Thursday, January 30, 2025

35 left- 26 Right-36 Left


Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Hallahan Catholic High School for Girls.Philadelphia PA.

B,A,- Administration Of Justice/Trial Advocacy/Pre Law- Lasalle University

J.D.- Middleton School of Law, Bayside,PA.

Speaks Spanish/French and Russian fluently.

Passed the Bar in Virginia/Maryland/ Pennsylvania/New Jersey/New York/ Deleware

Law Clerk for Pennsylvania's Chief Judge of Appeals, Carter Baum

Trial Attorney for U.S. Department of Justice's Anti- Trust Division, Washington D.C.

Married to Attorney Sean Marks, A Trial Attorney for The U.S. Department of Justice, Anti Trust Division. Washington D.C..

DIVORCED after two years. No Children.

Public Defender's Office-Philadelphia

Assistant District Attorney- Philadelphia District Attorney's office.

Married to U.S. Attorney Sean Marks



Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from The Philadelphia High School for Girls,Philadelphia PA.

B.A.- Trial Advocacy/ Pre Law/Administration of Justice - Temple University

JD-Georgetown University Law Center

Passed the Bar in Virginia/Maryland/Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Deleware / New York

Associate Litigation Attorney at Akin/Gerard/ Jordan/Hester & Field

Public Defender's Office- Philadelphia

Assistant District Attorney-Philadelphia


 Married to David Charles.


Born in Philadelphia Pa.

Graduated from Simon Gratz High School, Philadelphia PA.

BA-Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre-Law- Temple University.

JD- Temple University Beasley School of Law

Passed the Bar in Pennsylvania/New York/Deleware/New Jersey

Speaks Spanish And French Fluently..

 Public Defender- Philadelphia PA.

Single, No children

Assistant District Attorney-Philadelphia District Attorneys Office.




Born in Philadelphia PA.

Moved with her parents to Narberth, PA.

Graduated from Lower Merrion High School.

BA-Administration of Justice, Trial Advocacy, Pre-Law-University Of Pennsylvania.

JD-University of Pennsylvania School of Law

Passed the bar in Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Deleware/New York /California

Associate Attorney -McCluskey/Cozen/Connor and Pratt

Married Civil Rights Attorney Lloyd Cantrell, Moved to San Francisco, where she worked as an assistant Attorney for Lloyd Cantrell's practice.

Lloyd Cantrell murdered and she returned to Philadelphia PA.

Assistant District Attorney- Philadelphia D.A.'s Office.

Now Supervisor- Wrongful Conviction/Conviction Integrity Unit

Married to Attorney /Podcaster/Talk Show Host- B.L. Benz.

Sean Marks

Born in Philadelphia PA.

Graduated from Northeastern High School.

B,A,- Administration Of Justice/Trial Advocacy/Pre Law- Villanova University

J.D.- Georgetown  University Law Center

Speaks Spanish/French and Russian fluently.

Passed the Bar in Virginia/ Washington D.C./ Pennsylvania/New Jersey/New York/ Deleware

Law Clerk for Pennsylvania's Chief Judge of Appeals, Carter Baum

Trial Attorney for U.S. Department of Justice's Anti- Trust Division, Washington D.C.

Married to Attorney Brooke Kennedy, A Trial Attorney for The U.S. Department of Justice, Anti Trust Division. 

DIVORCED after two years. No Children.

Federal Public Defender- U.S. Courthouse- Philadelphia PA.

Married to Attorney Brooke Kennedy again


ADA Max Coates was studying the dossiers on all of us... He knew most of us well....We weren't friends, but we all knew each other in passing.

He also had the case file on the Jones Arson case on his desk.. He had been studying the case since we had been dismissed yesterday....He realized we had a great advantage on him.

It looked pretty cut and dry....She appeared to be guilty........but she didn't seem like  a criminal or a bad person..If he got a conviction, he might go easy on her.

We had a special visitor today...Ms. Jade Lee-Ho, Yvette's investigator...She was doing a little investigating work for us.

"The voice on the tape, claiming she lit the fire is a fake.... I took it to the FBI crime lab over at C.I.D.
headquarters and they did a voice analysis of  Ms. Jones and the voice on the tape...Definitely not a match and the FBI agent over there has agreed to testify for the defense..." said Jade.

"Excellent!" said Karen..
"That's the icing on the cake." said Natalie.
"They may have to drop this case...That's the prosecution's entire case."said Brooke.

"No one ordered a test on the tape, which they could have done...The original Defense Attorney tried ,but it was blocked...Guess who?" I said.

"Judge James Wilson....." said Brooke, shaking her head..

"We ought to sign a petition to block him from being made a Federal Judge."said Natalie.

"Are you kidding? This is our chance to be rid of him finally...I hear he may fill a seat in his Native New York or possibly Washington D.C." said Karen.

"Just not here."I said,laughing.

"Her former room-mate, Alan Olsen is currently in county lock up finishing up a six month sentence...He is scheduled to be released in a few weeks."said Jade.

"Should we talk to him?" asked Natalie.

"Why should we? He's just going to lie anyway...No, we have what we need...Thank you Jade, tell Yvette I said Thank you also." said Karen.

"Oh I will." said Jade...

"Well...that's that..We are ready for trial.."said Brooke.

"I wonder if our counter part is ready?" asked Natalie.

"He'll be ready...I know him...He's pretty good." I said.


Sean Marks sat in his office at the Federal Building....His phone rang..

"Hello!"he said.

"Hello, forgot me already?  It's me Kathy!" came the voice.

"Kathy! Heyyyyyyy How are you? Where are you?"asked Sean..

"I 'm in Rochester....I've got a nice apartment and a new job....I'm doin well....I called because I remembered something...Something that may help you.... Zack has a safe deposit box....It's in the Bayside Depository...One of the times when he was one of his dark moods..He told me that if anything ever happened to him to lead the police to his safe deposit box...I don't know why..but I remember it...I told him that nothing was going to happen to him..I asked him what was going to happen to him and he said..."I've seen somebody in a very high position do some very nasty shit." The next morning when he was sober, he told me to forget what he had said, Said he was just talking out of his head... Anyway, the combination is 35Left -26 Right- 36left." she said.

"The Bayside Depository huh? I'll look into that..." said Sean.

At the end of the day after we had all gone home from work...

We all drove out to Bayside,. a Philadelphia suburb near our part of town and entered the Bayside Depository...

There we watched as Sean worked the combination to the safe , which gave him a key to a deposit box...

and inside the deposit box was a map...A crudely drawn map that led to a lake... and a note with the map..

"If you're seeing this, it means I am dead....This map will lead whoever to the bodies of Paul Lagerfield, the attorney and Alexandria Wilson..the wife of Judge James Wilson....The murder weapon...the gun used to kill them both will be found in the trunk of the car...The car belonging to the late Ernest Pyle..a former client of Judge Wilson when he was an attorney..." Zack Roman...

Within an hour....Police found the car at the bottom of a small river, right outside Bayside..

In the trunk of the car was two bodies, wrapped in plastic trash bags...and tied up....

District Attorney Britt Reid was there with Crime Scene Investigators and Detectives..

"It's two bodies...a Man and a woman...." said one of the shore police..

" They've been down here for about nine years....They are hardly recognizable..." said a crime scene investigator...

The murder weapon, the gun with a silencer was also found in the trunk of the car along with the bodies.

'' say this is the wife of Judge James Wilson of Philadelphia and her alleged lover,. Attorney Paul Lagerfield..Well we won't know that until we get them both to the morgue and get dental records...Wow.,,And you say the guy that wrote this letter was murdered a few weeks ago and you think Judge Wilson is responsible for all three murders?" asked Britt Reid.

"That's right...Can you swear out a warrant for his arrest?" asked Sean..

"Come on Sean....This is not in my jurisdiction..and plus, your murder victim, who wrote this note, supplied this map leading to the discovery of the bodies...Stopped short of saying who the killer actually is. You'd have a hard time actually proving that Judge Wilson did this..The bodies and the weapon have been submerged under water for nine years...There is no DNA or Fingerprint evidence  left. But I'm calling Philly Homicide.anyway,  get them out here tomorrow morning." said Britt Reid.

Brooke and Natalie and David stood off to the side.

"The D.A. is right...The letter doesn't name the killer...For all we know, Zack Roman could have killed them both and stashed them here..." said Brooke.

"But I don't think he did...but I do think he knew about this...Might have even helped the Judge hide the bodies and was keeping this a secret or blackmailing the Judge all these years...Nine years...and the Judge decided...He had to go....Especially since he is up for an important federal position.."said Natalie.

"Couldn't have any skeletons like this in his closet. A great argument Nat, but you can't prove his involvement...The water has eroded any DNA or fingerprint evidence. Still when the news comes out...I'd love to see him squirm.." I said.

"I'd love to see him squirm too!" said Sean.

We all drove home.....The noose was going to start tightening around Judge James Wilson's neck....It was one thing to suspect him of one murder...but here he was guilty of a nine year old double murder...It was time for him to face justice.


A Brisk Philadelphia Morning.....


The retrial of Barbara Jones on Arson charges began...

Judge Kelly Ann Mercer was holding court...Being tough , but fair to all sides.

ADA Max Coates was as I had said very prepared and had a very aggressive prosecution that was a bit different from his predecessor...

But Karen had drawn out a brilliant defense this time, a defense that wasn't hindered by a biased meddling Judge like last time.

This made our client feel a lot more relaxed...

My wife Natalie was damn near brilliant...I couldn't take my eyes off of her...

So was Brooke and their objections were filled with practical law, predicates and examples of like cases...

I was busy taking apart all of the so called witnesses from the previous trial...finding holes in their testimony and objecting...

Judge Kelly Ann admired how well prepared we all were...

Sitting in the courtroom watching the trial this morning was Judge James Wilson... He had been made aware that one of his old cases had been reopened and was being retried.. He didn't like that or feel comfortable at all... But he did admire both Judge Kelly Ann's fine and sexy body as well as Brooke's fine sexy body...

looking at both women was causing him to have a massive erection as he watched them in court...

In Bayside , at the morgue...His life was soon to be turned upside down....

The Mortician in Bayside , Dr. Collins spoke with Philadelphia Homicide Detectives  and D.A. Britt Reid.

"Through Dental Records and existing DNA...We have positively identified these bodies as belonging to the long missing,Attorney Paul Lagerfield and Mrs. Alexandria Wilson of Philadelphia." he said.

"They've been missing a lonnng time, Nine years I've searched for them, wondered what happened to them..." said Detective Sam Smith....

Sean gave Sam and Lt. Tragg a copy of the photo he found at the crime scene of Zack Roman's murder...and the letter taken from Zack Roman's safe deposit box that left a map tellling the location of the bodies and the murder weapon...

''Will you look at this,.,,Judge James Wilson , ADA Lucas Fuente, Bull Bailey, the dead guy here, Paul Lagerfield and the guy who was beat to death a few weeks ago with a baseball bat, Zack Roman....Wilson was the Judge on that case...You were the Jury foreman weren't you Marks?" asked Lt. Tragg.

"I was." said Sean.

"That Judge should have recused himself if he knew the victim."said Lt. Tragg..  Sleeping with Judge Kelly Ann had taught him a few things.   

"Alright....Thanks Reid...We'll take these two bodies off your hands...." and then Lt. Tragg did something odd, for him...He handed some handcuffs to Detective Sam Smith..

"Sam, you've waited nine years for this..Go pick the good Judge up!  Murder one...THREE COUNTS,
Zack Roman, Alexandria Wilson, his wife and Paul Lagerfield." he said.

"Thank you Artie.." said Sam Smith , who was certain the attention hogging Lt. Tragg was going to take over the investigation. Something about him had changed.

COURTROOM C- Philadelphia

Court was letting out for the day.....

"Today was a good day." said Karen...

"I don't think this case will go past Wednesday if that long."said Natalie.

"Ohhh I feel so good...You guys are much better lawyers than what I had the last time.." said Barbara Jones..

"Natalie, I 'm as horny as hell...Let's go in the Judges Chambers and uh let me help you fix your clothes." I whispered in her ear..

Natalie laughed..  "You're always horny....My goodness David.." she felt the crotch area of my trousers..
"WOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Look at you..Calm down..." she said, still giggling.

Brooke was standing off to herself when she caught the gaze of Judge James Wilson...

"Brooke , myyy goodness...Can you get anymore luscious than you already are??? Oh My God!
Is that a new dress?" he asked..

But before Brooke could answer...Sgt. Sam Smith and a squad of uniformed policemen approached him..

"Judge James Wilson, you're under arrest for the murder of Zack Roman, The Murder of Paul Lagerfield and the murder of your wife, Alexandria Wilson...We found their bodies in Bayside, thanks to a letter from Zack Roman , detailing the exact location..We have the Murder weapon and the bill of sales for the car which you purchased from one of your late clients as payment for your legal services..

You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..
You have a right to an attorney which I'm sure you know...If you can't afford one, one will be provided for you....Which I'm sure for you is no problem.Take him away boys." said Sgt. Smith..

He was handcuffed and walked out of the courthouse, Very embarrassed for this to be happening in front of Brooke and Kelly Ann..

"Do you realize who I am? How this can effect your career?" he said to Sgt. Sam Smith...

"I know exactly who you are.....A Triple Murderer..." said Sgt. Sam Smith.  "Take him away Boys." he said.


At home that night...

"They got him!   You happy?" asked Brooke..

"I'm ecstatic knowing that pompous bastard is behind bars...."said Sean..

"I'm ecstatic knowing he won't be leering at me..."said Brooke.

"No Sugar Plum, THAT will just be me! and you're looking pretty damn good in that dress."laughed Sean...

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm, you ,I don't mind...I look even better out of this dress." moaned Brooke as she kissed Sean...

"Yes you do.....lawd..." said Sean.

Brooke giggled..She loved that she turned him on so much!

"Oh my goddddd....Your lips are so soft." said Sean..

"So are yours..." she said, breathing heavily...

He slipped her bra and panties off....

and lifted Brooke up ,slowly entering her...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! WOUUUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed as he entered her warm wet center....long stroking her....


And next door at our house...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! WOUUUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed as he entered her warm wet center....long stroking her....



We heard them through our wall.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu my goodness...Sean must really be putting it on Brooke...They didn't waste anytime." she laughed...

I put my arms around her and kissed her neck...

"I want to put it inside you...I don't want to waste anymore time either...." I whispered..

"Ummmmmmmmmmm I know you do... You're as hard as a brick" she giggled.....softly rubbing the crotch area of my trousers...

"Goodness Gracias...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu boy, you are ready." she gasped.

"Ummmmmmmm,I told you..." I said as I undressed...

I helped her out of her dress....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu this dress is so tight, fits you so well... A couple of the bailiffs were checking you out."I said.

"They were not!!" said Natalie, blushing..

"Yes they were." I said.

I unhooked her bra and slipped her panties down.....

We began kissing passionately....

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuuuuu David....ouuuuuuuuuuuuu"she cooed lightly...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm you said you wanted to put it in me....Now here's your chance." Natalie Whispered, as we crashed unto the bed.....

"Ohhhhh thank you baby.." I said as I entered her..She was the wettest and warmest I ever felt...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm give it to me baby!" she exclaimed..


Natalie was as soft as a newborn baby, smelled good and was as wet as she could be... I was practically delirious as I always was when I was making love to her... She was simply the best I'd ever had..





WE MADE SWEET LOVE FOR THE NEXT NINE TO TEN HOURS, neither of us being able to stop.

And next door at Brooke and Sean's house..

"OH MY GOD BROOKE....BROOKE...UMMMMMMMMM BROOKE!" he cried out as he entered her war wet center.


"YESSSSSSS!!   OH YESSS!" he screamed out...

"David is putting it to Natalie...Do you hear them?"laughed Brooke.

"I'm sure they hear us too!" Sean laughed..





They had been making sweet love for EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!
Brooke spread her legs wide and lowered herself on top of him...Still very wet and very warm, Still driving Sean out of his mind..

and riding him for another TWO HOURS until he came again with wild abandon..

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM CHOCOLATE DADDDDDY! I gave you a little extra tonight.." she cooed as she drifted off to sleep.

"AWWWWWWWWW LAWWD AND I'M GLAD OF IT!!! OUUUUUUU!" Sean moaned.his leg still shaking.

And back at our house....Natalie and I were still awake and still kissing passionately..


"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...NATALIE  BABY!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! YES IT WASSSS...." I cried out..rubbing her butt and continuing to kiss her...



"Yeah, the boy that was beaten to death with a bat a few weeks ago...and his wife and that lawyer Lagerfield who have been missing for nine years.." said Donnie Ray.
"They found a map in the dead guys safe deposit box that lead them to a lake outside of Bayside with the car,the bodies and the murder weapon."said Beverly..
"All Neatly tied up.."said Nelson.

"That sinks his nomination for the Federal Bench." said Josie.
"Nomination for the bench....This sinks his entire career."laughed Paris.

"WOW!  He's sent people to death row and now he could be joining them..." said Bresha.
"Mannnnnnn he was this close to being a Federal Judge and now he's jammed up for three murders.." said Tony....

"Wow...he's creepy, He always was." said Alfreda.

"Yeah he was.."said Rockland as they went up and began making plates...

 "I am so glad that damn Judge Wilson got arrested...He was a vile ,mean,creepy old man."said Yvette.

"Tell us how you really feel Vettie."laughed her husband, Gary..

"Always threatening to jail someone..Now his ass is in the clink!"said Keith Jones.
"Poetic Justice isn't it?" laughed Bee Bee.
"Beautiful...We should go up to the jailhouse and laugh at him."said Sofia.
''Now Now Now....let's not be petty."laughed Kahlil..
Jade sat back and laughed her head off..

"That Judge is not popular amongst you guys."laughed Danny...

"No he was not!" laughed Virginia.

"I couldn't stand him." said Jetty as they all sat down and ate their food and enjoyed Mimosas...

"I wished they had live music in here..."said Jazzy...

"Then it would compete with Josie's on Sunday, which has live music, a d.J. and two buffets."said Dabnis.

"Aint we grand?  A Brunch on Saturday Morning and Sunday Morning."said Kayla.
"At two different locations."laughed her husband, Ray.

"Well old Judge Wilson is behind bars and the Jones Case goes on.."said Jessica.

"How is that case going?" asked Chip...

"I don't expect it to last past Wednesday, if that long." said Karen.

"I never thought they had much of a case anyway....That damn Judge Wilson stretched it out longer than it needed to be stretched out." said B.L.

Natalie nibbled on  my ear....
"After Breakfast let's go home and catch up with where we left off.." she said, softly rubbing my trouser legs..

"OUUUUUUUUUUU YOU ARE STILL HARD!" she whispered in my ear.

"That's fine by me.. YOU'RE STILL SEXY!" I said.

"Awwwwwwww thank you baby!" she said..

She rewarded me with a sweet kiss.

"Congratulations Honey...You got him..."said Brooke.

"Yeah, but that sly ole devil has probably got one more trick up his sleeve."said Sean...He didn't know how right he was.

"It's so nice out today.." said Zoey,leaning on her husband's shoulder..
"Yeah... let's go home and find a nice movie to watch." said her husband,Lem...

"That's a good idea...Netflix and chill."said Renee...

"Yeah...that is a good idea.Netflix and screw."laughed Tyrell...

"Goddddd! You want to screw me twenty four seven don't you?" laughed Renee.

But this little drama wasn't quite over just yet..



  1. Booo Yah! They got that Judge! Loved this!

  2. They got that Judge...Loved the way everything came together.

  3. They got him, but why do I feel he's going to worm his way out of this?

  4. Keith did you cave and write this story because so many people were calling for the Judge to get his?

  5. Nope, This was already in the works!

  6. I not only love the scenes of intimacy, but I love their sexy banter together when they are in the bar at Brunch...Standing and Applauding and throwing my damn panties in the air.
