Thursday, January 6, 2022

Mrs. Stark


Our preliminaries began on Monday. Today however , Beverly West-East and her Husband , Nelson Stood outside their house, across the street from us. Beverly had organized another "Laundry Day."

''This is going to be the biggest and the best trip yet." said Beverly.
"Yeah, everybody and more are going...We are going to make that Laundromat, Money today."laughed her husband, Nelson.

Two Big Buses were parked in front of their Office Duplex,

Olivia and Donnie Ray had two big laundry bags with them...She leaned her head unto Donnie Ray's shoulders..
He squeezed her tight.
"This is going to be so lit..."said Jazzy as she and her husband,Dabnis loaded the bus.
"The only thing missing is music." laughed Dabnis.
"Can't have everything...We are going to wash and dry clothes, not party." joked Bresha.
"Ummmmmph, everyday is a party with you baby." said her husband, Tony, squeezing her tight.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm" moaned Zoey ,sitting in the back on her husband, Lem's lap...
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he moaned, squeezing her tight.

It was a few more people going than the last time. On the first bus, in addition to Beverly and Nelson,

Her aunt, Olivia, Donnie Ray, Jazzy and Dabnis, Bresha and Tony and Olivia's friend and former lawyer, Zoey and her husband, Lem were all seated with their laundry bags and ready to go.

From across the street, Kayla and Ray, Josie and Paris, Jessica and Chip crossed the street, all boarded the bus, complete with their laundry bags..

"This is sooooooo nice...This is going to be better than the first one." said Kayla.
"More People going...More people means more fun." said her husband, Ray, who had to be talked into going the last time and who afterwords admitted he had fun.
"This is going to be so lit." said Josie Boyd, who helped Beverly plan the first trip and this trip
"Man, never thought I'd enjoy doing my laundry." said Paris, her husband.
Jessica and Chip loaded their bags onto the bus and took their seats
Chip,like Ray had to be cajoled into coming the last time  and then admitted that he too had a great time.

Last but not least was us, Ms. Yvette, Gary, Me and Bee Bee , Sofia and Kahlil and Jade and Danny Ho..
"The kids raved so much about this trip the last time that I was sorry I didn't go."said Ms. Yvette.
"Looks like fun."said her husband, Gary.
"Oh it is man..You should see all of the monitors they have in there, Every sport that's televised is on in there." I said.
"Yes, you guys can all watch everything in stereo surround sound while you wash and dry your clothes.."said Bee Bee
"While We girls do the same and dish." said Sofia.
"And there will be food.. Alfreda and Rockland rented a van.. Her caterer friend will be sending the food in the van that will meet us there."said Kahlil.
"I knew you'd be on top of that." joked Ms. Jade.
"I'm glad he is." laughed her new husband, Danny Ho, also going with us for the first time..

Also with us was our friend, Jane Martin and her new boyfriend, Robert Brazillian..

"This is incredible...I don't know two people on my block...You guys are so together, so organized." she said.
She had told us she was going to hang out with us soon.. And she did. They

They partied with us at Aqua Bar, Stoleys and Josies the night before  and stayed with Bee Bee and Me..
We had an extra bed and we made a place for them on our third floor.

And here they were loaded up on the two buses and headed across town to our laundry trip..The second such trip..

For A Saturday, It was an Overcast day.. Once Again we pulled up in the parking lot of the huge building we had been to before and 

entered the building's ultra modern laundromat..

Those that hadn't seen this place before were in awe...There were several TV monitors ,so the guys could watch Football or Basketball, whatever suited their fancy and more than enough washers and dryers for everyone's clothing and then some.

Beverly's Mother, Alfreda and her boyfriend, Rockland, the only ones who didn't come on the bus, met us there in a Van... They had their laundry, but more important..They had the food..

Hot Coffee, Doughnuts and Bagels with cream cheese and jelly and a cold cut tray and bread, mayo and mustard for making sandwiches..

"Bee Bee, Sofia..This week end has been the most fun I've had in ages.. I love all of your friends..It was so much fun hanging out and clubbing with you guys last night..And now this.."said Jane..

"I know ,we all live on the same block and a lot of us work in the same building..but we are working..We only see each other a lot of times when we are eating or occassionally when we ride the train to work...We have the best times when we hang out in the clubs or we do things like this..When We are all together, no work, just hanging out."said Bee Bee. 
"All these guys, especially Olivia and Beverly, took us under their wing and taught us things and threw jobs our way when we were first starting out..We love them.."said Sofia.

"They let us eat breakfast, Hot Breakfast at their house and work remotely from their office at times." I said,speaking of Olivia and Beverly.

"Yeah they were the best." said Kahlil..

"Yeah, I met them , they all are very nice." said Jane looking at them..

Olivia,Beverly, Donnie Ray, Nelson, Josie, Paris, Bresha and Tony.

"I'd love to work for Olivia or Ms. Yvette..." said Jane.

"The lady that brought the food...

"That's Beverly's mother..She's their Office Manager." I said.

''Aren't Olivia and Beverly, Aunt and Niece?" asked Jane.

"Olivia's older brother is Beverly's father.. Ms. Alfreda and him aren't together anymore..but Liv and her have always been cool and always been close. So she brought Ms. Alfreda in as Office manager."said Sofia.

"Wowwwww, that's so cool. Your other friends are cool too!" said Jane, 

looking at Kayla and Ray.

"Kayla is Olivia and Beverly's cousin." said Kahlil.

"Oh Myyy this is a family thing..huh?" laughed Jane...looking at Jazzy, Dabnis, Jessica and Chip.

who were all folding clothes that had come out of the dryer..

''We've all worked cases with the others over the years.. We all wound up on this block by chance..We didn't plan it..It just worked out that way..We all had the same realtor and these were new homes...So we all got married and wound up on this block, together. Just like we wound up working in the same building."laughed Bee Bee.

"For you guys, this works out well.. I love it..I love yall...We must all hang out again.. Maybe I'll have something at my place and have you all over." said Jane.

"That would be nice Janey!"said Bee Bee.

Zoey and Lem were the other guests who weren't actually a part of our clique, although they did vacation with us in the Carribean for Christmas. They were enjoying being here too.


We had a great day...washing clothes, drying clothes and folding clothes, with plenty of food and good fellowship..

We loaded all of our clothes on the busses and cleaned up everything and the two buses and the van, filled with us all pulled off.. It had been a great weekend,..

After we returned, we stood in front of our houses..

"I really had a great time with you and your friends today...You have to give us a heads up and let us know the next time you do this.." said Rob Brazillian.
"You Guys are the best...Call me...Don't be strangers." said Jane, hugging and kissing Bee Bee and Sofia. "I love you girls." she said.
''Oh Most definitely girl.. We love you too!"said Bee Bee.
"Maybe one weekend, just the three of us hang out..Like back in the day."said Sofia.

''Ouuuu that would be so nice.. Maybe after the case is over.. Good luck you guys." said Jane.

"Don't worry Rob, we got you..We'll find something for you to do." I said.
''Yeah man."laughed Kahlil.

''That's a bet...See you guys later man." said Rob as he and Jane, got in his car and they pulled off, waving..



The Preliminay Hearing began...

Yvette walked into court with our client, Amanda Sleete, Flanked by the rest of us, Sofia, Kahlil, Bee Bee and myself..

Judge Tad Thornton was presiding.. He was little miffed at ADA  James "Straight" Shooter  being ten minutes late..

He came in with a styrofoam cup of half drank coffee, that he had spilled on his jacket..
Second Chair, ADA Gilda Grady , who was on time, was flaberghasted. She just shook her head.

This all amused Lt. Tragg, who had been on time and had once again been feeling her legs and stopping at running his hands up her skirt..

"You couldn't have been more unprepared than  James" Straight" Shooter.

Yvette and Sofia were running rings around him...

He was confused by laws and predicates that  Bee Bee and Kahlil

were using to object to his line of questioning close to 28 witnesses that we had also interviewed in the past weeks..

He stumbled all over himself the entire week

And even when he called his forensic witnesses, which we usually never question, I confounded him with my cross examination....My citing of laws, old cases and predicates...

Gilda Grady was livid at the way he was messing up the case...

So was Lt. Tragg...

"What the hell is he doing up there? They're making a fool out of him." he snarled.
For once..he and Gilda Grady agreed.


The last day of the Preliminary Hearing..

Judge Thornton made his ruling.

"I'm holdin this case over for trial..ADA Shooter...I'm going to have trial begin Wednesday at 9:00 AM..
This should give you ample time to better prepare....Everybody be ready for trial." he said.

"I think you'd better let me run this trial, they made a fool out of you, all week. They were better prepared,"said Gilda Grady.

"I'll be prepared...don't you worry. Don't get your panties in a bundle." snarled Jim Shooter.

"Keep your mind on this trial and not on getting in my panties." she said angrilly.

She had reluctantly gone out with him for drinks over the weekend..

He mistakenly thought that was a green light for him to kiss her, grope her,

Ambush her in the ladies room ..

and attempt to slip her panties down...

SHE SLAPPED HIM SO HARD , he fell through the door and then she  poured the contents of her drink on him, while patrons who witnessed the altercation clapped.

Needless to say, Both of them were pretty frosty towards each other this week.

Our camp on the other hand was joyous..
"You guys were great...What did I always tell you about preparation?  The Attorney that prepares the best, wins the case.. Years of experience or reputation means nothing..It's preparation and you guys were prepared." said a Jubilant Yvette, who didn't have to do much.

"I told you he's as dumb as box of rocks..He was the same way when I was with Olivia on that case..There were days we both were laughing at him during the trial ."said Bee Bee.

"If he's the prosecutor...I'm as good as acquitted." laughed Amanda.

"It's not going to stay like that..I assure you...They're going to change it up." said Kahlil.

''And his second chair, ADA Gilda Grady is no walk in the park..She's good, so we still have to be on our A-Game." I said.
"I'm not afraid of her..I can't wait to take her on." said Sofia.

"I'm starving...Let's go to Sam Mothers...I'm too hungry to ride the train back to our building." said Ms. Yvette.

So we all went to Sam Mother's diner..

We all had Steak Hoagies 

Ms. Jade joined us..

"Mrs. Stark  wouldn't talk to me..She told me to talk to her lawyer." said Jade.

"We can arrange that." said Ms. Yvette.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that other pair of panties and bra were hers..She's been stepping out on him for years." said Amanda. "Hey you guys heard from my girl, Janie?" asked Amanda.
''We hung out with her and her new boyfriend last weekend." said Bee Bee.
"Oh? She's seeing somebody now? Good for her." said Amanda.
"Yeah, the guy who's clerking for the Judge, Rob Brazillian."said Sofia.

"Ohhhhh nice!"said Amanda.
"Pass me the ketchup." I said as we chowed down on our Steak Hoagies..

"I knew it was too good to be true. Agita at 12:00 o'clock." said Kahlil.

Lt. Tragg walked in , in a frosty mood as usual and headed straight to our table.


None of us said a word..We just continued eating and finishing up our food.

Amanda however was furious that he had even arrested her in the first place.

"I see you're still working your mouth instead of your brain...You do that a lot. Arresting the wrong person." she said.

"I'm certain I didn't do it this time. We got you cold little lady..We know you were in that room with Courtland." said Lt. Tragg.

"Doesn't mean I killed him, which I didn't." she said.

"Uh Amanda...We try the case in the courtroom, not in Sam Mother's Diner." said Yvette.

The four of us got up and walked to pay our bills..

When Jade went to get up...He grabbed her arm..

"Hold it....You've been at a number of places I was supposed to be before I was there." he snarled.

''You're absolutely right..I was. Next time you should get there sooner." said Ms. Jade, pulling away and heading towards the counter to pay her bill.

"Seeee engaging your mouth before you engage your brains." said Amanda, laughing out loud.

"Come on Mandy, let's get out of here." laughed Yvette, as we all left

Lt. Tragg standing there dumbfounded and livid as usual.


Amanda went home and we headed back to the relative safety of our new building.

Where we sat..

"It pisses me off that we can't eat a meal in peace without him standing over us, whining and or complaining or trying to try the case in the diner.." snarled Bee Bee.

"You ask him to leave and he just stands there looking stupid." said an equally angry Sofia.

"It was my fault, we shouldn't have come back here to eat.. Perhaps we all should stay out of there for awhile, at least until this case is over." said Yvette.

"I just ignore him...I don't let him get the best of me like that." I said.

"Maybe after he louses up enough cases..They'll put him on that boat for good." laughed Kahlil..

"He has loused up enough cases to be on a Submarine by now." said Jade , which was met with gales of laughter by all of us.


Ms. Yvette was in her office..

She sat back as two people arrived she wanted to see. Mrs. Raina Stark and her Attorney, Clarence Decker.

"Ms. Yvette, this is Mrs. Stark and her Attorney, Clarence Decker." I said.
"Hello,I decided not to wait until you subpoenaed me , but instead to be pro-active... I'm here with my attorney." said Raina.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Jones-Lockwood, Congratulations are in order on you making Managing Partner." said Attorney Clarence Decker.

"Thank you.. Let's go into our conference room where you can meet the rest of my staff." said Ms. Yvette.

Inside our conference room/law library.. They saw the five of us, seated.
"This is Attorney, Keith Jones...
His wife, Attorney Beatrice Jones
Attorney Kahlil Ahmed
His wife, Attorney Sofia Garcia Ahmed.
and our investigator, who you've already met, Jade Lee-Ho." said Ms. Yvette.

I could tell by the shocked looks on their faces that they were stunned that our entire staff was people of color, African American, Latina, Arab and Asian and the office was being run by an African-American woman. 

I'm certain they thought I was an office manager of administrative assistant. 

"Well let's get down to cases..You'll address any questions you have to me."said Attorney Clarence Decker.

"Okay...Is it true that you and your husband are estranged and headed toward divorce?" asked Ms. Yvette.

"They have been in therapy and going to marriage counseling, yes." he said.

"Have you been rumored to have been having an intimate affair with Cosmo Courtland.?" asked Yvette.

"You mean was I sleeping with him? Yes I was." said Raina.

"Raina, shut up!!! I'm answering the questions." he said sternly. There was something about the emotion in his voice that caused

 the five of us to look at each other strangely.

"Okay is it true that your stocks plus your husband's stocks give him a controlling leverage in the company...but there were rumors that you were planning to sell your stocks to Cosmo Courtland , who was planning to sell his stocks to your husband's rival, Mr. Harry Darrow?"

Raina was getting ready to speak.


Bee Bee passed the subpoena's to Ms. Yvette.

"Okay! Here is one for you Mrs. Stark, it matches your husbands and one for you counselor... You'll answer these questions in court. Good day!" said Ms. Yvette calmly.

I rose to show them the way out.

"I know my way out." said Attorney Clarence Decker.

Raina got up and meekly followed him out.

"Well, that went rather well." said Kahlil.

Sofia, Bee Bee, myself, Jade and Ms. Yvette broke out into gales of laughter.



"BOSS, Come on....I'm telling you, I 've got this under control...Come Wednesday...I'll be ready, I swear. You know me...I start slow and build momentum...I've won my last 7 cases I should add. I've won em without any help." he said glaring at second chair Gilda Grady, who he was certain had put a bug in the District Attorney's ear.
She smiled wryly, but said nothing.

"Jim ,I was at two days of the Preliminary hearings and they were running rings around you, Caught you a couple of times looking foolish...They out prepared you...ADA Grady has had some success against them...

She beat Keith Jones and Kahlil Ahmed three years ago." said Garcetti.

"Oh wow! She beat two kids who just passed the bar...WOW! That was some victory...I also recall they appealed and beat her too!" said Jim Shooter..

"Their Boss appealed and sat in with them..

with her coaching them the second time, they easily won." protested  Gilda Grady.

"They simply out prepared you the second time." said Jim Shooter.

"Well whether or not Jim...I think she's better suited to run this case since she has experience with them...I'm making Gilda first chair...."said Gil Garcetti."

"This is a load of crap Gil and you know it...I'm out..I'm not going to be her second chair..No way..She can HAVE IT!! I'm through with this case." said an angry Jim Shooter ,who stomped his foot and stormed out of the D.A.'s office.. He was beyond livid and any sexual  feelings he may have had toward Gilda Grady were all but gone now..He instead had a white hot hatred and disdain for her now.

"I'll get you another person for 2nd Chair." said Gil Garcetti.
"That's okay...I can handle this...I work better by myself anyway." she said.

"You're pretty special Gilda, you actually got Lt. Tragg to put together  a thorough recanvas and re interview people.  You're some kind of special." said ADA Garcetti, smiling.

"Thank You sir." said Gilda Grady, smiling smugly.

It was Friday afternoon...Our work week was over... We had been at the preliminary hearing, the final one this morning and had met with Mrs. Stark and Her attorney this afternoon.

Bee Bee and Sofia had went upstairs to use the gym and work out. 

Sofia had already left and headed back to the office...They had both showered and brought a change of clothes with them.

I caught her in the women's breakroom finishing up getting dressed.

"You're not supposed to be in here." she laughed as she lotioned her legs.

"It's January girl, aren't you going to be cold in that summer dress, I know you just worked out, but damn." I said.
"You'll have the heat on in the car to keep me warm.." she said.

We had all driven to work today..

"Now is it something you wanted, I'm almost finished." she said.

"Yeah it is.." I said and took her into my arms.

We kissed passionately.

"Ummm you always  want me at the strangest times hot stuff." she said.

As we stood in the very back behind the locker and kissed passionately.. I hiked her skirt up..

I hiked her dress up and slipped her panties down and dropped my trousers..

I lifted her up and entered her warm wet center..



"OUUUUUUUUUU, you love your Bee Bee don't you?" she cooed.


Everyone was gone, heading home for the weekend...We were enjoying being alone up here, just us.
We were behind one of the large lockers in the back.. just going for it.


I came and came hard... Bee Bee's legs were trembling...

We left the building..

The Two of us drove home in the car...Just the two of us.. With the heat on and the radio playing.
This weekend was not going to be a replicate of last weekend. We had no guests and there was no plans of any laundry trip for tomorrow. 

Nobody was even hanging out tonight. I knew for a fact that everybody on my block was warm and snug in the privacy of their homes. Kayla And Ray, Josie and Paris, Jessica and Chip, Ms. Yvette and Gary, Me and Bee Bee, Sofia and Kahlil and Jade and Danny Ho. All of us had said we were staying in tonight.

And across the street from us, Olivia and Donnie Ray and Beverly and Nelson were warm and snug
in their domiciles.

It was that kind of night....

On the street katy cornered to our block .. Jazzy and Dabnis and Bresha and Tony were all snug in the warmth of their homes too!

It was a cold Friday night, a night for couples to be alone and enjoying each others company.

In her area of the city, ADA Gilda Grady stares out her window, she thought she heard somethimg, someone.

She doesn't see ADA James "Straight" Shooter in the shadows, peering in her window and drinking whiskey.


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