Thursday, October 10, 2024

Manifest Destiny


Karen walked in....She hadn't meant to come here...She usually ate breakfast on Saturday if she ate breakfast at all at Sam Mother's Diner...but she had to take an UBER here, to pick up her car...She figured she might as well have breakfast...

"Hi Bren...What are you doing here?" asked Yvette...

"I came back to get my's still across the street in your building's parking lot."said Karen..

"Ouu Vettie girl, somebody was naughty last night..." laughed Olivia, who overheard the whole thing while making a plate of food..

"You were very drunk when you left with Brendan last night...I take it he was not a gentleman"joked Yvette.

"No he wasn't! He took advantage of me...He knew I was drunk...He got me drunk....We killed three bottles of Tequila....Then he drove me home...I was in no shape to drive...And after he got me there...We had sex.....He didn't force himself on me....It was mutual....but it was slick...He'd been wanting to get me in bed since I became his attorney....and instead of asking, instead of at least trying to date me...He used that sleazy old trick, get her drunk and then get in her panties....I know better than this..I blame myself." said Brenda.

"He didn't bring you back to your car?" asked Yvette....

"No he did not! He got what he wanted..and didn't even stay...When I woke up...He was gone and my shower was still steamy and wet...He's as slick as canned grease...I'm sorry I brought him to you as a client Vettie...He just can't be trusted...I plan to end my professional relationship as his attorney."said Brenda, who seemed more hurt than she wanted to let on.

"Come on...Make yourself a plate and join us.." said Yvette.

Brenda scanned the room... She saw Yvette's husband and the rest of her group and their spouses , eating,laughing and talking.. 
"Hey, change of plans...Nobody has to bring any food... Renee and Tyrell contacted a caterer... Fried Chicken and Crabs will be supplied , along with beer...Just be prepared to play some mean card games.."laughed Gary...

"Oh Alright..." I said.
"Partners Girlfriend...We always beat the pants off of Kahlil and my hubby."laughed Bee Bee.
"Okayyyyyyyyyyy!"laughed Sofia.
"Yeah, well we'll see tonight." said Kahlil.
"You'll teach me how to play this game...Spades.." said Jade.

"You're a fast learner...I'll teach you." said Danny...

"Let me teach her...She can be my partner.." said Virginia..

  "Yeah and you and I can be partners Danny." said Jetty.

 As well as Olivia, her husband, her niece and her husband and the rest of their group...

Over the years they had been both her adversaries and eventually her friends in and out of court. 

"Did you hear what Gary said?...Nobody has to bring any food... Renee and Tyrell contacted a caterer... Fried Chicken and Crabs will be supplied , along with beer...Just be prepared to play some mean card games.."said Olivia.
''Great..I can't wait..Best crabs I ever had was from Baltimore and then New Orleans...My dad was a Longshoreman, He used to always bring us good crabs." said Donnie Ray...
"I can imagine...I remember when we were in New Orleans last...that seafood joint we went to...Great food."said Beverly.
"Yeah I remember." said Nelson.

"The meat was falling off the bone." said Josie..
"Yeahhhhhhh I remember." said Paris.

"Ummmmmm just the thought of tonight.." said Bresha.
"Tonight is going to be epic!"said Tony...

"I'm prepared for some good card games.." said Alfreda..

"You and Virginia make good partners..." said her husband, Rockland.

The other hangers on that made up their group were also present...Eating ,laughing and talking..All bright young attorneys who Brenda had worked with and against over the years..

"After tonight, I think I'll sleep in....You go to Josie's and get me a platter honey." said Jazzy.
"Huh? I might not make it to Josies." laughed Dabnis.
"Crabs and Fried Chicken...Wowwwwwwww!" said Kayla.
"We are going to have a great night..." said Ray...

"We haven't done anything together in the fast three weeks on Saturday...This will be nice."said Jessica, who loved the camraderie of the big group...

''Well we always go to Brunch on Saturday...It was nice to have some alone time and to go on a date the week before...Just the two of us.."said her husband Chip.

"And just sit around the house in our pajamas watching TV.."laughed Karen...
"You weren't in your pajamas and neither was I ." whispered her husband, B.L. to her.

''Me and Brooke are going to be partners and school you and Sean again." said Natalie,laughing

"Don't bet on it tonight..."laughed her husband, David.

"Oh stop it...In all the times we've played, you guys have only beat us once and that was because Nat and I felt sorry for you."laughed Brooke.

"Tonight we'll see." laughed Sean.

"Ohhhhhhhh I can't wait to go home...I want to stop in the shopping center...I saw a top I'd like to buy." said Zoey.
"Okay...."laughed Lem....

Renee smiled...Next to Olivia, she loved entertaining...

Her husband, Tyrell knew that about her and smiled as he rubbed her back.

Brenda envied them...They were all married to each other, They all looked out for each other...None of the women in Yvette and Olivia's group had to worry about having what happened to her last night happen to them..They went home and probably all had drunken sex with their husbands, who were there when they woke up..and having breakfast with them now....

She wound up sitting at a table with Nina Rios , a friend from way back also and her boyfriend, Carlos Diaz...

This is what she needed...a steady man she could trust.
"We are hanging out with Yvette and Olivia and the guys tonight...We are staying over Olivia's house for the weekend." said Nina.

''We stay there a lot...It's become our second home...They have a beautiful sub-basement apartment that is fully furnished." said Carlos.

"You guys have a nice time....I'm going over to Cherry Hill tonight.."said Cheryl, lying...She was planning on spending a quiet night in her apartment...


We all met at Renee and Tyrell's house for "Game Night"

They had a huge finished basement that could house all of us and some, which was why we had our Christmas meal here...

There was Chess for those who played...
Backgammon for those who played..

But most important tables set up for Poker,Pinocle and Spades...which the majority of the group

wanted to play....

within an hour the food arrived..

Donnie Ray brought in two trays of fried chicken....

And Gary brought the crabs...

And Jetty supplied the Beer....

Alexa was programmed with Classic R&B, Smooth Jazz, Classic Hip Hop and Neo Soul...

 "Oh My God Those crabs look delicious...but so does the fried chicken...." said Yvette.

"Yes indeed...let's grab some plates.."said Gary with a smile..

"Brenda didn't look too happy this morning." I said.
"I knowwwwwwwwwwww ...I saw her leave with our client..She was very drunk.."said Bee Bee.
''And probably very, very horny..."laughed Sofia..
"And he wasn't that drunk, so you know what that meant." said Kahlil..
"Oh yeah, they did the Hibbity Bibbity."laughed Jade, using the phrase for the first time.

"Considering she came to breakfast by herself...I'm betting he was gone by the time she woke up." said Danny,
"He could have at least taken her to her car...." said Virginia.

''Well you can be sure of one thing....There won't be a second date."laughed Jetty.

Olivia cracked up laughing while munching on a crab leg... 
Donnie Ray was chowing down on fried chicken....

Beverly, like her auntie was chowing down on a crab leg....

Nelson was chowing down on both and passing his wife a bottle of beer.

Josie was drinking a beer and enjoying crab legs and fried chicken
as was her husband, Paris...

Bresha was in heaven...She so enjoyed being with all of these people...
Her husband Tony felt the same way...

"This was well organized and put together..." said Alfreda..

"Yes it was." said Rockland, enjoying his food. 
"Ummmmmmmmmm I am loving these crab legs." said Nina.

"Another great weekend." said Carlos.

"There are apartments around here....You two should consider moving around here...We've got everything you need , shopping, restaurants and bars, transportation."said Jazzy.
"Yeah, but they live right down the street from their job....They walk to work...Nothing beats that."laughed Dabnis.
"You've got a point..."laughed Kayla.. "I used to live walking distance from my old job...but it was very lonely....No one was very friendly...There was no one to talk to...hang out with...Which is why I always wound up coming around here ,hanging with my cousins."said Kayla.
"I remember....I used to have to drive around here to see you sometimes."said Ray, remembering when they were courting.

"I love it around here, but mostly because of all of you..."said Jessica.

"Ditto that!"said Chip..

"I love this...The food is so good..."said Karen...

"So is the fellowship." said her husband, B.L. ,our newest neighbors..

"My little buddy Renee really put together a nice event."said Natalie, who had known Renee since she was in 11th grade and Renee was in the 9th grade..Their friendship had lasted after college and throughout law school in D.C.

"Touche Renee." said David..

''We have to do this again and next time...More of us will help you Renee."said Brooke.

"Yeah just tell us in time.." said Sean...


''Well we are all going to help you clean up....but for the time being...Let's get to the card games."said Zoey..

"Yes, I'm ready for some Pinocle." said Zoey's husband, Lem.

"The tables are up...Let's get to it."laughed Renee.,
Her husband, Tyrell just smiled and beamed with pride looking at his wife.. She was so enjoying herself...

Fellowship , Fun and Food!

Far from our fun and frolic, halfway across the city, Brenda sat in her apartment, seething with anger.



 "This is sooooo nice , a trial starting at 10:00 AM...." gushed Yvette.

"Yeah we were able to ride to work with our friends.." I said.
"And have a nice hot breakfast with them too!" said Bee Bee.
"If only all of our trials started like this." said Sofia, smiling.
"I know...but they want us all hungry and edgy." Kahlil laughed....

"Hungry and Edgy, that's the plan...."laughed Jade.

Our client Brendan Fischer showed up.... It was the first time we'd seen him since Friday Night in the No I.D. Bar.. He had tumblers of hot steaming coffee with him....

"Good Morning, Good Morning my esteemed legal team....I brought coffee's for you all.." he said. "I didn't know if you'd had breakfast yet,.I haven't...I'm starving." said Brendan.


 "Thank you...We did , but good hot coffee is appreciated all the time." said Yvette..

"Yes. thank you!" I said.
"Thanks for the coffee." said Bee Bee.
"Yes Thanks for the coffee.." said Sofia.,
"Hey I just found out who the Judge is going to be...Kelly Ann Mercer." said Kahlil.
"That's a good thing." said Jade.

We loved Judge Kelly Ann Mercer....She was tough, no nonsense in court, but fair...and a real sweetheart out of court...

Speaking of the good Judge...She was in the Judges Chambers attempting to freshen up...While Lt. Tragg was also in there with her getting fresh...

"Arthurrrrrrrrrrrrr don't you have work to do?" she cooed..
"I'm going to work...but first I want to work on you.." he moaned..

as they kissed passionately...


"OHHHHH..AWWWWWWWWWW LAWWWWWWD!" he moaned in between slow soft kisses.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm Arthur.....ouuuuuuuuuuuu we'd better stop it now...I have to be in court in just a few minutes.." she moaned in between passionate kisses.....

She eased out of his embrace....She stared at his trousers which were sticking out like a circus tent and laughed ,putting her hands over her mouth...

"OUUUUUUUU HOO HOO HOOO HOOO HOOOOO! Look at you....all big and hard....I hate to get you all worked up for nothing.." she giggled.

She touched up her lipstick and her make up...while Lt. Tragg watched....Totally enthralled....

She straightened out his suit and took a disinfectant wipe and wiped her lipstick off of his face and his lapel....

"Go to work Arthur.....I'll see you tonight..." she whispered and left him in the Judges Chambers to calm himself down.. She had a devilish grin on his face...She loved that she turned him on so much....



We all stood... 

"TODAY WE ARE HEARING CASE 102, CIVIL CASE- Patricia Bailey and Rosanna Towne vs.
Brendan Fischer, Complicity in a Wrongful Death" said the bailiff.

Attorney Daniel "Danny" White walked in with his clients...The widows of the two murdered attorneys...
Patricia Bailey, a black woman....
and Rosanna Towne, both attorneys in their own right...

We walked in with our client, Brendon.....



"Good Morning, Good Morning, Goooood Morning Jurors...It appears I know some of the attorneys...You have practiced in  my courtroom before...but in case you don't know each other...can we start with an introduction of the Attorneys..."said Judge Mercer..

"Representing Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Towne, I am Danny White, Attorney at law....." said Danny White.


" Representing Dr. Brendan Fischer, I am Yvette Jones-Lockwood, Lead Attorney 

"Representing Dr. Fischer, I am Keith Jones, Associate counsel." I said.
"Also Representing Dr. Fischer, I am Mrs. Beatrice Evans-Jones, Associate counsel.."said Bee Bee.
"Also Representing Dr. Fischer, I am Mrs.Sofia Garcia -Ahmed, Associate counsel."said Sofia.
"Representing Dr. Fischer, I am Kahlil Ahmed, Associate counsel." said Kahlil.

Jade watched our client Brendan closely...

He couldn't keep his eyes off of Rosanna Towne....It was both a lustful gaze and the gaze of a man in love almost....but that couldn't be...This woman was suing him for 1.5 million dollars.

Rosanna Towne was doing everything she could to avoid his glance... It was quite noticeable...


"Now that the introductions are out of the way...We'll begin with jury selection...Remember, you only need six jurors for a civil case such as this." instructed Judge Kelly Ann.

Kahlil and I were a fantastic team....We never got in each other's way and we played off of each other well. Having been trained in Voir dire by Ms. Yvette, a master herself.. 
We both  already knew all there was to know about the jurors and which ones we'd find acceptable and which ones we wouldn't...We both had carefully worded questions ready for each person we talked to...

Sofia and Bee Bee both were helping us today...They sat behind their laptops and whispered certain things we had talked about into our ears.. we both smiled.

Just like in law school, the four of us worked as a team, helping each other out...

Attorney Danny White was no slouch...He had researched well...
.He had his own questions and challenges...He was no push over...Our teamwork paid off.  We wound up with a 4-2 split going in our favor....Even though the jury foreman was one of his picks..Still,Not bad, not bad at all..

Ms. Yvette approved and she nodded and smiled at us approvingly like a proud mother.

"You've got a really good team Yvette...They're smart, aggressive, unafraid....I like that." said Brendan....

"Alright...Excellent!! We have a jury. Trial will begin Tomorrow Morning at 10:00 AM, Be on time and Be ready for trial." she said, smiling...Such a lovely woman...We all wondered what she possibly saw in Lt. Tragg.. You know what they say, Love is blind.

''Well....I'll see you guys in the morning." said Brendan, scanning the area and spotting Attorney Danny White and his clients,

Patricia Bailey and Rosanna Towne leaving the courtroom...Rosanna avoided his eyes altogether and clung close to her attorney.

"So Nice to have a 10:00 AM Trial...."said Bee Bee.

"We can get a nice hot Breakfast, Get ourselves together." said Sofia.

"I so feel you girls..." said Ms. Yvette...

"Let's come down here early and eat at Sam Mother's Diner for old times sakes and then get some coffee from that coffee shop by the courtroom." I said.

"Ha Ha...You got it all mapped out huh Keith?" laughed Ms. Yvette.

"Hahahahahahahaha..sounds good to me." said Kahlil..

"Let's get out of here guys..." said Jade..

It was a good idea..We all left...


It was a successful day in court...we had our jury picked and oral arguments begun tomorrow.
Bee Bee was wearing a sheer see through Baby doll.....She had just taken a hot shower and walked into our bedroom..

My eyes popped out of my head..

She giggled..

"Goddddddd girl, can you get any finer?" I asked as I watched her lotion her pretty shapely legs...

"I don't'll have to tell me." she giggled.
I pulled her towards me...Is this something you bought at Bridget's store the other day?" I asked.

"Yes...The panties and the like it? Of course you do." she giggled..

I undressed and  slipped her bra and panties down and off  and took her into my arms and kissed her softly...


"Ohhhhh my godddd, Bee Bee..."I moaned...

"Ummmmmm, ouuuuuuuuuuuu you are so hard....Ouuuuuu, look at youuuu!" she exclaimed as she stroked me lightly...

I spread her legs apart and entered her doggie style.....


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..HOT STUFF...Bee Bee moaned.. her head turning from side to side, her body trembling....her legs shaking..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed out....
I spread her legs across the bed and entered her slowly...Her body began to tremble something fierce, her head moved from side to side and she began to cry like a little girl...
She wrapped her legs around my waist and held on to me for dear life...She laughed and cried tears of joy at the same time...

I didn't know if I was coming or going.

Soon we were making love passionately on top of the bed..Not thinking about the day's events..

The next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, all we were thinking about was each other..

The same was next door at Kahlil and Sofia's house..

"Ummmmmmmmm mamasita!" moaned Kahlil...

Sofia and Kahlil were lying across the bed..

"OUUUUUUU PAPI!" she cooed!

Kissing ,fondling and laughing..

He unsnapped her bra  and  slipped her panties down and off...

"OHHHHHHHH MAMASITA!!!" he moaned...

"OUUUUUUUUUUU PAPI...AYE MIOS DIOS!" Sofia moaned  as she rode him on the side of the bed until neither one of them could take anymore...
Kahlil didn't know if he was coming or going...

Sofia was so wet...she couldn't believe herself...

She was crying tears of joy.....and her head was turning from side to side.
Kahlil spread her legs across the bed and entered her slowly...Her body began to tremble something fierce, her head moved from side to side and she began to cry like a little girl...
Sofia wrapped her legs around Kahli's waist and held on to him for dear life...She laughed and cried tears of joy at the same time...

Kahlil didn't know if he was coming or going.

before they too were making sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

Gary and Ms. Yvette were also making sweet love..
Gary couldn't wait to get Ms. Yvette out of her clothes
They had gone straight to the bedroom..

They had made love early into the morning hours....
Enjoying  their massive and new smart bed.. 

Yvette smiled..The bed was sturdy and very very comfortable...It moved with their every move and was very comfortable and warm..It actually enhanced their lovemaking..

EIGHT TO NINE HOURS had passed by.

 Bee Bee and I were fast asleep in each others arms..

Sofia and Kahlil were in each others arms and almost asleep.

And Gary and Ms. Yvette were sound asleep..
And a few doors down.....

 Jade and Danny Ho were really giving their bed quite a workout...


Kissing and moving up and down on each other in bed...

Hours of coital bliss

both in the bed and on the floor... It seems we all couldn't wait to get at each other...

And Ms. Virginia and Jetty's home....
Jetty was kissing Virginia passionately as he always did no sooner than he got her home,She was feeling the hard bulge in his trousers and shaking her head and smiling. "This man stays hard", she mused.
"Virginia, you are snatching my damn soul..." exclaimed Jetty in between smouldering kisses..

Ms.Virginia laughed..."WHATTTTT?" she said.

She stripped down to her panties and Bra..

Jetty nearly fainted..

"AWWWWWWWW LAWWWD!" he proclaimed.

She laughed long and loud..

"You are so silly.." she said.
As they continued to kiss in the middle of the bedroom floor..
She slowly eased herself down on him and began to move slowly up and down...

SNATCHING MY SOUL!! OUUUUUUUU LAWDDDDDDDD MAN!, OUUU WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" she asked as she experienced an orgasm like none she'd ever had..
Jetty humped her over the bed....



FOR THE NEXT EIGHT TO NINE HOURS, they made sweet ,sweet love....

Virginia was very satisfied.. She lie on Jetty's chest, breathing lightly...

"Virginia..I want you to buy some more lingerie like what you had on this afternoon...only in my favorite color..Lawd woman you was hot."said Jetty..

"Okay...but it'll cost have to give me the money for it. Bridget's fashions aren't cheap." she joked.

"Anything you want...How much?" he asked.

"I was kidding..." she laughed.

"Well you know what they say...Nothing is Free in America!" he laughed.

They both laughed before they dozed off in a deep relaxing sleep.

As Ice Cube would say...It was a good day!



At A tony french restaurant...Brendan Fischer had dinner and drinks with Brenda Jordan in an attempt to make up with her..

"So How is your case going?" asked Brenda.

'Well, it's going....I thought this would be an easy case...but that damned Danny White is a magician..

He's far better than I thought he was... He pulls something new out of his hat everyday...but...
my lawyers are just as good, if not better...They are seldom surprised by anything and when they are, they recover very quickly...



Mannnn, I love them...I'm thinking of making them my full time lawyers...Of course you will still be my lawyer too.." said Brendan..

"That's alright....I'm glad we met tonight...I don't think it's a good idea for you to retain my services any longer..."said Brenda..

"Bren...Bren do I detect jealousy?" asked Brendan..

"Oh No...I love Yvette and her guys to death...That's why I brought you to them...but I don't like how you did me...Getting me drunk and taking advantage of me....and you didn't have the courtesy to even take me to my car the next morning....You just left.." said Brenda.

"Bren, I'm sorry...I swear...I woke up and I felt so awkward, so uncomfortable....and I figured you felt uncomfortable too and I -I just couldn't face you...I'm a coward I suppose."said Brendan.

"You weren't a coward when you were slipping my panties down and unbuckling my bra....but it's cool...that's not going to happen again.." said Brenda..
Just then, as fate would have it...Rosanna Towne walked in....Her eyes and Brendan's eyes locked.

It was almost electric....She paused, then turned and quickly left....Brenda noticed it..

"That's Ray Towne's widow.......You know Yvette had doubts about you before the trial...You called that woman 127 times...You....You....oh my god!!!  You have a thing for her don't you?   Her husband suspected as much and that is why he didn't like you, that is why he stopped coming to couples therapy and a few months later she stopped...

You really did send that poor troubled boy into their conference room to kill them didn't you?" asked Brenda...

Brendan took a large deep breath....

" you believe in Manifest Destiny?    From the time, Rosanna and I first laid eyes on each was love at first sight....I knew and she knew that she and I were meant to be together...but what could we do? She was married and her husband was crazy about her...He would never give her up... I loved that woman from afar for so long and then, one day when I thought all was lost, when I thought I didn't have a shot...She reffered him to me, Christopher Baker... I could see the boy was troubled from the beginning...very troubled... despite having a Harvard Law Degree....I gave him that gun, bought illegally on the street..I took him to the range and let him fire...I told him it was a "de-stressing exercise.." I subtlely fed his mutual hatred for Raymond Townes... I knew they were going to terminate his employment...They played right into my hands... It was so easy to aim him at Ray Townes like a heat seeking misslle..

I'm sorry about Mr. Bailey.....He had nothing to do with this...He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time..Collatteral damage you might say." said Brendan, calmly....

A chill went down Cheryl's spine...she realized at that moment that she was talking to a psychopath....

"Of course Bren, this conversation never happened......You won't tell Yvette and her team about this...They are days from winning this lawsuit.... Everything I've told you is protected by attorney /client privilege....You can't repeat this or face possible disbarment...You understand how the game is played don't you Bren?" he said softly...

"You're a monster!" said Brenda, who tossed a few dollars on the table to pay for her drinks..She got up and left...



  1. I thought he was guilty...

  2. I thought he was guilty too....Now that we know what is going to be done about it? Yvette and them are about to win his lawsuit....but he's got to be brought to justice...Brenda is going to say something, but how can she without jeopardizing her law license?

  3. Tomorrow's conclusion is going to be real interesting!

  4. If he's no longer Brenda's client and for most of this story he hasn't been...Then his confession to her is not protected by Attorney/Client privilege. But it is a slippery slope she's walking.
