With Assistant District Attorney, Maxwell Coates closing his case on Monday Morning...
And Karen, Brooke, Natalie and I opening up our defense of Barbara on Tuesday Morning..
We didn't expect to take more than two days to present her defense......
While Meanwhile..
While Attorney H.Stanley Stanlison, a former Judge himself got his client
Judge James Wilson...
an audience with Judge Ray Walton, a sympathetic Judge...Who released Judge Wilson on 100K bail..
on Monday afternoon...It was the worst four days of his life, being locked up...
"This is all a big mistake...I assure you...My lawyer is working on this,,,,I'll be exonerated shortly...This is a smear job by my enemies...Attorneys who don't like me..." he explained.
"That's the point...There are too many attorneys who don't like you, too many bad stories about you floating around..We were trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I'm sorry, We are withdrawing consideration of you for Federal Judgeship...You're too controversial." came the voice on the other end of the phone.
"No you can't do that!! You can't do that...I've worked too hard for this..Too damn hard..Please! Please!" he begged..
He was as Red as a beet.....
"Somebody is responsible for this...Somebody!" he snarled...
"They found a photo in the loft belonging to Zack Roman of you, Lucas Fuentes, Bull Bailey, Paul Lagerfield and Zack Roman taken at Curleys in 2016 and a map that lead to the lake where the car was fished out of the river...with the bodies of your wife and Paul Lagerfield in the back, wrapped in plastic trash bags and the murder weapon, a gun with a home made silencer...The Car was signed over to you by one of your former clients, now deceased.....It doesn't look good ,I gotta tell ya....The only bright spot is that in the letter, Zack did not name you as the killer...He doesn't name anyone as the killer."said Attorney H.Stanley Stanlison.
"What about that girl, Kathy Elliot?" asked Judge James Wilson..
"She's moved....and she left no forwarding address...It's not known where she is...She could have left town...Why?" asked H. Stanley Stanlison.
"She ordered a copy of her trial transcripts the last day she was seen....Now why would she do that? she was acquitted...and I think she went back to that loft to pick up some things and found that photo and that map and she passed it on to somebody....Somebody out to get me..." said Judge James Wilson..
"Oh come on...Who?" asked H.Stanley Stanlison.
"That's what I want you to find out." said Judge James Wilson angrilly.
Courtroom C-
Natalie and Brooke worked so well together. They were like sisters . They presented a brilliant defense of Barbara, stating that her home had extensive electrical problems as stated by a second electrician and a third electrician that studied the property....They pointed out that neither of these men were allowed to testify in the original trial because the Judge, James Wilson denied it.
I presented the tape recording that was said to be Barbara Jones's voice, saying she torched the home.
I presented an FBI expert who brought his equipment into the courtroom and showed the jury a copy of Barbara's voice and a copy of the voice on the tape...showing the jury that the voice was two different people...
Neither the Prosecution nor the defense called Alan Olsen, her former room-mate, who tried to extort money from her... He was in county prison , finishing up a six month sentence...
We exposed him as a very unreliable witness and accuser.
Karen gave the closing argument for the Defense...
Barbara looked very relieved and very satisfied with her defense...
It was Tuesday Night!
"You've got a lot of nerve coming in here." said Captain Eddie Cantrell.
"I thought it was made clear that this detective, Sgt. Sam Jones, close this investigation down..Why is he back on this? It was supposed to be closed." asked an angry Judge James Wilson.
"He found new evidence...Good Evidence..He found the bodies, he found the murder weapon...THAT'S WHY He was back on the case."said Captain Cantrell.
"Do you realize who I am? And what a word from me can do to your career?" asked Judge Wilson...
"Yes, I know who you are...You're a suspect in a 9 year old double murder and a current murder.....Now GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE!" said Captain Cantrell.
Judge James Wilson stomped his foot and angrilly stormed out of his office....
Private Investigator Bert Vandenberg, a former FBI agent walked into Judge James Wilson's office,
"I located Kathy Elliot.. It appears she left Philadelphia weeks ago...and she's settled in Rochester , New York..She's working there and living there... she appears to have nothing to do with your current troubles...Though she did make one phone call to Philadelphia a few nights ago...To a U.S. Attorney, Sean Marks...The call lasted about ten minutes...That was it."said Bert.
"Thank you....Good work..." said the Judge, passing Bert an envelope with a check in it.
The Bridge Building-Tuesday Afternoon....
We were all back in time for dinner..
"This is quite a place you got here...So many selections of good food!" said our client Barbara.
"Barbara, the vote has gone to the jury, tomorrow morning I expect the decision to be Not Guilty..and for you to be a free woman." said Karen.
"I'm sure they'll find you not guilty." said Natalie..
"I polled the jury just from where I was sitting..It looked like a slam dunk..." I said.
Neither Brooke nor Sean was involved in our conversation
They were kissing passionately.......
"Mmmmmmmmmm Ummmmph, I know their bed is going to get a good workout tonight. "laughed Jazzy.
"So is ours." whispered Dabnis...
Kayla smiled... "They are practically newlyweds compared to the rest of us." she said.
"Jazzy is right, their bed is going to get a good workout tonight."laughed Ray..
"Our bed gets a good workout almost every night, doesn't it papi?" asked Jessica.
"Yes lawd."laughed Chip.
"After tomorrow's victory, that's right ,I'll say it... I'm going to the Fashion District and do some shoe shopping."said Karen..
"I'll go with you..."said Natalie.
"I'm going to just chill in my office...Maybe we can walk to Josie's and have a couple of cold ones after work." I said.
"That's not a bad idea." said Brooke.
"No not at all...you care to join us neighbor?" asked Sean.
"That would be nice." said Zoey.
"Yeah I'd be down for that." said Lem.
"Ugh Oh...look who just walked into our cafeteria." said Renee..
"I thought he was in jail."said Tyrell.
"You had to know that someone like him would get out on bail." said Paris.
"I'm amazed that he has the stones to show his face in public." said Tony.
Judge James Wilson walked into our cafeteria....
"Ohhhhhh look who it is.."said Yvette.
"I thought he was in jail...Three counts of first degree murder..what is he doing out?" asked Keith Jones.
"You know someone like him is going to make Bail." said Bee Bee.
"He'd better enjoy his freedom while he can..." said Sofia.
"Wonder what brings him here?" asked Kahlil.
"The Great Cuisine."laughed Jade.
"Yeah, he'd better enjoy it...the Food at Stanga aint this good." said Virginia.
Her husband Jetty laughed.
Judge Wilson walked over to Sean...
"A word Mr. Marks." he said measurably....
Sean walked over to the Judge's table as we all watched.
"Let's Cut the Bullshit! I know this was you.....You had Kathy Elliot order her trial transcripts....She wouldn't need to look at them. She gave them to you didn't she?....And she went back to that loft on orders from you and found that photo and that map...She called you and told you everything." he said icily..
"Guess you should have been been more thorough with the clean up after you killed Zack Roman...Was he blackmailing you? Did he help you discard the bodies?" said Sean.
He smiled for the first time... "Think you know the story huh? You know nothing...And you should be very afraid of me getting an acquittal..because when I do...I'm coming for you and I'm going to take everything away from you, including your pretty wife." said the Judge.
"I'll send you a photo of her in a bathing suit once you get settled into your prison cell." said Sean...who then got up and walked away....Laughing.
This angered Judge Wilson even more... He stomped his foot and stormed out of the cafeteria.
We settled in at our homes after the day was over...
''Wow! Sean was actually threatened by the Judge" I said.
"I knowwwwwwwwww!" said Natalie... "That's how this guy has operated his entire career, intimidation, lightweight threats...It's not working now of days."said Natalie.
"I wouldn't worry about it.. We all got Sean's back." I said as Natalie and I began to kiss..;.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmm I'm sure you're right.This kissing is working for you...." she said as the kissing got hotter and steamier.....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm yes it is..." I laughed...
I smiled and just stared at Natalie..
"You know I love you don't you?" I whispered...
"You'd better....I don't just kiss anyone you know." Natalie giggled....
as we continued to kiss....
"Or let just anyone unsnap my bra..."she said.
"Or let just anyone slip my panties down..." she giggled...
Natalie and I lay down....She opened her legs wide and eased herself down on me and moved up and down on me slowly....She was so wet and smelled so good ,I was losing my mind....
She began to ride me slowly....I loved looking into her pretty face and eyes....as she kissed me softly and slowly and rode me like a surfer rides the waves...she rode me softly and slowly and felt her whole body trembling...her head turning from side to side...and her arms flailing..
"YOU'RE SO SOFT AND WET!" I responded..
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I cried out...as I flipped her body over and entered her again.
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU DAVID YOU ARE SO DAMN BIG! UMMMMMMMM!" she moaned as .I thrusted away with wild abandon...
Natalie wound up sleeping on top of me peacefully as I softly rubbed her butt. She giggled a little bit and rubbed my penis..
"You're still hard." she whispered...
"You're still hot!" I said...
"Awwwwwwwwwww!" she said as she drifted off to sleep.
While next door...
"Were you serious about sending him a photo of me in a bathing suit?" asked Brooke ,laughing..
"No...Of course not....but I had to give him something to hope for.." said Sean..
They began kissing...
"I hope this makes you feel better." she said.
"You don't even have a photo of me in a bathing suit." she giggled.
"I could take one " he said.
"You want to?" she asked.
"Sure..." said Sean as they both laughed.
Their kissing got more passionate...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm girrrrrrl" Sean moaned.
"I feel much much better." said Sean in between more kisses...
"I'm glad...I'm glad you feel better." said Brooke.
They lie across the bed, kissing passionately...
Sean slipped her panties off of her...
"These are pretty!" said Sean...
"Thank you...I'm glad you like them." said Brooke.
He turned her over and entered her slowly.....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Chocolate Daddy this is so good!!!...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..ummmmmmmm..OHHHHHHHHHH MY GODDDDD!" she moaned..
''Vanilla , I love you." he said
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...oh my god Chocolate Daddy...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I love you too!....OUUUUU! with your big hard self...OUUUUUUUUUU" she moaned as he entered her and began to go to town inside of her...
"OH MY GOD! I dream about this during the day." he snarled as he thrusted mightily into her...
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh DADDY!....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. Do you?"she cooed..
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl... Yes I do!" he moaned..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..you think about me a lot.."she moaned...
"I sure do!" he said.
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd Chocolate Daddy!" she moaned.."OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd!!I THINK ABOUT YOU TOO!"she moaned. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....I've been wanting to do it to you all day long!" he cried out...
"I know...I know Daddy...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she cooed..
The bed was squeaking out of control...
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh my god...Brookie you are so soft, so wet baby..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." "Sean,ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." she cried out...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Brookie...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he moaned.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sean....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she cooed.. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl..." he moaned.. "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned...
"Vanilla...you are sooo soft, sooo wet baby...I'm going crazyyyy.."he moaned..
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Chocolate Daddy....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....." SHE COOED...
Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd Sean!" she moaned.."OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd!!"she cried out!!!She was having another intense orgasm, her third....
NINE TO TEN HOURS of non stop lovemaking in their bed, slipped aimlessly by...
The legs were squeaking and rocking from side to side.....the headboard was slamming against the wall..
Neither one of them could get enough of the other...The legs on the bed were rocking so hard they were in danger of cracking, yet they didn't.....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..This is sooooooooooooooo good...Ouuuuuuuuu.." he moaned.. "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..Chocolate Daddy......"she squealed...
She was shaking, trembling...crying like a baby...She was having another intense orgasm...Her fourth, since they'd started...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...oh my god husband..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she moaned...
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." he cried out as he began to cum and cum hard....He was cumming so hard he felt as if he were dying....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd husband!!" she moaned.."OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd!!"she moaned..She didn't think he'd ever cum....He was a little upset that he did cum..it was feeling so good.
Tears and perspiration running down her face..Her body trembling...she was cumming so hard, that she was shaking out of control....tears were just streaming down her face....Her head turning from side to side.
Like Natalie and I, She wound up resting comfortably on Sean's chest.....
Another nice night in our neighborhood. And surprisingly enough tonight, Judge Wilson was not outside our window, listening to our lovemaking tonight...
The next morning, we were waiting for trial to begin...The case had gone to the jury...
"Coffee's everybody." said a smiling Brooke.
"Come and get it." said Natalie.
Both women had had a good night last night and were in a great mood.
"Thank you ladies." said Karen... "David....Coffee is here." said Karen, smiling and nudging me...
"Daydreaming about Natalie?" she jokingly asked..
"Ugh, oh no...no....Just relaxing, thinking about the uh case, the verdict..." I said, blushing..
"You don't fool me....You were thinking about your wife....You love her soooo much.....That's so cute!"laughed Barbara, our client..
From a distance...Disgraced, three time indicted Judge James Wilson entered....He was on his phone...
"I'm telling you this is all a big mistake...I've managed to get my trial moved up....This will all be over soon..I'll be exonerated..." he said.
" James it's more than that...I told you we had other things concerning you we were worried about..Just a few weeks ago some attorneys took you before the Board of Ethics, tried to get you removed from a case,citing bias towards the prosecution and very bad and rude behavior on your part...That never looks good...and then during the same trial a State Appellate court overturned one of your rulings...a ruling that shouldn't have even been made....Again not a good look at all..."Then there is the problem of your public image there in Philly of being a Bully....Your last case...You threatened the entire defense with being jailed for contempt.. They brought up good points, good legal points and you all but nullified them....That's not good jurisprudence. We were waiting for all of that to die down and it had and now you've been indicted on a double murder from 9 years ago and a recent murder...Your bad press makes it just impossible to go with you on this.. We've already picked who we want... Judge Richard Sadler."said the voice on the other end of the phone.
"He's been a brilliant Defense Attorney and a Brilliant Assistant District Attorney before taking the bench...He's squeaky clean too! Clean up your life Jimmy." came the voice from the other end of the phone.
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" screamed the Judge, who caused heads to turn when he kicked the trash can until it dented.....
"Somebody pissed in his corn flakes this morning..." I said..
"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" laughed Natalie , Brooke and Barbara.
"ALL RISE FOR THE HONORABLE JUDGE KELLY ANN MERCER!" said the bailiff as the Judge entered the courtroom..
We all stood for the Judge..
ADA Maxwell Coates-
Lead Defense Attorney Karen Page-Benz...
Our client, Barbara Jones..
Me of course....I playfully allowed my hands to rub Natalie's butt..
She smiled and removed my hand...
And Brookie.
"Has the Jury come to a conclusion?" asked Judge Kelly Ann.
"We have your honor." said the juror who passed the envelope to the Bailiff....He passed it to Kelly Ann, who smiled...
"Bailiff, read the verdict."she said softly..
"I'd like to thank you jurors for your attention to detail...You can exit through the back doors...Your checks will be in the mail."said Judge Kelly Ann.
"WOOOOOOOOOOOU! YOU DID IT! YOU GUYS PULLED IT OUT!! THANK YOU!!" screamed a very understandably jubilant, Barbara Jones...we had reversed her original conviction and got a much deserved acquittal..."Oh Thank you, every one of you." she said. She hugged Karen, Brooke, Natalie and Me..
"You are sooo welcome....We knew you were innocent." laughed Karen...
"Now you can get on with your life." said Brooke.
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUU...watch your hands sailor..." laughed Natalie.
I was again palming her butt...
We began kissing....
"Those two need a room."laughed Barbara..
"Yes they do!"laughed Karen..
Sean walked in...
"From the looks of things, You guys got an acquittal." he said.
"Did you have any doubts?" laughed Brooke.
Over in a corner...Judge Kelly Ann and Lt. Tragg were enjoying a sensuous kiss....
The end of a great morning...
For everybody except Judge James Wilson, indicted for three murders and now his shot at being a federal judge all but shot!
It was a fitting punishment for someone who had been such a bully and had made life for certain attorneys a living hell..
Now he was about to face his own hell.
James Wilson was disbarred , tried and convicted of the murders of his wife, Alexandria and of Attorney Paul Lagerfield and sentenced to two life sentences...He was tried and convicted of the murder of Zack Roman and sentenced to death....
He was immediately shipped to Greene Correctional Institution to await his execution... He never imagined he would fall so far. He is currently on Suicide Watch.
Renee loved to entertain...And Her and Tyrell's basement was large enough to host all of us and then some... It was Super Bowl Sunday and we all were at her house, enjoying the game and good food..
Wings, Hot Dogs, Onion Rings and Hot Links..
Renee, Olivia, Beverly and Alfreda fixed the Barbecued Hot Wings the night before and kept them warm...
The Hot dogs and the Onion Rings were ordered from Jakes Hot Dog Spot....
Additional Hot Links were prepared by Donnie Ray, Gary, Rockland and Jetty on a small indoor grill.
"There is plenty of food guys eat up...We are all family here." said Renee...
I kissed her on the cheek and said- "Thank you for having this baby....Just what we all needed , a celebration..." I said.
Renee giggled.."This is what I do." she said.
"Good Food, Good Friends and Fellowship.." said Sean, sipping a beer with one hand and hugging Brooke with the other arm...
"We are all glad to be rid of ole Judge Wilson aren't we?" said Brooke...
"I know I am.." said Natalie...
There was plenty of Ice Cold Beers to go around..
"Oh I know I am..Good Riddance... My Little Niecey Poo would have murdered him."laughed Olivia..
"Nah, we wasn't gonna let Shortcake go out like that.."laughed Donnie Ray..
"He was talking to me like I was a child.. "GET THAT LOOK OFF OF YOUR FACE!" My hands were shaking,I was soo mad...I wanted to rush the bench and strangle him and he knew it too!" said Beverly...
"I didn't like the way he was talking to you either.." said Nelson
"I was ready to cut him myself, the way he was talking to me." said Josie.
"Well now he can't bully anyone else..He's where he has sent so many other people, to death row.." said Paris.
"I'm certain they gave him a warm reception when he got there." said Bresha.
We all burst into loud laughter...
"Oh for sure...I hear ,even on Death Row, he's kept seperate from the other inmates...I'm sure there are some that he sent there that might want to speed up his execution."said Tony...
"Imagine that ! He in a cell next to someone he sent there...They got nothing to lose."laughed Alfreda..
"I'd love to be a fly on the wall up at GREENE CORRECTIONAL CENTER." laughed Rockland.
"That week we tried a case in his courtrom was pure hell...He talked to me like I was a child....And it started before we were even in court...It started in Sam Mother's Diner, when he took my seat and ordered me to sit somewhere else... And threatened me...Do you know who I am?"said Yvette..
"I was like, "I don't give a merry damn who you are get out of my seat.." Then, what really angered me..He went to one of the partners and tried to get me fired." said Yvette.
"That's been his M.O. for years....If he couldn't intimidate you, then he got you fired or kept you from moving forward...That's why so many Attorneys knuckled under to him for so long."said Gary.
''Well After Olivia and Beverly took him to the Board of Ethics, even in a losing effort, he saw that he couldn't intimidate everyone...Then they went to a higher court during the trial and got one of his rulings struck down...That was real moxie...Nobody had ever done that before.. And them being an independent operation..there was nothing he could do to them, Nothing."said Keith Jones.
"I have to admit...I thought either Ms. Yvette. Me or Sofia was going to the Cooler a number of times the way he kept calling us three up to the bench and threatening us and tossing out all of our motions and telling us to move on."said Bee Bee.
"It was close a couple of times.. I was so glad we won our case and were free of him."said Sofia.
"He went to one of the Partners...Mr. Pratt and tried to get the four of us fired...That was the wrong partner.. Mr. Pratt cussed his ass out and told him to hit the bricks."laughed Kahlil...
"He was something.."said Jade.
"Your team and Olivia's team didn't back down and that infuriated him....Plus his connected friends were starting to distance themselves from him."said Danny Ho.
"Good Riddance.." said Virginia.
"Yeah Good Riddance." said Jetty.
There was Pork and Beans
Creamy Pasta Salad
and Cole slaw which we ate along with our wings, hot dogs and onion rings.
"He got what all bullies get eventually ,payback" said Jazzy..
"Yeah" agreed her husband, Jetty, who was eating wings and sipping beers.
"My cousins Olivia and Beverly and my auntie Yvette don't kow tow to anybody."said Kayla.
"Bennett Women!" laughed Ray.
"I'm glad you guys got Barbara off."said Jessica.
"Yeah Wilson had been the Judge in her first trial and had kneecapped the defense...The poor guy would come to trial drunk, he was so unnerved.." said Chip.
"We made sure he wasn't involved in our trial.."said Karen.
"That was a good idea...You had a good Judge..."said B.L.
"We did good...Barbara is visiting relatives in New York...I'm happy for her." said Natalie.
"Yeah, I am too and I'm happy for Sean...He said he thought something was up with this Judge from day one and he was right....More so than we even imagined... Three murders....WOW!" I said.
"An unsolved double murder from nine years ago...wow! Not to mention a recent murder.."said Brooke.
"The real hero is Zack Roman...From beyond the grave he left behind the clues that cracked a 9 year old mystery...."said Sean..
"Let's raise a glass to Zack Roman." said Zoey...
"Yeah, a moment of silence for Zack Roman.."said Lem.
Great Story Loved it!
ReplyDeleteVery Satisfying Ending!
ReplyDeleteThat Arrogant Judge got his...Finally! Loved it!
ReplyDeleteI love this "friend group" and how they hang together and do things together! Great Story by the way!
ReplyDeleteStanding and applauding and throwing my panties to the rafters...Great sex scenes.