Friday, October 11, 2024

Honey Trap


 The Trial continued....The Lawsuit between Patricia Bailey and Rosanna Towne...the widows of the murdered attorneys William Bailey and Raymond Townes who were suing Therapist, Dr. Brendan Fischer in the wrongful deaths of  their husbands.... The women were suing him for 1.5 million a piece, a whopping 3 million dollars amount that would bankrupt him, put him out of business..

 We were representing our client Dr. Brendan Fischer vigourously.....

He was quite pleased with our defense of him....He was confident we were going to win this case...

The trial was entering the third week... two weeks longer than I thought it was going to last...
Bee Bee and Sofia not only did their research at our office afterwards,,,

But they also worked in Olivia and Beverly's law library additional hours after work...

They were so gracious to allow us to use their facilities....
So did Kahlil and I...We had to keep up...
Jade felt sorry for us....

Attorney Danny White was a far better attorney than we had thought...He kept throwing Zingers at us...and we kept having to recover, which we did...

We felt sorry for both women, we understood their anguish...Losing their husbands to murder and then the murderer committing suicide...They felt someone living had to pay....but that was not the way...That was just vengeance...
In the waiting area-

Brenda Jordan was at the trial almost everyday, leaving before it ended....She didn't talk to us...She hadn't told Ms. Yvette about the conversation she'd had just a week before with our client, Brendan Fischer.. She hadn't wanted to prejudice our case or give us any doubts.


At A tony french restaurant...Brendan Fischer had dinner and drinks with Brenda Jordan in an attempt to make up with her..

"So How is your case going?" asked Brenda.

'Well, it's going....I thought this would be an easy case...but that damned Danny White is a magician..

He's far better than I thought he was... He pulls something new out of his hat everyday...but...
my lawyers are just as good, if not better...They are seldom surprised by anything and when they are, they recover very quickly...



Mannnn, I love them...I'm thinking of making them my full time lawyers...Of course you will still be my lawyer too.." said Brendan..

"That's alright....I'm glad we met tonight...I don't think it's a good idea for you to retain my services any longer..."said Brenda..

"Bren...Bren do I detect jealousy?" asked Brendan..

"Oh No...I love Yvette and her guys to death...That's why I brought you to them...but I don't like how you did me...Getting me drunk and taking advantage of me....and you didn't have the courtesy to even take me to my car the next morning....You just left.." said Brenda.

"Bren, I'm sorry...I swear...I woke up and I felt so awkward, so uncomfortable....and I figured you felt uncomfortable too and I -I just couldn't face you...I'm a coward I suppose."said Brenda

"You weren't a coward when you were slipping my panties down and unbuckling my bra....but it's cool...that's not going to happen again.." said Brenda..
Just then, as fate would have it...Rosanna Towne walked in....Her eyes and Brendan's eyes locked.

It was almost electric....She paused, then turned and quickly left....Brenda noticed it..

"That's Ray Towne's widow.......You know Yvette had doubts about you before the trial...You called that woman 127 times...You....You....oh my god!!!  You have a thing for her don't you?   Her husband suspected as much and that is why he didn't like you, that is why he stopped coming to couples therapy and a few months later she stopped...

You really did send that poor troubled boy into their conference room to kill them didn't you?" asked Brenda...

Brendan took a large deep breath....

" you believe in Manifest Destiny?    From the time, Rosanna and I first laid eyes on each was love at first sight....I knew and she knew that she and I were meant to be together...but what could we do? She was married and her husband was crazy about her...He would never give her up... I loved that woman from afar for so long and then, one day when I thought all was lost, when I thought I didn't have a shot...She reffered him to me, Christopher Baker... I could see the boy was troubled from the beginning...very troubled... despite having a Harvard Law Degree....I gave him that gun, bought illegally on the street..I took him to the range and let him fire...I told him it was a "de-stressing exercise.." I subtlely fed his mutual hatred for Raymond Townes... I knew they were going to terminate his employment...They played right into my hands... It was so easy to aim him at Ray Townes like a heat seeking misslle..

I'm sorry about Mr. Bailey.....He had nothing to do with this...He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time..Collatteral damage you might say." said Brendan, calmly....

A chill went down Cheryl's spine...she realized at that moment that she was talking to a psychopath....

"Of course Bren, this conversation never happened......You won't tell Yvette and her team about this...They are days from winning this lawsuit.... Everything I've told you is protected by attorney /client privilege....You can't repeat this or face possible disbarment...You understand how the game is played don't you Bren?" he said softly...

"You're a monster!" said Brenda, who tossed a few dollars on the table to pay for her drinks..She got up and left...

Brenda wasn't snowed by Brendan's talk of their conversation being protected by Attorney/Client privilege. She was no longer his attorney...Still she had to be careful...She had to do something...She couldn't let him get away with this...

Meanwhile back in the courtroom..

"Your honor may I request a continuance, to better prepare for this development?" asked Attorney Danny White.

"I'm going to grant you this continuance...but mind you...this jury has been here for three weeks, far longer than any of us expected them to be...You have 24 hours....Then I expect you all back here the day after tomorrow at 11:00 AM...Court is adjourned..."said Judge Kelly Ann..

"Thank you your honor."said Danny White.


 ''Enjoy your break guys....Don't come to work...You hear? Rest...." said Ms. Yvette..

"Oh wowwwww! That continuance will help us." I said.
"We are all near the point of exhaustion with this case." said Bee Bee.
"I knowwwww." said Sofia.
"Ohhhhh wow! That Bed is calling me.."laughed Kahlil.
"Me too!"laughed Jade..Let's go home." she said.

By the time we got out to the lobby....Brenda Jordan was gone!


Our Day Off..-

"I miss the train ride with all of our friends and all, but I like having the day alone with you.." said Bee Bee as I took her into my arms...
"Ummmm I like you in this dress, but I think you'd better just wear it around the house...It's so short you can almost see your panties." I said

As we began kissing...

"Sofia told me that...Perhaps you're right....I only want to turn you on...Not anyone else." said Bee Bee.

"You certainly turn me on, every damn day....Ummm I'll buy you another white skirt..." I said.

"You're so good to me Hot Stuff." she said as we continued to kiss..

"I see you notice me acutely...." she said.

"I've always noticed you acutely since day one in law school." I said.
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!......AWWWWWWWWWWW" she cooed as we continued kissing 
and I removed her skirt, and unhooked her bra...

and slipped her panties down....

We lie across our bed giggling as I spread her legs and entered her slowly, softly......

"AWWWWWWWWWWW...OH MY GOD!!! WOUUUUUUUU!" she moaned.. Bee Bee was so wet....her skin so soft...and smelling so good..

My whole body was was hers....

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LAWWWWWD BEE BEE!" I cried out as I began slowly humping her across the bed..


We began making passionate love for the next NINE TO TEN HOURS! giving our bed a good workout!

Ending with Beatrice sleeping peacefully on top of me, while I myself was about to doze off with my arms around her, softly rubbing her butt..

Next door to us...Sofia and Kahlil were enjoying their day off the same way.....

''Papi, you can't keep your hands off me at work, always trying to pull me into your office..."said Sofia.

"I can't help're so damn hot.." said Kahlil, taking Sofia into his arms..

and kissing her passionately...

"Am I?" she asked giggling..

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I've been watching that hot body since we were in High school..." he said.

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUU HOOOO HOOOO HOOOO HOOOOO!" she giggled...kissing him passionately and really enjoying it...
He slipped her night shirt off and unbuckled her bra...

and gently slipped her panties down...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUU mamasita...." he moaned..

She giggled again at his phony spanish accent....

She lie on top of him kissing him like it was going out of style..
And eventually straddling him and opening her legs, allowing him to enter her....

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AYE MIOS DIOS PAPI!" she cried out, her head turning from side to side..sweat rolling down her face....and her body trembling...

Kahlil turned her over, spread her legs and entered her warm wet center....

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AYE MIOS DIOS PAPI!" she cried out again, her head turning from side to side..sweat rolling down her face....and her body trembling... She was having an intense orgasm..... "I LOVE YOU PAPI!" she moaned.

"I LOVE YOU LITTLE MAMASITA!" he moaned softly in her ear.

The two of them,like us ,making sweet love for the next NINE TO TEN HOURS!

and winding up sleeping on top of each other...peacefully....

While down the street at Ms. Yvette's house..

Yvette stood in the bathroom of their house nude, staring deeply into the eyes of her husband, Gary...

"You should take that bathrobe off....I know you don't have anything on under it...If I'm standing here in the cold, you should be too." she laughed.

"You won't be cold long baby...I promise you..." laughed her husband, Gary...taking her into his arms..

"OH MY GOD GARY YOU DON"T MAKE ANY SENSE!" she gasped opening up his robe and letting it drop to the floor..

"OH MY LORD, LOOK AT YOU!" she said.. Gary was as erect and as hard as a baseball bat... His penis was shaking... Yvette softly stroked it...and just gasped..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" moaned Yvette as Gary kissed her and squeezed her butt....

"UMMMMM HUSBAND.....OUUUUUUUUUUU LOOK AT THAT HORSE...WOUUUU!" Yvette screamed..softly stroking his engorged penis....
Yvette kissed Gary softly...
then passionately...

Gary's eyes rolled into the back of his head....he was near delirium!

"OHHHHHHHHHH..AWWWWWWWW VETTIE GIRRRRL! When you texted me and asked me if I could take the day off, I jumped at the chance.." Gary moaned..

"I knew you would....I hoped you would.." said Yvette.

Gary lifted her up and entered her slowly! Yvette gasped ...her head turned from side to side...her body trembled something fierce and she began to cry like a little girl...She was having an intense orgasm....

He spread her legs and entered her slowly.......Yvette was so wet...her body so soft......Gary felt as though he was losing control....


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed softly as he stroked her slowly, softly....

Her bra and panties were lying on the bathroom floor.....Gary hadn't given her a chance to put them in the hamper...He never did!

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm!" he moaned.. He spread her legs and entered her while she sat on the bathroom sink...

"OHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD!!!" she moaned even louder.. her head turning from side to side.. her body trembling some more and tears just flowing down the side of her face...

She was so soft, so very wet...smelled like a new born baby......She was driving Gary out of his mind!!!!

Her body was trembling.....sweat rolled down the sides of her face...she began to cry like a little girl she felt so good...

He entered her doggie style and he seemed to enjoy that position..

"I love you Gary!" she whispered softly..

"I love you too Vettie..OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!" he said as he began to cum hard...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" and she held on tight, shaking and trembling as he was doing the same.

Both were sweating profusely....

By the time they made it to the bedroom, both were delirious...and ready for round two.....





For the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, they continued making sweet love..

Later Yvette lie on top of Gary trying to catch her breath...


"How is your case going?" he asked.

"I think it's almost over...Attorney White asked for and got a continuum ...We go back tomorrow...I think we've got him over a barrel...Those women have no proof of any wrong doing on his part.."said Yvette.

"I get how they feel...Their husbands were murdered..slaughtered in cold blood by his patient...and even though his patient committed suicide...They feel like somebody living should pay..."said Gary..

"I know honey...but that's just plain vengeance and there is no place for that in the law."said Yvette.

At this moment in Sam Mother's Diner, Attorney Brenda Jordan was having a lunch meeting with Lt. Danny Ho.

"Brenda , this is a fantastic story you're telling me...You mean to say he actually confessed this to you?" asked Lt. Danny Ho...Jade's husband.

"Yes... he confessed...He thinks what he told me is protected by Attorney/client priveledge, but I am no longer his attorney of record...and I told hm that...Still there are some blurred lines here..that could  trip me up and possibly make me lose my license, you do understand.." said Brenda.

"Have you told Yvette or my wife any of this?" asked Danny Ho.

"No...No....I didn't want to do anything to prejudice their case...It's almost over...Let it play out." said Brenda.

"We can get this guy.....but we have to have him confess on tape....If you approach him again..His guard will be up....but not if one of his accusers approaches him. The one he has an affinity for...Rossanna Towne.. I need you to go to her talk to her...Tell her we can get this guy, but we've got to have him say it on tape."said Danny Ho.. "I can wire her in a way he'll never find it..." said Danny Ho.

"I'll do it!! After the trial.." said Brenda.

"If we do this right, this won't come back on you at all... If it does...I'll back you at the Legal Ethics Board..But it's important to get this monster off the streets."said Danny..

"Thank You Danny." said Brenda.




 Brendan looked confident. Smug was more like it.  It was a combonation of his pure arrogance and his confidence in us.

 A Lot of our clients were nervous at this point, holding Ms. Yvette or one of us's hand for comfort, but not Brendan...

I'm not sure Ms. Yvette wanted him to hold her hand.
Bee Bee looked hopeful...
As did Sofia..
Kahlil felt as though he had read the jury correctly and we had won this case, but he didn't know.
Jade felt that at least if we lost, we could negotiate the judgement...our client wasn't facing a prison sentence.
Attorney Danny White, a far better attorney than we had thought had done a credible job, but possibly not well enough...He looked nervous..

Patricia Bailey looked hopeful...

So did Rossanna Towne.....

Brenda sat in the back of the courtroom looking stoic...

"Has the jury come to a decision?" asked Kelly Ann..

"Yes we have your honor." said the Jury Forewoman... She passed the verdict to the bailiff , who passed it to Kelly Ann , who read it and with her face betraying no emotions passed it to the Baillif..

"WE THE JURY IN THE CASE OF  CIVIL CASE- Patricia Bailey and Rosanna Towne vs.

" screamed Patricia Bailey, crying profusely...

"I'm sooooo sorry ladies." said Attorney Danny White...

"It's alright Danny, we don't blame you, we know you did the best you could."said Rosanna, who avoided looking at Brendan...

Brendan was overjoyed...

"YESSSSSSSSS!" he said, pumping his fists...."THANK YOU YVETTE!!!" he said jubilantly...

 It was a victory, but it didn't feel like one..I could see it on Ms. Yvette's face. There was no joy..Not the joy one usually feels when one wins a case...

"We Won!" I said.
"Yeah, but why do I feel as if we lost?" said Bee Bee.
"Yeah, me too! I feel like we should have lost." said Sofia.
Kahlil looked at the two sobbing widows...

"So do I. You know Jade, this is one time I kinda wished we had lost." he said.
"Yeah, I know what you mean." said Jade.

Brenda angrilly walked out of the courtroom, saying nothing to us or Brendan.


 "I thought I saw Brenda here.."said Yvette.

''She was here...She left right after the verdict." I said.
"She didn't look too happy about the verdict." said Bee Bee.
"I knowwww, you think she found out something?" asked Sofia.
"If she did, she didn't give us a heads up."said Kahlil.
"She wouldn't have wanted to prejudice our case." said Jade..

Yvette looked a little strange..

''Where are you guys drinkin tonight? First Round is on me." said a very relieved Brendan..


Brenda found the Condos where Rosanna and Raymond Towne had lived.. She bravely knocked on the door.

Brenda was getting ready to leave when Rosanna finally came to the door..

"Hello...I'm an Attorney, Brenda Jordan, she said.

Rosanna stared at her and then she remembered where she had seen her...

It was in court two weeks ago at the beginning of the trial...She was passing coffees to Brendan's lawyers.



"I know who you are...You're one of Brendan's Attorneys...I saw you all together in court." said Rosanna..."What could you possibly want?  You guys won...What? Did you come to gloat?" asked Rosanna.

"No...I came to say that I'm sorry...and that no, I am not one of his lawyers...He fired me before the trial began...but those lawyers who defended him are my friends....I hand picked them for him when he came to me....And then during the middle of the trial I found out something horrible from his own mouth....He did indeed manipulate Chris Baker into killing your husband....I got this from his own mouth about two days before the trial ended...He said that what was said between him to me was protected by Attorney/Client privledge,but he was no longer my client. You're an attorney yourself you understand the sticky situation I still am in...I didn't go to his lawyers because if I tainted their defense, he could still say I violated Attorney /Client privledge somewhat..."said Brenda,.

"So what do you want from me?" asked Rosanna.

"I have a plan to get get you some Honey Trap him....but you have to help me...It's the only way to make him your trial just showed you...There is no physical proof that he did this..  But you, you are his weakness...You go along with me and we'll get him, we'll put that monster behind bars on criminal charges for the rest of his life are you in?" asked Brenda..

Rosanna thought for a moment....

"The man date raped me a few night s before the trial began and I know he's called you 127 times...
He has a thing for you." said Brenda.

"Make that 131 times....He calls me from a blocked number late at night, wanting to know what color my panties are today....He's a freak." said Rosanna.

"Go to the address, Ask for Lt. Danny Ho...He'll take it from there...We don't have to ever meet again."said Brenda.

"Your secret is safe with me  and thank you..." said Rosanna.

She met with Lt. Danny Ho of Robbery -Homicide and he took her to the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Philadelphia Police department.

"Rosanna, this Lt. Sissy Van Buren of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Philadelphia Police Department.
"Hi Rosanna..We are experts at this type of thing.We can wire you up in places where Dr. Fischer will never find the wire." said Sissy.
"And we have special contact lenses that are really cameras that will give us complete visual."said Detective Carlotta Rodriguez-Wallace.,

"We'll be able to listen to the entire conversation and see everything done and hear everything said."said Detective Tyriq Pile.

''We just need you to follow the script we gave you."said detective Jimmy Barlow.

"Get him talking about what he did...Give Chris all the credit....Make him admit to you what he did."said Sirena.

"Don't worry..we'll all be close by in a van monitoring the whole thing.."said Hop.

"Angie and I will be in the Restaurant, so pick a nice place." joked Duke.
"Oh Hush up don't mind him...Carlotta, Sirena,let's take her to the ladies room and get her wired up."said Angie.

"Thank you soo much." said Rosanna.


"I was so surprised when you accepted my invitation out to dinner Rosanna...You know I'm very fond of you...I always have been, heh heh heh." said Brendan... "

"You seem equally interested in my underwear." she laughed.

"Hahahahahahaha." he laughed.

"In case you're interested...My panties a black lace and I'm wearing a Blue Bra." said Rosanna, laughing as the waitress delivered their meals....

"Ummmmmm this smells delicious." she said.

"I'm glad you like it....I'm so glad you realized that we should be together...I never had any ill will towards you and Mrs. Bailey....I understood you were only doing what you felt you had to do.." said 

"You had some great attorneys...very young, but very sharp." said Rosanna ,speaking of us. 


"You had a good lawyer too!" laughed Brendan..

"Danny White was no joke....My lawyers will tell you that!..Hah Hah Ha." he laughed.

"You know I feel so relaxed...So relieved....I loved Ray, but he was suffocating.....I hate to say it...but I'm glad he's gone...He left me well taken care of ...nice life insurance policy....I owe it all to Chris Baker.

He was kind of cute....I almost feel like if he had lived , I would have given him some for setting me free."laughed Rosanna.

"Christopher Baker didn't set you free....I set you free...That Brainless Bumpkin couldn't have done anything without me..." you believe in Manifest Destiny?    From the time, I first laid eyes on was love at first sight....I knew and I believe you knew that you and I were meant to be together...but what could we do? You were married and your husband was crazy about you...He would never have given you up... I loved you from afar for so long and then, one day when I thought all was lost, when I thought I didn't have a shot...You reffered him to me, Christopher Baker... I could see the boy was troubled from the beginning...very troubled... despite having a Harvard Law Degree....I gave him that gun, bought illegally on the street..I took him to the range and let him fire...I told him it was a "de-stressing exercise.." I subtlely fed his and my mutual hatred for Raymond Townes, your husband... I knew they were going to terminate his employment...They played right into my hands... It was so easy to aim him at Ray Townes like a heat seeking misslle..

I'm sorry about Mr. Bailey.....He had nothing to do with this...He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time..Collatteral damage you might say." said Brendan, calmly....

"Oh, you really are a monster." said Rosanna, trying to hide her anger...

"All is fair in Love and war babe.You know how the game is played...I'd of moved Heaven and Earth to have you." said Brendan confidently and smugly..


"We got it!!!...It's all on audio and video tape."said Lt. Sissy Van Buren/

" undisputed confession."said Detective Carlotta Wallace.

"Oh man, he just admitted everything..." said Detective Tyriq Pile..

"Do we have the warrants?" asked Detective Jimmy Barlow.

"Got em right here.."said Detective Sirena Pile.

"Now Duke and Angie have to do their thing and get her out of there." said Hop..

"They are two tables away.He may have won his law suit...but he won't win in criminal court."said Lt. Danny Ho.

On Cue ,Detective Angela Belton-Barlow walked past Rosanna and "accidentally" spilled her drink on her..


Taking Rosanna out of the restaurant and to our van and safety...

"Please forgive my girlfriend....Allow me to pay for your meal." said Duke tossing a few dollars on the table.

"There's no need for that...No Need for that!" said Brendan, who for the first time seemed a bit confused, bewildered...


Brendan Fischer was arrested, tried and convicted of three counts of Conspiracy to commit murder and sentenced to 25 years- Life. His new Attorney narrowly saved him from the Death Penalty.



 "Our Former Client, Brendan Fischer got 25 years to life for conspiracy to commit murder in the deaths of William Bailey, Ray Townes and Christopher Baker." said Yvette.

"You guys declined to represent him on his criminal charges." said Gary.

"Especially after we heard and saw his confession." I said.
"I had a feeling about him in the pit of my stomach." said Bee Bee.
"So did I and so did Ms. should always go with your gut feelings." said Sofia.
"Yeah you should." said Kahlil.

"We had no proof, no physical proof of any wrong doing...."said Jade.

"We needed that confession and Rosanna was the only one who could get it for us." said Danny Ho.
(He never mentioned Brenda's part in all of this..To the world it was a joint Robbery-Homicide/ C.I.D. investigation.)

"He was a smooth talking psychopath."said Virginia.

"I'm just glad he got caught...and put away."said Jetty. 

"He was as slick as canned oil."said Olivia.
"Those are the textbook psychopaths, charming, glib, smooth...very likable.."said Donnie Ray.

"That's very frightening." said Beverly...
"Very, but he's safely locked away where he can't hurt anyone else." said Nelson.

"Thank God for that."said Josie.
Parois put his arms around her and squeezed her tight .....

"I'm glad we didn't have him for a client." said Bresha.
"I'm glad you didn't too...guys like that are very seductive." said Tony...

"And you're the expert right?" laughed Alfreda..

"Well he's got a point." laughed Rockland..

"By the way , where is Brenda Jordan? Haven't seen her around in a minute."asked Jazzy..

"He was her client and a friend..I suppose she is soo disappointed in him."said Dabnis.

"It wasn't her fault."said Kayla.
"That guy had her fooled just like everyone else.." said Ray...

"Well he's behind bars now where he belongs."said Jessica.
"Aint that something...He beat the lawsuit,didn't have to pay oput the money, only to lose the criminal case ." said Chip.

"Don't pay out 3 million dollars, but go directly to jail."joked Karen Page.

"Now that's funny."laughed B.L.

"I saw the story you did on him on HARD BOTTOM last week. B.L." said Natalie.
"He refused to actually be interviewed." said David.
"That would have exposed him.." said Brooke.
"I admire that man's wife...She lost the law suite, but she was determined to get him, wearing a wire and honey trapping him into confessing." said Sean.

"He was sooo smug, so sure that he had gotten away with everything ,,that he was untouchable."said Zoey.

"Just goes to show...Nobody is untouchable."said Lem..

"He played himself. He couldn't help bragging about what he'd done!" said Renee.

"The Power of the Panties...Or the almost panties."said Tyrell.

Nina Rios spit her drink out laughing...

So did Carlos...

The Men's Correctional Center-

At the Men's Correctional Center, Brendan Fischer had a surprise visitor-

"YOU!!" he said with seething hatred...

"I hear they are shipping you upstate to Stanga State Prison....I thought I'd see you off before they ship you to your new home" said Brenda Jordan.

"I KNOW YOU WERE BEHIND THIS!!~ I KNOW IT!...Even though you weren't in court and Rosanna said she went to Lt. Danny Ho and Lt. Sissy Van Buren with her plan, I know she is incapable of putting together a plan like that...She doesn't have the brains....It was you, you put the bug in her ear, based on what I told you and when I prove it..You're going to be disbarred..." he said.

"Really? And how will you prove that from prison? You've got no money, and you've got no lawyers.... "Don't lose any sleep trying to prove that ."..she said.

  After his conviction, he was ordered to pay an undisclosed amount of money to both Rosanna Towne and Patricia Bailey....something that really rankled him..;.         

"I don't lose any sleep over you... I sleep well knowing the world is safe from a psychopath like you..." said Brenda.

He peered at her with unadultered and murderous hatred...and for the first time, the charming slick veneer of him was gone and the murderous psychopath he really was beneath all that charming slickness was revealed..

"Pray I never get out of here Brenda." he said coldly.

"I worry about you like I worry if the sun is going to rise the next day Brendan.." she said as she prepared to leave ."Have a nice life Brendan. "  Guard!" she said as she exited the prison visiting room...


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