Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Slay The Dragons

 Yvette sat in the Hair Salon with her close friends, looking at her laptop...


Born in Philadelphia Pa.

Graduated from Central High School, Philadelphia PA.

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..

JD- Drexel  University -The Thomas Kline Law School..

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York,

Senior Associate Attorney- Bingham and Strauss, Attorneys at Law

''Who is he Vettie?"asked Olivia....

''He's the Attorney representing the two women who are suing my client." said Yvette.

"Oh yeah....Their husbands fired that guy at their law firm and he came back, shot and killed both of them and then killed himself." said Karen Page...

"Oh yeah....I read about that.... but why are their wives suing your client Vettie?" asked Zoey.

"Because he was the young man's therapist...They felt that he could have done a better job with him or at least have given authorities some kind of warning about his homicidal tendancies.." said Yvette.

"That seems like a stretch...This should be an easy one for you Vettie." said Olivia...

It was a nice lazy fall Saturday afternoon... They had all had brunch at the No I.D. Bar and had come home and gone to the hair salon.

Olivia's niece, Beverly and her cousin, Kayla both walked over to them...

"You guys ready to go get something to drink?  "said Beverly...

"We are just waiting for Jasmine..." said Kayla..

"Hey Ladies....Let's go....Brooke and Natalie are waiting for us at the Bar... I just want to buy a bonnet." said Jasmine Coley.

''A Bonnet? For what?" asked Yvette.

"I'm going to Church tomorrow...My husband will be all over me tonight...I don't want to sweat my perm out...So I'm wearing a bonnet..." said Jazzy....

"Come to think about it...That's not a bad idea..."said Olivia, as all of the women laughed..

They  all walked over to the bar where they met with  Natalie and Brooke..

"Heyyyyyyyy Nat, Brookie.." said Jazzy...

"Hey Ladies...you look good." said Natalie.
"Yes....I may go to the salon next week."said Brooke.

"It's the mani-pedi for me ..." said Yvette..

"Nothing like a full service salon." said Olivia.

"Yessssssss!" said Karen.

"First round is on me..."said Zoey.

"Ouuuuu thank you...I'm thirsty." said Beverly.

"Yeah, me too!" said Kayla.

They enjoyed beers during the afternoon.

a light rain began to pour outside as the nine young ladies enjoyed their beers...


MONDAY MORNING-The Bridge Building


Brenda Jordan brought her therapist, Brendan Fischer into our office to meet with us.

"Good morning Everybody....This is my Therapist, Brendan Fischer...Brendan, this is Attorney Yvette Jones-Lockwood, She'll be the lead Attorney defending you in your Wrongful Death law suite..."said Brenda.

'Well Hello...Brenda has raved about you and your staff, Pleased to finally meet you...This is a lovely building you have and I love this Suite....I understand it is the Satellite office of McCluskey/Cozen/Connor & Pratt." said Brendan Fischer. 


 "Hello!  You do your homework well I see... I am Yvette Jones-Lockwood, Attorney at law and I'll let my staff introduce themselves." said Yvette.

"I'm Keith Jones, Senio Associate Attorney." I said.
"I'm his wife,Mrs. Beatrice Evans-Jones, Senior Associate Attorney." said Bee Bee.
"I'm Mrs. Sofia Garcia-Ahmed, Senior Associate Attorney." said Sofia.
"I am her husband, Kahlil Ahmed, Senior Associate Attorney." said Kahlil.
"I'm Jade Lee -Ho, Investigator." said Jade.

"And I'm Virginia Shaw-Dukes, Office Manager and Legal Consultant." said Virginia.

''Welllllll nice to see that you have a very diverse staff Yvette...."said Brendan.

"Brendon, take us through this whole thing...Let's hear your side..." said Yvette...

"Chris Baker was a patient of mine, Ironically enough reffered to me by the wife of one of the deceased men, who is also a patient of mine, or was....He was a talented yet unsuccessful young attorney at her husband's law firm...

He was a bit of an entitled little punk...Graduated from St. Joseph's Prep...Studied Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy at your alma mater ,University of Pensylvania...Upon graduating..He moved to Boston and went to Law School at Harvard...Was on the Harvard Law Revue, Graduated at the top of his class...I believe he was either number two or number three in his class...Passed the Bar in MA./CT/New York/Pennsylvania/New Jersey and Deleware and returned to Philadelphia and landed a job as an Associate Attorney at Towne and Bailey, a very reputable law firm... He was making six figures his first year and had a beautiful office... He won his first 10 cases....He was doing good.. Then
he lost 5 Big cases....Cases that cost the firm money and loss of prestige...He was asked to work with an older more season attorney on the next case...He balked and caused so much friction that they lost not only the next case...but a very well heeled client...He did not get a very good review the following year and he complained bitterly...Mrs. Towne felt sorry for him and told me about him....I took him on as a client..He was very very emotionally unstable...and like I said, I worked with him for a year...Then the absolute worst happened.

THEY LET HIM GO!  They decided he and their firm would be better off without him...He was about to be engaged he told me...He hadn't told his parents yet and he was just frayed..." said Brendan...

"Like I said, he had a huge sense of entitlement and he was very troubled..."said Brendan...


"Nothing can be more pathetic than what this firm has put me through doc..I mean, I graduated from Harvard Law School, 3rd in my class....right there at the top...I passed the Bar with flying colors....and these guys fire me...ME??   I can't believe it!!! I was getting ready to get engaged...My parents...I haven't even told them that I'm out of work....Oh My God!!!  They have ruined my life!!!"said a distraught Chris Baker....

"Chris....Chris...There are a number of law firms here in Philadelphia and in New Jersey that would jump at the chance to have someone like you working for them...A Harvard Grad with high marks..You can't let something like this get you down....You'll work again...I'm sure of it...Remember the coping methods we practiced??  Come here....Stand up....come here...bring it in......Yessss. now you're going to be alright...You're going to be just fine...At any rate...you know what to do.....Don't you? Slay the dragons in your life....Come out and be a stronger man.....Now get yourself together." he said hugging Chris.


Chris Baker walked up to the conference room where the partners were just ending a weekly meeting...

He pulled out a Barretta and shot Attorney Raymond Towne in the head, killing him instantly....Then he aimed at Attorney William Bailey who attempted to rush him and take his gun away but was shot three times in the abdomen and once in the head.....He fell to the floor and died shortly afterword...

The other frightened attorneys hunkered down behind the office chairs at the conference table...

Christopher then put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger, killing himself instantly...

"What mess...." said a crime scene investigator taking notes and snapping photos of the melee...

"A double murder /suicide... Oh my god...." said Dr. Hazel Baylor...Deputy Coroner...

"The gun is still in the killer's hands..."said Dr. Marcia Templeton..Asslstant Deputy Coroner.

Lt. Tragg was wearing Latex gloves...he took the gun out of the hands of the young killer..

"The serial number has been filed off...Damn it...These damn street guns...I hate em." he said. He placed it in a plastic bag...

"Okay guys, get em out of here, clean this up.  Hazel, Marcy, uh get me the autopsies as soon as possible." sighed Lt. Tragg, who was equally stunned by such a horrific scene.

All three bodies were put in body bags and strapped to gurneys...and wheeled out of the building as a crowd of people gasped and looked on...

"Oh My God!" said Sofia after hearing the horrific story..

"What did you mean when you told him to "Slay The Dragons" in his life?" asked Ms. Yvette.

"Nothing!  Nothing...I meant uh ruh exorcising the demons , Self Doubt, Fear of persecution." explained Brendan..

"I advise you not to repeat that phrase again..."said Ms. Yvette.

"A Judge and or a jury can interpret that as a triggering phrase, whether you meant it that way or not." I said.

"A good lawyer could  take that and do the same thing.."said Bee Bee.

"The thing is...you don't want to give their attorney the stick to crack you over the head with." said Kahlil.

Brendan smiled.

"Are your young attorneys always so free speaking?" he asked smiling.

"I've taught them to be....They've been under my tutelage since they passed the bar.."said Yvette. 

Brendan smiled -"That's just the kind of attorneys I want, Bright , no nonsense and aggressive....You're the team for me....Good call Brenda."said Brendan...

"We usually give these to our criminal defendants...but just so our communications are private..

This is a burner phone...We change the sim code every three days...You need to contact us, you don't call our business or personal phone numbers...You call this number and this number only..." said Sofia ,handing him the phone..

"And this here is a Portal... I know you don't feel like coming down here every day....We can give you updates on how your case is going." said Bee Bee.

Passing him the portal....

Brendan smiled..

"I love them...." he said.


Later that afternoon at his office in downtown Philadelphia.

Dr. Brendan Fischer tapped his laptop...

He was looking us up, his new attorneys....



Born in Philadelphia PA. 

Mother, Nancy Jones, Court Stenographer

- Father, Judge Keith Morrison

Graduated from West Catholic High School

B.A. Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Howard University

J.D.- University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish, French, German

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware ,New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Beatrice Evans


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. -Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy ,Pre Law- Temple University

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish and French

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Deleware, Texas, California

Associate Attorney- McCluskey /Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Keith Jones


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Philadelphia High School For Girls

B.A. -Administration Of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law-Temple University

J.D.-University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish and French

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware and New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Kahlil Ahmed...


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Central High School

BA.- Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre Law- Temple University

JD- University of Pennsylvania Law School

Speaks Arabic languages fluently, fluent in German and Russian.

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and New York, Texas, California

Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor/Pratt

Married to Sofia Garcia


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from North Catholic High School

BA-Trial Advocacy, Pre Law, Administration of Justice -Lasalle University

JD -University of Pennsylvania Law School

Fluent in Spanish, French and Russian

Passed Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware , New York, Texas, California.

Senior Associate Attorney-McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Managing Partner- McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Married to District Attorney Investigator-Gary Lockwood

He smiled...

''All PENN Graduates....Ivy leaguers...I like that...." he said..

He tapped his laptop..He wanted to know about the opposing attorney..


Born in Philadelphia Pa.

Graduated from Central High School, Philadelphia PA.

B.A. Administration of Justice, Pre-Law, Trial Advocacy -Temple University..

JD- Drexel  University -The Thomas Kline Law School..

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, New York,

Senior Associate Attorney- Bingham and Strauss, Attorneys at Law

"They'll mop the floor up with him." Brendan laughed to himself..

He sat back in his chair and peered out at the Philly Streets...

He decided to use the Burner phone we had given him....but not to call us... but surprisingly to call Rosanna Towne, one of the women suing him and ironically enough , a former client...

"Hello. Who is this?" said Rosanna.

"Rosanna, it's me...Brendan...I want you to know that there is no hard feelings....I know you are doing what you have to do.." he said softly..

"Brendan, I'm no longer your patient...My husband is dead...I am suing you and I don't believe we should be talking....Where are you? How are you calling me from a blocked number??" asked Rosanna

"What color are your panties today?" he asked..

"Oh My God!!! You freak you!....Goodbye Brendan.!" she said.

''Are you wearing a lace bra?" he asked.

"Goodbye Brendan, don't call me again.." said Rosanna Towne.


She hung up!

Brendan laughed....

and peered out the window at the street.



At Ms. Yvette's house..

"Our client seems alright, but something about what he told that boy in their last meeting bothers me."said Yvette.

"What is that?" asked Gary....

"During their very last session he said.."Chris..You're going to be just fine...At any rate...you know what to do.....Don't you? Slay the dragons in your life....Come out and be a stronger man.....Now get yourself together."  A Good Lawyer, a first year attorney could take that and twist it around and say it was a triggering comment..I told him, not to mention that, not to use that phrasing when we go to trial." said Yvette. "I didn't tell him to lie mind you...just to leave that part out...Only he and the dead guy knows he said that." said Yvette.

"Brendan was my therapist at one time...I didn't mention that to you...Not anymore..but he was pretty decent, a bit unorthodox..but pretty decent...He helped get me through a rough patch..." said Gary, hugging Yvette.

"Yeah, something about him feels a bit off..I suppose I'm just imagining things...but I don't usually feel that way about a client before we go to trial." said Yvette.

"You're a good human being and you're smart..."whispered Gary...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm and you know the right things to say to make my panties drop and my bra come off." cooed Yvette...

''It's a gift."laughed Gary raffishly..

"Yes it is..."laughed Yvette..

as she unsnapped her bra...

and Gary slipped her panties down...

He rolled her over on the bed and entered her slowly, softly....as usual Yvette was very soft, very wet, smelled very good and her body was shaking with anticipation...


"I love being ridden by you...OHHHHHHH MYYY GODDDDD! OUUUUUUU!" moaned Yvette..
He slowly entered into her and began breathing heavily...he slobbered all over her huge breasts and Yvette began to move up and down on him...

 "Ummm Gary...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my goodness, ouuuuu you feel good..baby...Whooooooo Lawd Gary...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuu"she cooed..

"Ohhhhhhhhhh..awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!Yvette so do you..Lawd,so do you...I love you so much...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he moaned..

"Ouuuuu,I love you  sooo much too.." she moaned.

What followed was EIGHT TO NINE HOURS of hot sweaty and sweet lovemaking....Gary felt as if he was losing his mind...So did Yvette...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." he moaned...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Garrrrrrrrrrrry!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! " she moaned,.Her body was trembling something crazy....they both were sweating heavily.....Her head was turning from side to side...and tears just streamed down the side of her face..

Yvette lie on Gary's chest....He was trying to catch his breath after cumming so hard, he could hardly breathe...

Yvette was relaxing as Gary rubbed her butt...She smiled at him and they  both dozed off.

At our house...
Bee Bee was sitting on the bed with her glasses on in a T-shirt and Panties, looking at her laptop..

"Hey babe....something bothering you?" I asked..

"I don't know bae...Our client!   I suppose he's alright, but something about him seems a little off center..a little wrong...Maybe it's just me...During their very last session he said.."Chris..You're going to be just fine...At any rate...you know what to do.....Don't you? Slay the dragons in your life....Come out and be a stronger man.....Now get yourself together."  That sounds triggering don't you think?"asked my wife.

"Ms. Yvette said..A Good Lawyer, a first year attorney could take that and twist it around and say it was a triggering comment..I perfectly understand...That's exactly why she told him not to say that when we get to court.." I said....

"Yeah, I know...but something about him feels a bit off..I suppose I'm just imagining things...but I don't usually feel that way about a client before we go to trial. I don't like to feel thar way" said Bee Bee putting down her laptop....

I took my clothes off and joined her on top of the bed...kissing passionately...

I slipped her panties down....

Bee Bee spread her legs and straddled me as she began to slowly move up and down on me..



Next door, Sofia and Kahlil were not discussing our client..

"Ummmmmmmmmm papi, what a day.." said Sofia.

"Yessss...what day mamasita... I was looking at you all day." said Kahlil.

"I noticed .....Well now you can do more than look." said Sofia...

"Yes...."said Kahlil..

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm papi..." she moaned..

"Mamasita." he said softly...

He slipped her panties down...Sofia was so excited that her body began trembling immediately...her head turning from side to side..

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMM!"moaned Kahlil...

She began to ease herself down on Kahlil and move up and down, having an extreme and intense orgasm......


She began to ride him cowgirl style...

Even as we made love passionately......downtown in his office, Brendan Fischer sat in his office alone..

Staring out at the street...



  1. Something About this new client rubs me the wrong way, like maybe he is guilty of what the two women say he is guilty of.

  2. This guy is sleazy...but I don't think he's responsible for what his patient did!

  3. The jury is out on this guy...He may yet be guilty of what he's accused of.

  4. Standing and Applauding and tossing my panties and bra to the rafters...The sex in the last scene was HOTTTTTT!

  5. @ anonymous...Your panties and bra this time huh? LOL!

  6. I'm just here for the comments! LMAO!
