelphia Defense Attorney.
Born in Philadelphia PA.
Graduated from Central High School-
B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law-Trial Advocacy, Temple University..
J.D.- Yale University School of Law
Passed the bar in Connecticut , MA, , New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and Maryland.
Has his own practice, Douglas Baldwin LLC...
Practices Criminal Defense, Divorce, Civil Litigation, et al.
Has taught law at Temple University's Beasley School of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School and Middleton Law School.
He looked at Crime Scene photos, read the crime Scene Report and the Autopsy Report for a little while..
His mind wandered to Kelly Ann...Was she going to be the Judge on this case? He certainly hoped so...
And where was Tragg? He was supposed to be meeting with him??
At this very moment...The Answer to both of those questions was in the Judges Chambers where both Judge Kelly Ann and Lt. Tragg were kissing passionately...
"Yes it is.." he said.. "OHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD, KELLY ANN!" he moaned..
"I'm going to be the Judge in the Doug Baldwin case.....Don Giorgio will be prosecuting...I want you to behave yourself and not let him get under your skin... I have zero interest in him...I'm your girl...Remember that." said Kelly Ann...
"I'm going to be the Judge in the Doug Baldwin case.....Don Giorgio will be prosecuting...I want you to behave yourself and not let him get under your skin... I have zero interest in him...I'm your girl...Remember that." said Kelly Ann...
"I'll try, but he makes it very hard to be in control..He's such an arrogant jerk." said Lt. Tragg..
"Ummm these are delish." said Beverly...
"These are the first Gyros I've had in about two years.." said Nelson...
"Lee, thank you soooo much for serving those subpoenas for us..I really appreciate it."said Olivia.
"REALLY ?So it's not just us....eh Bev?" said Josie, laughing at Lee's Story.
"We've had runners a couple of times and both me and Jo have torn pantyhose, broke a heel on our shoes...Glad to know someone else has the same problems." laughed Beverly..
and Bee Bee, Sofia and I had to serve a subpoena...
We had a runner...but the three of us blocked all of the entrances...We served it with no consequences...."said Lee.
"Say what is your status??...In law school I mean?" asked Doug..
"Awwwwww" said Beverly, Josie and Bresha in unison...
"I can help you study for the bar and my friend, Dabnis Coley is excellent in that area...He can help you.." said Nelson.
Keith, Bee Bee, Sofia, Kahlil ,Ms. Jade and Ms. Virginia all said they used to live in those apartments before they bought houses on your block."said Lee.
"I'm all for it." said Lee.
"Here is my card...When you pass the bar...Give me a call...I could use a smart young attorney at my practice." said Doug Baldwin..
As we enjoyed our lunch.
While at our Office /Duplex
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, this is how we got in trouble the last time...wound up in the sub-basement...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH STOP ROCKLAND! OUUUUUUU!"moaned Alfreda.
"I can't..." he moaned as their kissing got heavier...
"You're just determined to put it in me...Why are you so horny?" she asked.
"Why are you so irresistibly sexy?" he asked.
"I can't help that!" laughed Alfreda.
"Rockland, you're getting me steamed up!" said Alfreda..
He placed her up on the counter and spread her legs and entered her slowly....
"OH WHO THE HELL IS IT? Olivia and the rest wouldn't ring the bell, they'd of let themselves in with a key." said Rockland, furious that his post coital glow was disturbed by this.. He straightened his trousers..
He slipped her panties down and parted her legs...
"Rockland, noooooooooooooooo...OUUUUUUUUUU! YOU HORNY NASTY DOG!" she moaned..
She was good and wet..Her legs trembled...Her entire body trembled...Her head turned from side to side..Sweat and tears poured down the side of her face....
"You Horny ,Nasty Dog, you never get enough.ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ouuuuuu but you feel so damn GOOD!" said Alfreda..
"No, I never do." he said, still thrusting away..
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ouuuuuu , you feel so damn GOOD!" said Alfreda..
She had an orgasm unlike any she'd had before and held on to him for dear life..
FORTY FIVE MINUTES WENT BY... Rockland came and came hard..
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she moaned...Her body still trembling....
The Doorbell rang!
Then there was loud knocking..
She took an anti-septic wipe out and wiped her lipstick smudges off of Rockland's lapel and the side of his face..
"You're out of luck, they aren't here...They're at lunch." said Alfreda,opening up the door and realizing who it was..
"NO THE HELL YOU WON'T! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" asked an angry Alfreda.
"It's alright Freda, We are herenow.You don't have to wait any longer Jake, We are here..and we know you and plain clothes men have been watching our house for days,,WHAT DO YOU WANT?"said Olivia. We had just walked up.
"You know you're wrong Jake as Wrong as two left shoes.."I said."I DON'T NEED A LECTURE FROM YOU, JUST ONE MORE EX-COP WHO SOLD HIS SOUL TO A LAWYER, ABEIT A VERY PRETTY ONE!" snarled Jake.
"No Nelson, don't egg him on...Bresha call the police..Call Captain Cantrell." said Josie.
"I'm On it!" she said.
"Hold it Bree." said Olivia. " What do you want? You know where he is...Now what? He's not going to answer any questions...He doesn't have to....If you want to know anything ,come to court. This isn't even your case...You have NO business being here at all."said Olivia.
"And don't come by here again without a warrant...I mean that...."said Olivia.
"YOU! You subpoenaed me...I should of known you were working for them.." he said and stomped his foot and stormed off.
This night, We were all in Curley's for "Couples Night"
"Trial begins Monday...I can't wait...I want to get this over with.."said Doug...
"Why has he got such a hard on for you anyway?" asked Nelson..
Doug and Nina Rios were laughing and talking..They had gone up against each other several times when she was an Assistant District Attorney..He was happy to hear that she was at the Women's Law center now.
Her boyfriend, Attorney Carlos Ortiz looked on...
Para-Legal Lee Phillips was hanging out with us tonight...
"My classes are basically over...We are all told be interning during these last nine weeks...So there is a great chance I'll be working with you guys again." said Lee."Nine weeks left.wow! You're almost there." said Yvette's husband, Gary...
"I was interning for a Judge." said Bee Bee.
"I was interning in a law office..."said Sofia.
"Yeah me too! and steeling myself for days when I wouldn't be with my closest friends.. But luckily for me, for us..It didn't turn out that way..."said Kahlil.
''And her and Olivia are still bringing people together."said Danny.
"Yes they are..."said Virginia, raising a glass.
"God Bless em."laughed Jetty.
"What are you guys doing this weekend?" asked Lee Phillips."Oh this is perfect...Join us for breakfast at the No I.D. Bar...for Brunch on Saturday Morning."said Jazzy..
"You don't need your car...We'll pick you up in the bus.."said Dabnis."Yeah and after Brunch, we are going to Bayside to go shopping and hang out a little while..and then go skating at their rink.." said Kayla.
"This is going to be awesome...There is room on the bus...Nina and Carlos are driving down in their car."said Chip.
"Our little collective gets bigger and bigger."laughed B.L.
"Yeah how about that?" laughed her husband, David.
"We look out for each other...There is safety in numbers."said Brooke.
"When is the food coming?" asked Lem.
"They don't do that every week."laughed Renee.
"I love you so much Arthur." said Kelly Ann kissing Lt. Tragg.
"Mmmmmmmmm let's quaff down these beers and go back to your place." said Lt. Tragg,.
"Okay!" she said quietly.....continuing to kiss him...
The two of them stopped kissing a minute to quaff down four beers a piece...
We took Lee to Brunch with us on Saturday Morning...She knew about the NO ID BAR, but had no idea they had a Saturday Morning Brunch...She was astounded
"It's alright guys...It's me he wants...Well here I am Jake..." said Doug."You don't have to engage him Doug, he's got no right and he knows it." said Beverly..
"Man Lt. Tragg was bad enough , but now we gotta deal with this ass wipe." said Nelson...
"Man Lt. Tragg was bad enough , but now we gotta deal with this ass wipe." said Nelson...
"What did you say lawyer boy?...I'll break your jaw." said Jake.
"Take that badge off and drop that gun and try it!" said Nelson staring him dead in the eye.
"Take that badge off and drop that gun and try it!" said Nelson staring him dead in the eye.
Bresha pulled out her phone.
"No you can't and you KNOW that we know you can't....Now get back in your car and go home...or back to work or whatever Jake..." I said.
"And Jake, your Captain will be hearing from me about this....Now GET OUTTA HERE!"said Rockland...
He did a double take and looked at Lee Phillips..
"YOU! You subpoenaed me...I should of known you were working for them.." he said and stomped his foot and stormed off.
He would soon regret coming to our house..His Captain was contacted...and he was suspended with pay for two weeks and ordered to serve a week on the Marine Boat after the trial.. He was livid...
"Trial begins Monday...I can't wait...I want to get this over with.."said Doug...
''We are going to give you a very aggressive defense and we are certain we'll get an acquittal."
"The Problem is Jake over there...He'll still be harrassing you." I said."Maybe you should take out a restraining order..That's what we had to do with Lt. Tragg."said Beverly."Why has he got such a hard on for you anyway?" asked Nelson..
"It's Haley....He was involved with her for years...He was in love with her...He wanted to marry her...He was there when she got off the streets and went to college and bettered herself...He was there waiting for her and she married another man, Jack Connors...He was heartbroken...He waited in the shadows all those years and when their marriage broke up...Instead of Jack Connors...She began seeing me...He just couldn't take that....He hates my guts." said Doug.
"Wow He needs to let that go...She just wasn't for him...She just didn't want him.."said Josie.
"No he doesn't..He'd just ruin any woman he got involved with." said Alfreda.
"He won't be harrassing you...Not officially anyway. He was suspended for two weeks with pay..and ordered to serve a week on the Marine Boat after that..You know what he did? He quit the force...He's insane."said Rockland...
"Wow talk about carrying a torch." said her husband, Paris.
"She's Dead now...Nobody has her..."said Bresha.
"This is true... He's hanging on to a lot of grief...He needs a new woman." said Tony..
staring at Doug and all of us..
Doug and Nina Rios were laughing and talking..They had gone up against each other several times when she was an Assistant District Attorney..He was happy to hear that she was at the Women's Law center now.
Her boyfriend, Attorney Carlos Ortiz looked on...
"Lee ,Olivia told us how invaluable you have been...I hope you can come and work with us again...As long as it doesn't mess with your school schedule." said Yvette.
"My classes are basically over...We are all told be interning during these last nine weeks...So there is a great chance I'll be working with you guys again." said Lee."Nine weeks left.wow! You're almost there." said Yvette's husband, Gary...
"I was interning for a Judge." said Bee Bee.
"I was interning in a law office..."said Sofia.
"Yeah me too! and steeling myself for days when I wouldn't be with my closest friends.. But luckily for me, for us..It didn't turn out that way..."said Kahlil.
"Thank God for Ms. Yvette."said Jade. "She brought us all together." she continued.
"Yes they are..."said Virginia, raising a glass.
"You don't need your car...We'll pick you up in the bus.."said Dabnis."Yeah and after Brunch, we are going to Bayside to go shopping and hang out a little while..and then go skating at their rink.." said Kayla.
"The rink has two or three really good D.J.'s... You can skate can't you?" asked Ray.
"Excellent! Bring them!" said Jessica, smiling.
"Oh this is going to be awesome.."said Karen.
"This is the group, These are the people to hang with."laughed Natalie.
"And we have the numbers."laughed Sean.
"That's for sure."said Zoey."When is the food coming?" asked Lem.
"They're doing it this week." said Tyrell..
As the Shrimp and chicken arrived...everybody ouuuued and ahhhed..
In a dark corner....Kelly Ann and Lt. Tragg were kissing so passionately...The ice in their beers was melting.
"I love you too!" said Lt. Tragg...
"Okay!" she said quietly.....continuing to kiss him...
ADA Don Digioro sat across the bar, watching them, livid and steaming as he downed beer after beer,
It was a quiet uneventful night basically, but the tension was apparent!
SATURDAY MORNING- NO ID BAR-by all the hot ,good food...
"I've been coming here since they've been doing this." said her boyfriend, Carlos Ortiz...
"We caught on to it late..but I'm glad we did." said Olivia.
"Liv, I've got something to tell you..It's about the case, remind me later." I said."Well Lee, what do you think?" asked Beverly..
"Was this worth getting out of bed for this morning?" asked Nelson.
"Oh yes, I'm always starving when I wake up on Saturday Mornings., especially after a night of drinking.....This is great!"said Lee Phillips.
"We used to take that long drive to Sam Mother's Diner or call in an order." said Josie.
"We can relax and enjoy our breakfast...No run ins with undesirables who also tended to eat at Sam Mother's Diner. As much as I liked the food, I hated that."said Alfreda.
"Amazing how people wanted to talk business on a Saturday Morning rather than just eat and chill out."said Rockland.
"Then we all go to the Rolling Skating Rink.." said Dabnis."They usually have a few D.J.'s spinning..It's a good time."said Jazzy.
"No, Not yet..The person who got me pregnant is an attorney now...He graduated on time, while I had to drop out for a year...but I'm close to my goal now."said Lee.
"Yeah, you're going to be a fabulous Attorney." said Chip.
"So do I." said her husband, B.L.
"Yeah remember that?" laughed Paris.
"I remember it vaguely when I was in law school..Sometimes I'd drive to Bayside to eat."said Bresha.
"Yeah...this is much better and we eat a lot quicker."said Tony.
"I can't wait to go shopping in Bayside....I love their shopping centers by the water." said Lee.
"Ouuuuu girl, it's so cool...Most of the guys hang out in this Sports Bar we discovered and when we return from shopping...We all have a nice dinner there.."said Jazzy."Then we all go to the Rolling Skating Rink.." said Dabnis."They usually have a few D.J.'s spinning..It's a good time."said Jazzy.
"No Guy in your life Lee?" asked Ray..
"No, Not yet..The person who got me pregnant is an attorney now...He graduated on time, while I had to drop out for a year...but I'm close to my goal now."said Lee.
"Good for you...Glad you didn't give up."said Jessica.
"I agree," said Karen.
"It'll come...A Pretty Girl like you will have heads turning, if they aren't already."said Natalie.
"The world is your Oyster...It's at your footsteps."said Sean.
"I look forward to you working with us in a few weeks."said Zoey."We are going to be at your graduation."said Lem.
"I love Saturday Mornings." said Yvette.
"I do too! Even though sometimes I want to stay in bed, my hunger outweighs that!" said Gary."Me too!" said Bee Bee.
"I saw some dresses and skirts that I might pick up and some tights too!" said Sofia.
"That credit card burns a hole in your purse doesn't it?" laughed Kahlil, remembering when none of them had this kind of spending power.
Jade laughed...."I was born in China, but raised in Japan...My Parents were Cantonese."she said.
"Mmmmmmmmmm, I'm full." said Virginia.
And their beautiful shopping centers by the water.
"You wouldn't believe I'm on the eve of a murder trial. These guys have made me feel so relaxed." said Doug..
2:30 AM- We were all back from Bayside and safe and snug in our homes...
"Donnie Ray, you said you had something to tell me...concerning the case." said Olivia, sitting on the side of the bed..
"As you know Nelson and I looked at hours upon hours of Street Cam photos and footage..and we also
studied the GPS on the phones of Doug, Jake Ludwig and Jack Connors.... We were at the point of exhaustion when Lee Phillips, our little para-legal discovered something that we both might have overlooked....It's something that has blown this case wide open in a way you wouldn't imagine.. We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt just who killed Haley and drugged Doug and who framed him...It's not who you think."I said.
I slipped her panties down...
Olivia straddled me, spread her legs and eased herself down on me and moved up and down slowly....
and the rest of the night was perfect,leading up to the trial two days away.
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