The "Fishbowl" the nickname the detectives gave to their interrogtion room...It had been EIGHT HOURS since Lt. Tragg had arrested Tyrell Jones and charged him with murder....Tyrell had been questioned by Lt. Tragg for FOUR HOURS. He had exercised his right to remain silent and had not said a word... He had asked for a bottle of water, it was denied..He asked for a cup of coffee, again denied unless he start talking about him and Mrs. Green's relationship. They had searched his apartment and found her bra, two of them and two pairs of her panties ,along with a cigarette lighter belonging to her and a book she had given him and autographed for him....Outside of that ,nothing else..
He was shown photographs of the two of them making love that were sent to Lt. Tragg by an anonymous source...and lastly he was shown the gun, the .40 caliber pistol that had passed ballistics and was found in the trash can by the side of his building..
He turned towards Lt. Tragg, folded his arms defiantly and said not a word.. A furious Lt. Tragg left and went home...I was 2:00 in the morning....
The Coffee really smelled good...He could sure use a cup right now....
The case files meant nothing...He knew they had absolutely nothing to do with him,....
"Ready to talk?"he asked Tyrell.
Tyrell turned ,looked at Lt. Tragg and smiled...He then folded his arms again and rared back in his chair.. He said nothing...
The Night officer had allowed him to make his one call and he made good use of it..He called Bresha and left a message on her phone.. "Hi Bree, it's me, Tyrell...I've been arrested and charged with murder...I need help!"
"So there you are you little bastard.....I'm going to nail you to the cross you son of a bitch...I'm not going to stop until you have a needle in your veins and breathe your last....I can't wait to prosecute you."he said.
''Yeah really?" said Nelson."You guys work your side of the street and I work mine!" said a persnickety Bruce Green.
Beverly and Nelson had particularly annoyed him during the last trial with their tenacious questioning of his witnesses and the way they tag teamed and discredited his witnesses....He hadn't forgotten them.
"Yeah girl, what can I say?" he said to Josie...peering at her huge breasts and the outline of her bra through her sheer blouse...He truly loved all of Olivia's "girls"
''Well Olivia, I thought the great , great Olivia Bennett-Alexander took on more high profile cases from people who can PAY you the big bucks."sneered Bruce Green. He thought Olivia was incredibly attractive and enjoyed sparring with her in the courtroom and otherwise at times....''Wellllll sometimes we like to surprise you Bruce,. Every case we take isn't always for profit...You have the wrong impression of me and my staff.....Now I must ask that we have the room..and this time I insist or I'll call the Deputy of Operations, Captain Cantrell and D.A. Garcetti." said Olivia in all seriousness, no longer smiling.
Nelson brought a Thermos, with Hot Coffee, some creamers and some sugars for him..
"After you're released...We are going to drive you to your apartment... Pack an Overnight bag...You'll stay with Olivia ,Donnie Ray, Nelson and Beverly at their place...You'll be safe there." said Bresha."Thank you all sooooo much." said Tyrell.
"You just sit tight...Say nothing to nobody ...You know that....You're a law student...and you've been around the courts long enough." said Beverly, smiling...
"Les...Les..What do you mean???...Come on man....I have to prosecute this guy....I'll make Lt. Tragg recanvass, interview more witnesses...Look at the job we did on that last case...We nearly won that thing...I can win this thing...Please Les.." he pleaded.."NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT.!!!..That was your wife....You can't be impartial, you can't seperate your ego from this... I know you Bruce...It hurts you that your wife was sleeping with this guy.....That's why you want him...and now that Olivia and Beverly are on really want to get on this case to get some personal revenge on losing to them....NO! I know you Bruce...This is about you....Your ego....Play your ego games on your own time...Not on the City's time or dime...As messy as this is...I want it done right...So fall back..I'll appoint a prosecutor in the next few days to handle this case." said DDA Lester Burke.
NIGHT COURT- Just a few hours later.
Tyrell Jones, Having no priors and him being a well known Bailiff in the court and a law student at a reputable law school helped him immensely...He was released on his own recognizance..without bail..and surprisingly without having to wear an ankle monitor..
"I know you must be famished...It's 9:30...let's go to Sam Mother's diner..He's still open." said Olivia.
''Take your time Tyrell.. We are no longer in any rush...Bresha and Tony are going to take you to your apartment where you are to pack and you can rest and relax in our sub-basement." said Olivia."It's better than it sounds..We have a finished sub-basement with carpeted floors...A 50 inch TV with cable and streaming, A chest of drawers and a closet and a half bathroom and shower..." I explained.
"Nelson and I will bring you clean sheets and pillow cases when you get back."explained Beverly...
"'ll be better off staying with us." explained Nelson.
"Much Better off." said Josie.
"I'm full, I think we'll have a light breakfast tomorrow morning Liv....Continental."said Alfreda.
"That's fine with me...It'll be Friday..." said Olivia.
"You guys live the life." said ADA Rockland Cambridge, Alfreda's husband..
This was the best time to come in here...At night...Lt. Tragg was long gone...He had no idea we had sprung Tyrell from jail... He'd find out in the morning...I imagine he was going to hit the ceiling...But there would be nothing he could do...He had been properly arraigned in Night Court and released...
Friday Night we took him to the No I.D. Bar where he got to see and socialize with all of the attorneys in our group who he saw in the courthouse at one time or another..
"I got your message, just as I was walking to work this morning." said Bresha.
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?? I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!" said Lt. Tragg, who was astonished.. First, he didn't think we knew or cared about a lowly court bailiff and secondly, he had all but denied this man his right to make one phone call the night before.
He had had his fill of us too! We had just beat him in a court case a week and a half ago...He was not ready to see us again.
The Desk Sgt on duty thought that was criminal and once Lt. Tragg left for the night, he allowed him to make his one call.. He knew he was going to hear it from Lt. Tragg, probably get written up, but he didn't care...He didn't like the way they sometimes denied people their rights....especially Black and Puerto Rican suspects...
A Furious Lt. Tragg stomped his foot..
"Come on Bruce." he said as they prepared to leave the room...
"Oh and take your junk with you.." said Beverly...passing him his half empty coffee cup and his meaningless case files.
Josie passed Tyrell a bottle of cold water...She suspected he was dehydrated by now...
''Here, drink this." she said.
"Thank You Josie...Thank you so much..." he said.
"I imagine you can use this too!" he said.
"Aww mannnn, you guys are life savers...Thanks Nelson, good looking out man!" said a happy and animated Tyrell, who devoured the water and drank the hot coffee.
Olivia made the shush sign with her index finger....She knew they were probably being listened to...."It's Thursday....We are going to "Night Court" you...I know you know what that means...we have a Judge and tonight you'll be arraigned and released..." she whispered.
Olivia was correct...Lt. Tragg and Bruce Green were listening to our conversation...but they heard little to nothing, since we whispered ...
"Olivia thinks she so slick...She knows we were listening ,so she whispered everything to him...I couldn't hear a damn thing.."said an angry Lt. Tragg...
"That's alright....I've battled with them before...I look forward to meeting them again in court..and this win will be even sweeter."said ADA Bruce Green, certain he could best us in another courtroom battle.
Bruce Green looked at his phone....He was getting a text message.
"I've got a text from Deputy District Attorney Lester Burke. I've got to go Artie...Good Job!" said ADA Bruce Green.
The Text said "IN MY OFFICE ASAP!"
Deputy District Attorney Lester Burke was not happy....He was livid..."You disgraced yourself...You get on Television....TELEVISION BRUCE!!! GOTDAMNNNNNN,
TELEVISION with that clown Lt. Tragg... and you, you strike a handcuffed defendent!!!....and curse at him....I realize your wife was murdered and that this is the prime suspect...but he is just that, a suspect...He has not been convicted and based on the evidence or lack of it that Lt. Tragg has brought in and his track record of faulty investigations...he might be innocent....There is a high percentage that he is in fact innocent...He just finishes sleeping with said victim....He follows her out of his apartment and shoots her in the back of the head, killing her and then goes to the trouble to bleach and wipe the murder weapon down and then drops it in the trash can of the building he lives in...Yeah ,that looks like a guilty man alright...I'm surprised Lt. Tragg got an indictment on this horse shit... And the photos, the incriminating photos of the two of them sleeping together....Who sent them to Lt. Tragg?? I don't know how he made detective, let alone Lieutenant....AND YOU, YOU GET ON TELEVISION WITH HIM AND STRIKE THE PRISONER......and then you make a statement that you can't wait to prosecute him...YOU KNOW WE CAN'T ALLOW YOU TO PROSECUTE HIM!" said a visibly angry Lester Burke.
In Philadelphia, Night Court only operates two nights a week....Tuesday and Thursday, Tonight was Thursday...and fortunately...We got an arraignment date of 8:00 pm.
The Judge in this case would not be the Judge in the actual case....
Lt. Tragg was not there... Night court was too low profile for him...No witnesses...No media..and a bunch of Judges and ADA's who were mostly older Judges and ADA's about to retire...It was lightweight. It was in session from 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays...We were quite fortunate to get a date.
We presented 10 charactor witnesses , all from the courthouse.
"Olivia, Beverly, Donnie Ray, Josie ,Nelson and Bresha...I can't thank you enough....what a horrendous day...." said Tyrell, newly freed ,awaiting trial and very happy...
Within a few minutes , the entire group and their spouses joined us at Sam Mother's Diner... Even Alfreda and Rockland.. We felt comfortable enough to come in cars and park in Sam Mother's parking lot..
Sam Mother was glad to see us....and happy for all of the food we ordered... Steak and Eggs, Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes, Buttermilk Biscuits and Gravy... A pitcher of Ice Tea for the table and coffee for everybody...
Tyrell hadn't eaten in 24 hours and he devoured everything he ate as was to be suspected.. It was extra nice he didn't have to eat alone....he had all of us to eat with..."'ll be better off staying with us." explained Nelson.
''And this weekend, you'll get to socialize with all of the attorneys you see in court at one time or another." said Paris.
"'ll be fun."said Bresha.
"Yeah man and since you aren't wearing an ankle brace....You can go to Bayside with us Saturday Night. You really caught a brake this time buddy." said Tony...
I was surprised at how many of us ordered steak and eggs....
Some of the others had Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes and Green Peas...
We all washed it down with Iced tea
and hot coffee...III-
Newly freed from jail, Tyrell stayed with us in our sub-basement....He found it to his liking...
Like most of our clients who we sent to a hotel....We gave him a Portal and a burner phone so he could stay out of sight during the day and communicate with us about the details of his case from the sub-basement.. We knew Lt. Tragg would have unmarked cars and plain clothes officers looking for him at his apartment and then finally at our house...
We didn't want him to feel completely like he was in prison of some kind...
''Vettie, wowwww....You guys all live on the same street and hang out together....wowwwwwwww" said Tyrell.
"Yeah, all the cool people hang together and work in the same building too!"laughed Yvette.
"Keep that under your hat...We don't want a certain Lieutenant finding that out...It's bad enough he knows where we live." laughed Keith Jones..
"Our secret is safe with Tyrell...Right now he despises Lt. Tragg as much as we all do."laughed Bee Bee, who was also the subject of Tyrell's glances and smiles and lust...
As was Sofia, who he also smiled at from time to time and wished.. "If Only." He envied their husbands.
"Keep ya head up Tyrell, you got good lawyers, the best and they got you out of stir, the same day you were arrested...It couldn't be any better." said Kahlil..He loved Yvette's girls too!
He didn't know Ms. Virginia, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of her sexy body and nicely shaped breasts all night..
He recognized Gary Lockwood, Ms. Yvette's husband, and an investigator in the D.A.'s office.
Tyrell recognized Jazzy, Dabnis, Kayla, Ray, Jessica and Chip, Even Karen Page and her boyfriend, B.L. Bernz, from Television and longtime attorneys, Natalie Tennison, Now Natalie Charles, her husband, former Public Defender, David Charles, Brooke Kennedy, Now Brooke Marks and even her husband, Sean Marks who had come through his courtroom once or twice.. He didn't recognoze Zoey, but he certainly knew her husband, Lem..."Bet you never thought you'd wind up a suspect on trial in your courtroom did you Tyrell...but don't worry you'll be fine... you got good lawyers, the best and they got you out of stir, the same day you were arrested...It couldn't be any better." assured the sexy ,Jasmine "Jazzy" Coley, who Tyrell had had dreams about...
Her Lucky husband, Dabnis patted him on the back... "I raised hell with the city about what Tragg and his goons did to your front door.....I see you noticed that they put the door back on and nothing was stolen from your apartment...They paid for the job completely...."said Dabnis. Tyrell shook his hand and thanked him... Olivia had told him that they enlisted his services.He remembered Olivia and Beverly's sexy cousin, Kayla....from her court appearences...
''Well look at it this way Tyrell, as an attorney you will have practicaL experience of what your clients may go through."said David.
"Keep your head up Tyrell."said Brooke.
"Yeah hang in there fella."said Sean.
"You couldn't have any better lawyers than Olivia ,Beverly, Nelson , Josie and Bree." said Zoey...
"Hang in there...this mess will all be over before you know it." said Lem.
"Relax and enjoy yourself tonight Tyrell...We'll be back here in the morning for brunch and then we are all going to Bayside to do a little shopping...You can hang with the guys at a nice spot we found for lunch and dinner and we all plan to go roller skating afterwards...The place has five guest D.J.'s this week." said Olivia, his lead attorney who was so sweet and so sexy....He nearly had an orgasm, just listening to her voice.
Nelson was as cool as a fan...He did everything he could to make him feel comfortable ....He'd never forget Nelson's kindness..
He knew Assistant District Attorney Rockland Cambridge, Had no idea he was married to Beverly's mother.
and then we loaded up on the buses and headed to Bayside...This was soooo cool he thought....It was almost like a school trip when he was in elementary school...
After hanging out there a few hours, Everyone headed to the roller skating rink...
As was everyone else in our neighborhood.... He suspected we were all together...but he had no idea where....
Bruce Green was also livid...He thought it was "very sneaky" having Tyrell Jones arraigned in Night Court.. (It was all perfectly legal and he knew it)...Tyrell was released on his own recognizance and not even required to wear an ankle monitoring bracelet so he could be monitored... He was not at his apartment and not told that he could not leave the city, so he could have skipped town for all he knew...
She sat on top of me and began to ease herself down on me...
Olivia and I sat on the side of the bed as she slowly moved up and down on me, driving me insane and flooding me with sensual kisses..
''Ohhhhh my Godddddddddddddddd, oooHHHHHHHHHHHHH......Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." she moaned ..."Don't Stop...Don't Stoppppppppppp...please...don't stopppp." she moaned, which turned me on more...
I entered Olivia softly and gently and began to stroke her softly and slowly....She moaned and put her arms around my neck and drew me closer to her..She wrapped her legs around my waste and we began to move in a slow, yet deliberate rhythm for quite some time.She matched me thrust for thrust and even bit my shoulder at one point...She was so moist and smelled so good...I was losing my mind....
We made sweet passionate and intense love for close to THREE HOURS!!...
Olivia began to shake and gyrate and tears began to stream down her face....
"It's sooooooooooooooo goooddd...Oh my godddddddddddddd it's soooooo gooood! "she moaned...
She was so moist, so soft...I was losing my mind....
"UMMMMMMMMMM THAT FELT GOOD DONNIE RAY.....UMMMMMMMMM" she cooed..Olivia ended up sleeping on top of me....
Olivia was sitting alone in our conference room, reading a few briefs and working on a trial strategy...
"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.....UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" moaned Rockland in between
Took her in my arms and kissed her passionately...
''Well before we got too far...What have you got?" asked Olivia.
"Well first off here is the autopsy report, the crime scene photos and the crime scene report....This lady was an attorney, a very accomplished attorney...Did you know you graduated with her? Two times....She went to Girls High , graduated with you.....Then she went to Cabrini, while you were in Temple....After that she went to Penn Law school...and graduated in the same class as you, Yvette, Karen Page, Sharon Harris, now Hopkins... She passed the bar in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Deleware and Washington D.C. She taught at Georgetown Law School for awhile, while clerking for a distinguished Judge.... She then worked for the U.S. Attorney, Southeastern Pennsylvainia District for a couple of years before becoming a Senior Associate Attorney at Bowers and Ryan Attorneys at law..and the Women's Law Center.
As well as Jade's Husband, Lt. Danny Ho.
And who didn't know Judge Jetty Dukes?....Ms Virginia's husband.....
Tyrell recognized Jazzy, Dabnis, Kayla, Ray, Jessica and Chip, Even Karen Page and her boyfriend, B.L. Bernz, from Television and longtime attorneys, Natalie Tennison, Now Natalie Charles, her husband, former Public Defender, David Charles, Brooke Kennedy, Now Brooke Marks and even her husband, Sean Marks who had come through his courtroom once or twice.. He didn't recognoze Zoey, but he certainly knew her husband, Lem..."Bet you never thought you'd wind up a suspect on trial in your courtroom did you Tyrell...but don't worry you'll be fine... you got good lawyers, the best and they got you out of stir, the same day you were arrested...It couldn't be any better." assured the sexy ,Jasmine "Jazzy" Coley, who Tyrell had had dreams about...
Her Lucky husband, Dabnis patted him on the back... "I raised hell with the city about what Tragg and his goons did to your front door.....I see you noticed that they put the door back on and nothing was stolen from your apartment...They paid for the job completely...."said Dabnis. Tyrell shook his hand and thanked him... Olivia had told him that they enlisted his services.He remembered Olivia and Beverly's sexy cousin, Kayla....from her court appearences...
and her lucky husband, Ray, from his court appearences...
He had known, Jessica, her husband, Chip, Natalie, David and Brooke for years when they were public defenders and Assistant District Attorneys...and they knew him...
"Bet you never thought you'd wind up a suspect on trial in your courtroom did you Tyrell...but don't worry you'll be fine... you got good lawyers, the best and they got you out of stir, the same day you were arrested...Olivia and Beverly will take care of you."said Jessica.
"Yeah, you'll be alright." assured her husband, Chip."I hear you're almost finished law school.... Olivia and her team should have you exonerated just in time for your graduation..." said Karen Page.
"I want you on my show, right after all of this is over." said her husband, T.V. Talk show host, B.L. Benz, who was an Attorney himself.
"I feel so bad for you, caught up in this mess.. and right before you graduate from law school too!"said Natalie.
"Yeah hang in there fella."said Sean.
"You couldn't have any better lawyers than Olivia ,Beverly, Nelson , Josie and Bree." said Zoey...
"Hang in there...this mess will all be over before you know it." said Lem.
There was plenty to drink and Tyrell was drinking his fill tonight.. Happy to be free and happy to be out with his favorite attorneys..
Her husband Donnie Ray, dressed to the nines and was as cool as a fan he thought, but he had cop or ex cop written all over him, he mused..
And Beverly, with her sexy body and cute little ways about her.....You didn't know if you wanted to have sex with her or just hug and squeeze her..He was sure her husband, Nelson debated this issue every night...Nelson was as cool as a fan...He did everything he could to make him feel comfortable ....He'd never forget Nelson's kindness..
And Josie and Paris, did the same, living across the street and coming over.....
As did his good friend Bresha and her husband Tony, who lived down the street...Tony was a lucky man he thought and a smart man...He capitalized on that sexy body and sweet personality of Bree's as soon as possible and "wifed" her. A good move!
He loved Beverly's sexy mother, Alfreda, the office manager...He saw where Beverly got her sexy looks fromThe next morning they were all back for brunch.. He ate his fill.....
Where as it turned out...All of us, guys and girls went to the Bayside Mall....A modern new shopping center with an assortment of stores and shops....He loved it...He loved these people..He hardly felt like a murder suspect , who had been released scarcely 48 hours before!
We all then retreated to our spot for drinks and dinner.. The food here was good...These guys knew how to pick great hang out spots.
which featured three D.J.'s from Philly and two D.J.'s from Camden, New Jersey... This was the best weekend, Tyrell had had in a long time....He was loving hanging out with all of us..
It was good that Tyrell was with us.....
As expected, Lt. Tragg had blown a gasket when he found out that we had gotten Tyrell released so quickly....
He had really gotten reamed out by the City's Inspector General about knocking the door of Tyrell's apartment off the hinges when there was clearly no reason..and the city having to pay for it...He was told-"NEXT TIME THE COST WILL COME OUT OF YOUR PAY!" Angrily he went to Tyrell's apartment and banged on the door.. He had no warrant and no real reason to be there.. After an hour and complaints from the neighbors.. He realized that Tyrell was not there..
Next, he stopped by our office /duplex, but it was too late on Friday Night...We were all out.
He had no clue that we had gone to the No ID bar and then out of town to Bayside for the day....He was livid and unhinged.....
He and Lt. Tragg were turning the city upside down , but they couldn't find him or his attorneys...At least not on Saturday.
Everybody was safe at home and bedded down, tired and happy from a great weekend... We always had great weekends with our friends...
Olivia and I were in our bedroom, on the bed, laughing and talking.."Wowwwwwwwww, my legs are hurtng a little from all that skating..." laughed Olivia.
I put my arms around her and rubbed her back...
"Ummmmmmmmmmm let me rub your legs...I'll make em feel better." I whispered...
I softly and slowly rubbed her buttocks and her legs...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu they feel better already..." she cooed..
I slipped her panties off...
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU OLIVIA....THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL!" I said, marveling at her pretty panties.
"Wait until you see what I brought today.." she giggled..
Olivia and I sat on the side of the bed as she slowly moved up and down on me, driving me insane and flooding me with sensual kisses..
She had a very intense orgasm that had her head moving from side to side and her whole body trembling.....and tears flowing down the sides of her face like a river...
I pulled her legs apart and entered her missionary style, slowly....softly...
I entered Olivia softly and gently and began to stroke her softly and slowly....She moaned and put her arms around my neck and drew me closer to her..She wrapped her legs around my waste and we began to move in a slow, yet deliberate rhythm for quite some time.She matched me thrust for thrust and even bit my shoulder at one point...She was so moist and smelled so good...I was losing my mind....
We made sweet passionate and intense love for close to THREE HOURS!!...
Olivia began to shake and gyrate and tears began to stream down her face....
"It's sooooooooooooooo goooddd...Oh my godddddddddddddd it's soooooo gooood! "she moaned...
She was so moist, so soft...I was losing my mind....
''Ohhhhh my Godddddddddddddddd, oooHHHHHHHHHHHHH......Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." she moaned ..."Don't Stop...Don't Stoppppppppppp...please...don't stopppp." she moaned as we continued making sweet love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!
"UMMMMMMMMMM THAT FELT GOOD DONNIE RAY.....UMMMMMMMMM" she cooed..Olivia ended up sleeping on top of me....
This was a great weekend...God Knows what the coming week held in store for us.
It was a very rainy day.
Everyone was working hard on the case...
Beverly, Josie and Bresha were in the law library doing research, studying like cases. looking up all laws that might pertain to this case and all predicates as well..
They had been doing this since the weekend ended.....
Nelson was in the Media room ,looking up possible jurors and going over the breakdowns I had done on them...He had joined the girls in the law library briefly before returning to the media room.
while Rockland and Alfreda were in our kitchen...
hot smouldering kisses..
''Would you quiet it down before somebody walks in here and catches us making out like two teenagers and me with my business all exposed?" pleaded Alfreda.
As they kissed and her blouse was opened partially exposing her bra...while they hungrily kissed...
I had come in a few minutes before, discovered Olivia siting alone in the conference room...
"Heyyyyy baby, I'm back...I supposed the kids are hard at work huh?" I said..
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yessssss..... Tyrell was up here for awhile, but he's in the sub-basement, taking a nap..." said Olivia..
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! You keep kissing me like this and we are going to have to go upstairs.....OUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she cooed.
"I'd like nothing better, you know that!" I said..
I went by both places and inquired about her....The woman's record is spotless...She didn't have an enemy in the world...Everyone spoke very highly of her at both offices....They said she was above reproach...They didn't know and couldn't believe she was having an affair and with a Bailiff, nine years her junior...but they didn't like her husband....Almost to a man they agreed that he was an asshole and a bully and that she could have done a lot better than him....
I went through this woman's financials, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Bank Account... All credit cards paid off every month...Bank account solid...No discrepancies.... I went through the husband's too...The same thing...except for a $1500.00 withdrawal, the day before she died.... and then another $1500.00 withdrawal the day after she died... I mean that's his money , he could have taken it out for any reason...but it does look suspicious..." I said.
"If he was suspicious of her stepping out on him , that might have been to hire a P.I." said Olivia."No , he hired Bert Vandenberg to be his Private Investigator and he wired three payments to his
account....No this was a cash withdrawal, the kind you can't follow easily...."I said.
account....No this was a cash withdrawal, the kind you can't follow easily...."I said.
And in our kitchen...
"AWWWWWW DAMNNNNN! WHO THE HELL IS IT?" groaned Rockland, who hated being
"Only way to find out is to let me answer the door." said Alfreda, smiling and easing out of his embrace and straightening up her blouse , fixing her lipstick and answering the door.
ADA Bruce Green and Lt. Tragg were at the door..
as they continued to kiss..
Outside, two people were at our door, ringing the bell....
interrupted when he was with Alfreda..
"Only way to find out is to let me answer the door." said Alfreda, smiling and easing out of his embrace and straightening up her blouse , fixing her lipstick and answering the door.
"Hello Mrs. Cambridge...Could we have a word with your employer?" he asked...
I said nothing, but sat quietly and stone faced.
"What do you two possibly want? especially you Bruce? You aren't going to be assigned to this case."said Beverly..."Yeah, Deputy District Attorney Lester Burke has already called us and told us that he plans to select a prosecutor tomorrow and we'll meet him at Preliminary Hearing." said Nelson.
"I sure hope you don't plan to run this case on what little you have."said Bresha ,laughing...
"I AM THE DETECTIVE HERE....I DON'T NEED ANY OF YOU TO TELL ME HOW TO DO MY JOB!" snarled Lt. Tragg defensively.....
"Yeah? Well you go back and get your subpoena...because unless he's broken the law and is under arrest for any crimes, which we know he didn't commit since he's been don't have a leg to stand on..and we don't have to answer any questions...Especially not from you Bruce."said Beverly...
"Who do you think you're talking to? Some Perp out on the street? Goodbye!" said Nelson...
"There is the doorbell...That would be our lunches...."said Beverly.....
Josie looked at both men, she thought they were pathetic...As an ex-cop, I knew that this was a bluff, a bluff that had no legal grounds...and could easily be challenged...I'm certain that Lt. Tragg and ADA Green both knew it too! They should have known that these weren't first year attorneys...None of us...and they weren't going to run that that bluff on them...
"SEEEE YAAAAAA!" said Alfreda..
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...THEY KNOW EVERY TRICK OF THE LEGAL TRADE!" scoffed a livid Bruce Green, who had bullied other attorneys with the same bluff many times before.
They got in Lt. Tragg's unmarked police car and pulled off..
It was still pouring rain....
They really are two angry whiny men!
ReplyDeleteWhat Whiny Babies, Lt. Tragg and ADA Green...Boyyyyyy!
ReplyDeleteTheir anger is making both Lt. Tragg and ADA Green lose the ability to adequately look at the facts or lack of them at this case. They have no prints or DNA, They have no eyewitness....They have a suspect that has little to no motive....Any other detective would at least be looking elsewhere at other possible suspects.
ReplyDeleteThis whole case is bolstered by pride, ego and a twinge of racism...ADA Bruce Green hates this guy because his wife was sleeping with him...So it's personal with him, damn the facts...Lt. Tragg's penchant for arresting Black suspects and refusing to look past them is a twinge of racism.
ReplyDeleteStanding and applauding and throwing my panties to the ceiling...Loved the sex scenes...
ReplyDeleteOf course you did Anonymous! What else is new?