Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Little Glass Doggie Told me

We were all at our Office/Duplex discussing our latest case...
There was water and fresh fruit for everyone. 

"Our client's name is Cynthia Redding, known as "Cricket"to her office mates...She was born in Lower Merion, Pennsylvania, graduated with honors from Lower Merion High School...was a cheerleader..Attended Temple University here in Philadelphia,graduated with a B.A. in Trial Advocacy, Administration of Justice and Pre-Law. Got her J.D. from Middleton School of Law just months ago...Passed the bar and was sworn in as an attorney by the Honorable Kelly Ann Mercer. Worked at the McCardle Group as an Associate Attorney and got promoted recently to Senior Associate Attorney." said Olivia..

"She just graduated Law School, Just  passed the bar, hasn't tried a case in court or a litigation and she's a Senior Associate Attorney in just two months.? Talk about extra curricular activity." said Beverly...

"What do we know so far husband?" asked Olivia,laughing at her niece's remark...

"The Police found no physical evidence at the crime scene....McCardle's Office...The place was wiped clean of any prints or DNA....Even HIS!!! The murder weapon, a .22 caliber pistol was found in Ms. Redding's  desk drawer...The Police got an anonymous tip, which led them to it.. The pistol has no prints or DNA on it...It had been wiped clean...and it's registration had been scraped off...but police discovered that it had been stolen from an armory two years ago and had been passed around on the street several times... It's a classic throwdown gun..meaning it could belong to anyone." I said.
"This case is weak, but most Lt. Tragg cases are weak...Judge Kelly Ann's influence over him hasn't changed that." sneered Beverly...
"I went to the office...The McCardle Group name has now been changed to Halsley and Associates...
Jane Halsley has taken over and is running operations....She wouldn't talk to me and she wouldn't allow her employees to talk to me...She said , next time come back with a court order." said Nelson...
''She didn't waste anytime...The Man's funeral and burial was only a few days ago." said Bresha.

"I know right?" said Josie.

"They say Power currupts." said Nelson.

"Okay, next time we will have a court order ...If she wants to play like that." said Olivia.
"I'll be glad to serve it to her." said Josie.

"Yeah, I would too!" said Bresha.

"Auntay! Look at our two pit bulls...I love them!"laughed Beverly...

"I can't believe this guy, Judge Sam McCardle... I mean I knew him..He swore me in as an Attorney when I passed the bar...I held him in high esteem....I thought he was above reproach!" sighed Olivia.

"I did a work up on him...." I said.


Born in Norristown, PA.


Graduated from Norristown High School

Graduated From PENN STATE UNIVERSITY-BA Political Science ,Philosophy


Served as a Law Clerk for Judges Kyle Rickenbacker, and Robert Johnson..

Worked for the law firm Martin, Tollenson & Olson LLP, handling civil litigation and appeals in cases involving higher education, local government, entertainment and technology,.

Distinguished himself as a Defense Attorney and  Assistant District Attorney before running for and winning a position as Judge of Common Pleas Court...

was asked to resign from the bench after being accused of having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a young female clerk who later went on to become an Assistant U.S. Attorney.

 He denied the allegations and the matter was settled quietly out of court...but he was asked to resign from the bench.

He went into Private Practice and founded the Highly Successful McCardle Group...which boasted 5-6 attorneys ,all female, 2 investigators, both female....2 administrative assistants and one office manager, all female, all white.

"And now he's dead....Murdered!  The end of a promising career amid rumors swirling that he was sleeping with practically all of his female attorneys..." said Nelson.

"I checked his financials... From October of last year til April of this year....He was wiring $6000.00 a month to a residence in Margate, New Jersey...It's a lawyer's office.. Serita James....She once worked for his firm.... She wouldn't answer any of my calls..." I said..

I looked at Beverly...

"Shortcake.....Looks like me and you ought to take...." I said.

"A ROAD TRIP!" she said and we high fived each other....It had been awhile since Bev and I had road tripped.


The Next morning found Josie and Bresha, studying case files and doing early research for this case.. We hadn't even met with our client, Cricket Yet...She was supposed to stop by today...

While next door.. Nelson was preparing to pick potential jurors for the trial from the jury pool..

''Call me when you guys get there..." said Nelson..

"You know I will....Plus, we'll be back tonight...We aren't staying overnight or nothing.." said Beverly...

"UMMMMMMMMMMMM BABY!" he moaned as they began to kiss passionately..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HUSBAND!" she moaned ...continuing to kiss her.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Beverly..." he moaned.

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU NELSON!" as they continued to kiss....

While upstairs in our domicile...

"Here, I have these two thermos's...Take them.  You and  Niecey Poo will have some Lunch....Alfreda's homemade soup and some hot coffee.This should hold you guys until you get there..." said Olivia.

"Come here....this is gonna hold me until we get there..." I said. I took her in my arms....and kissed her passionately....

"Sex isn't the answer to everything Donnie Ray." She whispered softly... Her lips were still butter soft and she still smelled good and had the softest skin....She was just as alluring as she was that night in New Orleans when I first met her....
Our kissing got hotter....

"Donnie Ray, you're hard.." she said.   "Don't get yourself all worked up for nothing.." she cooed.

"It's never for nothing." I said...


"OUUUUUUUUU DONNIE RAY, YOU ARE BADDDD!" she cooed as I reached under her dress and slipped her panties down....

I unzippered my trousers......

I lifted Olivia up, spread her legs apart and entered her....



"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed... Her body trembling, sweat and tears pouring down the side of her face.....her head turning from side to side...

"AWWWWWWWWWWWW...OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" I moaned.... My body trembling too!


After that super quickie, I walked down the stairs and waited by the SUV...

Alfreda took a disinfectant wipe and wiped Olivia's lipstick smudges off my collar and my suit...

I had a Thermos of Hot Coffee and a Thermos of Hout tide us over for our trip...

Beverly emerged from our adjacent building...She was putting on her lipstick and fixing her hair..

"Ready? Let's go.." she said.

"Yall be careful now." said Alfreda.

She waved as Beverly and I pulled off..

We hit the road....To New Jersey and the city of Ventnor...A town we had traveled to over ten years ago on another case..

We stopped and enjoyed Beverly's mother's delicious homemade vegatable soup and cups of steaming hot coffee..

We arrived in Ventnor in TWO AND A HALF HOURS!

"WOW, Just like I remember it ten years ago." said Beverly...
"It was more like twelve years ago Shortcake... I've got an address....Let's find this woman." I said.



Her office was on the top floor of prime real estate with a beautiful view of the ocean.

Attorney Serita James greeted us.

" are Donnie Ray Alexander right?" she asked.

"Yes I am." I said and I showed her my Private Investigators License.

"I'm Beverly West-East." said Beverly, who showed her a work I.D. and her Bar Association card.

"You are the niece of Olivia Bennett-Alexander...You know I met your aunt a few years ago at a legal seminar in san-Francisco and another attorney you may know , a Lemuel Anderson , We were three people from Philadelphia at that conference.

"I remember when she attended that seminar....I was supposed to go too..but I had a trial.....I know Lem Anderson...He and his wife live a few blocks from us..." said Beverly...

"You used to work for the McCardle Group....You made Partner in record time and then you quit...You got as far from Philadelphia as you could and then three months after you left...You started getting payments of $6000.00 a month for about six months....Then the payments stopped...Could I ask what that was about?"  I asked..

"My time at the McCardle Group was a living hell.. From the time I arrived there ,he was on me, touching me inappropriately...Squeezing me...throwing little hints that he wanted to be with me..Asking me out for drinks and what not..Finally...he made it clear that if I didn't sleep with him soon...I might be looking for a new job..

I found out that practically all of the women there slept with him eventually...Not just Attorneys, Para-legals, Administrative Assistants, The Office Manager and one of the investigators... I think me, Elaine Young and maybe one other woman were the only ones who didn't play his game...

My lease was coming to an end and I would need money to get a new apartment and I liked the nice area I lived in... I finally agreed to have sex with him in his office... but I set a trap for him...

I hid a small video camera in his office and this is what I caught..

She had a 75 inch monitor in her office...She clicked it on...


Sam McCardle sat at his desk.....

He had a glass dog on his desk...He had given one to several of the female attorneys who worked for him, past and present as a gift..a memento if you wish. She went in her drawer and pulled out her glass dog...Serita had one too.  She kept it as a memento.

Attorney Jane Halsley had one.. She was a very ambitious woman and did what it took to get ahead...
That meant sleeping with Sam Mcardle..

Late nights in this very office..Many late nights...Billed as "working hours", "overtime"

Spent on his large couch ,pleasuring him...Riding him cowgirl style for hours on end....

And on the floor...on the floor. while he humped and sweated and grunted like a pig ,while thrusting away inside of her....

It had resulted in her being given one of his Glass Dogs

and moving from Associate Attorney to Senior Associate Attorney to Partner in under four months...
One day, he hemmed me up in the conference room after a successful litigation...It was after all of the litigants had left....It was just me and him.. He hemmed me up against the wall....I could feel that he was aroused...His trousers were standing out like a circus tent and he was sweating...

''Serita, I've had my eyes on you....You've been doing good work...Now You know what I want...We're all adults here and I mean to have it...I'll give you a bump in salary...of course...but I need you...I need your bodacious body..." he said.

"Oh myyyyyyyyyy, Yes sir...and you can have it.." I said. After months of practically fighting him off, I gave in....

"Well Alrighttttt."  he said.

"Here ? In your Office?."  I asked.

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM  Yes....where else? he moaned as we kissed..



"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" he said as he slipped my panties down..

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I LIKE THESE PANTIES! Can I keep them as a souvenir?" he said,laughing slyly....

"No you may not!" I said.

He laughed..

He locked the door, dimmed the lights and pulled the shades...


"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" he said as we fell on his couch.....Clothes strewn all over the floor....

As we both retreated to his rather large couch and made sweet love the rest of the day.....
He had asked that he not be disturbed....Everybody knew what that meant...His shades were drawn, the door was locked and the lights were dimmed..



He said I  was so soft, so wet....smelled so good , that he was nearly losing his mind...He couldn't get enough of me......

Actually, it wasn't so bad..I found I  was actually having an intense body trembling fiercely, my head turning from side to side and  actually crying a little bit...

As we continued to make sweet love....It was about like for EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!



I left his office carrying one of his glass dogs...I applied my lipstick, Straightened out my clothing and my hair and swiftly exited...

He was sleeping soundly on the couch...Naked..I  looked at him and giggled.. I knew this was not going to happen again...I was not going to be his whore... 


I went home and showered for TWO HOURS!  I wanted his smell off of me... I cried and I cried.. I knew I had compromised my dignity and for what? A Position, some money that I desperately needed??
It didn't matter....I had my insurance policy....The videotape of us.

"I made partner in three days after that.... and two weeks later, I turned in my resignation.. I was not going to be his concubine.. I left and I moved out here and I mailed him a zip drive that had our entire night together , which you just saw in living color and surround sound... 

I emailed him...I told him I knew about him and Jane Halsley and all of the others and that if he didn't want this video to go public...Like to the legal Ethics Board...He would wire $6000.00 a month into my account until I told him not to.
He did it for six months...He knew that that recording could get him disbarred and be a major scandal.. He had bit the bullet years ago with that law clerk when he was a Judge....but she didn't have proof of any wrongdoing.  I had proof.

That money paid for this beautiful office you guys are sitting in...

I took and passed the New Jersey Bar and set up this practice.. I have four attorneys and one para-legal and the investigator I use has an office down the hall from me.." said Serita proudly.

"You Blackmailed him into paying for this property...and setting up your own practice...I aint mad at you girl..That was a real power move...." said Beverly smiling.

"I've heard that he was murdered and that they arrested Cricket for it....She didn't kill him...I can tell you that....She had no reason to....She was playing the game...She was sleeping with him willingly...and had been doing it since she got there..Look she was a para-legal, who had dropped out of law school..She was trying to make enough money to go back....He paid her last year of law school....And she paid him with her body....She graduates, passed the bar and voila....She's A Senior Associate Attorney with no experience...Hasn't tried a case...hasn't argued a litigation...Now think about that....It just doesn't add up.. she and Jane Halsley were giving it to him without a fight..They loved that man..... I understand Jane is running the company now..and poor Elaine Young got terminated...I liked Elaine...She didn't sleep with him...She didn't compromise her dignity for that creep...I'm sorry she got terminated..."said Serita.

''Elaine is working for the Women's Law Center in Philadelphia now..Down in Olde City..She still has friends there from when she worked for them before.. They gladly hired her back and at a nice salary." said Beverly..

"Good For her." said Serita.

"No grass grows under your feet...I suspect you still have a conduit there...Someone who feeds you all of the gossip." I said smiling.

"You're a Private Investigator....You know that a good informant is worth their weight in gold."laughed Serita. ''Let's just say a Little Glass Doggie told me." she said and laughed.

I smiled... I liked her... "Thank you...Come on Shortcake...Let's go home...." I said. Serita was not on my suspect list...I had checked her financials, Debit Cards, Credit Cards... I knew that she had been in Margate and Ventnor on the night of the murder , as far from Philadelphia as possible. I suspected, Sam McCardle's killer was someone close to home...One of those ladies in that office.

Beverly tossed me the keys...She had driven down...I was driving back!



Our client ,Cynthia "Cricket" Redding finally met with us...

"Ms. Olivia...I didn't kill Mr. McCardle.. I wouldn't have... I had no reason to and plus, the day of the murder I wasn't even in his office...The last time I saw him alive, was the afternoon before.

I started as our Para-legal, delivering subpoenas and going to court to pick up briefs and process serving.... I had to drop out of law school after two years...I was working there and saving money so I could go back and finish my final year...Mr. McCardle paid for my final year of law school..I finished my  final year at Middleton School of Law recently and just passed the bar and was sworn in as a newly minted attorney. I saw you all at my graduation.. I believe your husband, Paris Boyd was in my graduation class"said Cricket..

"Yes he was... You two took the bar exam the same day and were sworn in the same day." said Josie.

"I graduated from Middleton Law school too...a few years before." said Bresha.

"Small World."laughed Cricket.

"Mr. McCardle didn't pay your last year of law school out of the goodness of his heart did he?" asked Olivia.

"No... I had to....I had to sleep with him...I slept with him a lot...He had been on me from the time I started working there...I saw the other girls, Serita James, Jane Halsley and others move up the ladder I just followed suit...Ms. Elaine was different...She was the one person who wouldn't knuckle under to him...He didn't own her....She tried to talk to me..Maybe I should have listened.."said Cricket

"What about the gun? The Murder weapon? They found it in your desk drawer." said Nelson.

"I never saw that gun before in my life....I swear....Somebody put it there...Somebody is setting me up." said Cricket..Crying profusely now.

Olivia hugged her and rocked her back and forth...

"It's Alright, it's going to be alright.." she said.

Nelson gave her a tissue....

Josie passed her a cell phone.

"This is a burner phone... Write this number down...From now until the trial is over you contact us only by this phone number on this phone.. It's a clean phone...." she said.

"This is a Portal...Familiarize yourself with this...We'll give you daily updates on the progress we are making in preparation for your trial...You won't have to keep running over here." said Bresha.

"You all are very kind....Thank you." said Cricket.

Beverly and I got back after everybody had eaten dinner and had gone home...

"Did you eat? I saved you a plate....You can warm it up in the microwave.." said Nelson..

"I'm not hungry....I'm that oher word that begins with an "H".....I want to finish up what we started in the Media room this morning..."laughed Beverly...

Nelson took her in his arms and kissed her...slowly, softly....

and then gradually hotter, nastier....

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" Beverly moaned, body trembling....

He lifted her night shirt and dug deep into her panties, caressing her butt...

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"Beverly moaned as she softly careessed his hard and engorged penis..

"Look at you with your big ole hard thing.." she giggled.

He slipped her pretty panties down....

"Ummmmmmmmmmm husband!!!!" Beverly cooed.


Lifting Beverly up ,spreading her legs and slowly entering her.....



He placed her on the bathroom sink, spread her legs again and slowly entered her..thrusting slowly...



We heard their moans in our bathroom upstairs through the vent..

"Ummmmmmm, that boy loves my niece and he has loved her since he first laid eyes on her...She loves him too...It took her a long time to realize it...but everyone around her at the time knew it.. Me, Jazzy, even Kayla., when she came to visit...We knew she loved Nelson... My mother, before she died told Beverly that Nelson was the man she was going to marry....Beverly laughed and now look at her, married to him and downstairs wide open for him...Like I'm wide open for you.." said Olivia..

"Oh really?" I said with a wry smile..

Olivia untied my tie, took my shirt off and my suit jacket....and unzipped my trousers....

"Do I have to help you take the rest of your clothes off?" she asked..

"No mam!" I said,laughing..

Olivia kissed me softly...

I slipped her panties down...and off..

We stood in the middle of the floor kissing passionately...

and then retreated to the bedroom..

I spread her legs and entered her slowly...


She wrapped her legs around my waste and her arms around my neck as I moved deeper inside her...I was losing my mind...

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"I moaned.... Clearly I would do anything for this woman, I thought.

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she moaned we began to make sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS...

Olivia snuggled up under my arms as we both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

And downstairs in Beverly and Nelson's domicile..

Beverly and Nelson were sitting on the side of their bed.kissing ,while she moved up and down on him...


"I love you Nelson..." whispered Beverly..

"I love you too Bev..." said Nelson...

Beverly straddled him and rode him like a surfer rides the waves...Sending waves of pleasure through Nelson's body and hers too!

By the time Nelson flipped Beverly over and entered her missionary style, Beverly had had three intense and loud orgasms...

He was close to exploding himself .......They made sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

Both Nelson and Beverly were exhausted afterwards...They were soon sleeping and snoring peacefully...

This case still had a long ways to go!


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