Friday, September 20, 2024

An Easy One

 "Ummmmm baby that was so good!" said Connie Atwood, lying on top of her husband, newly freed John Atwood..

"Ummmmmm you know it..I missed you...It's been a month...I owed you that."he said,laughing...

"Yes you did! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu paid in full." she laughed.

She walked to the refrigerator to grab a cold water...but before she could get there...John walked up behind her and pulled her to him and began kissing her some more..

"Ummmm you didn't get enough.." she cooed.

"No I didn't." he said softly....

The doorbell rang and there was a loud banging on the door.

"OPEN UP POLICE!" came the loud voice...

Then someone kicked the door in....

It was Detective William Swift and a tactical squad...



"'You know you're wrong for this...My conviction  was tossed out! When I get through with you ,you'll be lucky if you work at a traffic stop....ouuuuuuuuf" said John...

Detective Swift punched him in the stomach...knocking the wind out of him.

"What was that?  I did tell you that you had the right to be silent didn't I Boy?" he sneered...

''We are refiling murder charges against you."he sneered as Johnny got to his feet...He wanted to slug Detective Swift, but he knew that would get him into more trouble than he already was in.

He had jumped the gun...A new ADA had not been picked yet and no new charges had been filed ,although they were in the works.

He looked at Connie, who was in a sheer see through baby doll...

"Good Night missus." he laughed as they carried John out.

That morning, Connie came to our office in tears and enraged...

"It was four in the morning...They arrested him and that big gorilla Swift punched him in the stomach." she said.

"WHATTTTTTTTT? This is harrassment and brutality...He is not going to get away with this."said Karen.

"I'm calling his superior right now!" said Justin...

"Where are the others?" she asked.
"They're at Dr. Goggins DNA Laboratory....I am so glad we got his DNA sample yesterday..."said Karen..  "Sit tight Connie....Justin, let's you and I pay a visit to Central Booking." said Karen.


"I'm glad you got this to me, along with the case files...We've had a back up of cases recently...
Your friends, Olivia Bennett-Alexander and her crew have submitted DNA samples here for a case they are working on. They were here yesterday... " Said Dr. Goggins.


"And your friends, Yvette Jones-Lockwood and her team were by here last week with DNA for a case they are working on..I put a rush on theirs and have it ready now.." she added.


"I'll put a rush on yours too!" said Dr. Goggins with a smile.  

She had a very sophisticated laboratory. All of our Attorney friends used her labs.

"Thank you for doing this for us."said Natalie.

"We really appreciate everything you do for all of us." said Brooke.

''Hey guys....Boss Lady just texted me....The cops arrested Johnny Atwood early again this morning and recharged him with first degree murder." I said.

"This was Swift. but how did he do that? New Charges haven't been refiled.. We would have known."said Natalie.

" They must have rushed them after we won our case...Does She want us to do anything? To meet her at Central Booking?" asked Brooke.

"No she said to finish what we are doing with the DNA sample....and return to the office...She and Justin went down to Central Booking." I said.


The "Fishbowl", the nickname the detectives gave to their interrogation room.....

Detective William Swift mercillessly grilled Johnny Atwood for hours since his arrest and Johnny said little to nothing..

"Come on kid, stop fooling around...You killed that girl didn't you?  She rebuffed you at the party and you killed her, after you sexually assaulted her.." he snarled angrilly...

"If I refuse to answer this time are you going to hit me with a phone book?" sneered Johnny

"WHYYYYYYYYYY YOUUUUUUUUUU!" snarled Detective Swift..

"I WOULDN'T DO THAT IF I WERE YOU!" came the voice of Karen Page....

"You're in enough trouble as it is...The D.A.'s office hasn't refiled new charges yet....They haven't even picked a new ADA...You had no cause to arrest my client."said Justin..

"WHAT KIND OF TROUBLE AM I IN FATBOY?" he snarled angrilly.....

"More than you can imagine right now...You arrested this man in the middle of the night....when you could have arrested him at any time of the day....Unnecessary harrasment and you punched him....That's assault...and I've got a credible witness. Several in fact." said Justin.

"Ever hear of Quantified Immunity lawyer boy?" sneered Detective Swift.

"I see you've remembered some of your law school teachings, but not all of it... I don't have to sue you personally...I can sue the city of Philadelphia... and I'm sure the Mayor, The Deputy of Operations and Captain Eddie Cantrell won't be too happy with you...So for starters, leave this room and I'm in a better mood, release my client and I'm suddenly in an even better, NON-SUING MOOD!" said Justin...

The anger and rage in Detective Swift's eyes couldn't be hidden....His body was shaking....but he didn't want the city to face a law suit....He didn't want to wind up on the Marine Boat like Lt. Tragg had so many times...

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, ALL OF YOUSE!" he snarled. He really hated Justin Brown ,with a passion.

A Little while later...a very happy Johnny Atwood was reunited with us on our conference room..

''Whoooo that was close, thank you guys again." he said.

"I'm so glad we were able to get you out of jail again...I know you're tired of this."said Natalie.

"We may be able to get your trial started within the next two weeks." I said.

"And end this nightmare once and for all."said Brooke.

"I didn't kill that girl...I never went inside her house...I watched her walk up the stairs and I pulled off..I never saw her again." he said.

"He's been telling them that for two years." said his wife.

"Well his DNA sample was turned in and hopefully it will clear him like it cleared the other two guys...
They still have the semen found inside of her ,in her panties and the saliva on her bra straps...If his DNA isn't a match..They'll be no need for a trial...He'll be exonerated."said Karen.

"And that'll be good, for us all." said Justin.


Home after a days work....

"You know you girls got your hair done yesterday and you really look good....Both of you." I said.

''Why thank youuu!" said Natalie, taking her heels off... "Come here...Unzip me.." she said..

Her dress was skintight...She did a sexy little shimmy out of it....

She turned and giggled and kissed me softly....

"Ummmmmm you have the most kissable lips." she cooed.

"So do you." I said.

She slipped on her baby doll and we fell upon the bed, kissing some more after she hung her dress up....

I unhooked her bra and slipped her panties down...


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GIRLLL!" I moaned as I entered her slowly....

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD!!" she screamed , her body trembling...her head turning from side to side and tears streaming down her face...

"I never cried during sex before David....This is soooooo damn GOOOOD!" she cried out...tears still streaming down her face.....


"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Natalie cooed, her body still trembling.....

"OHHHHH MY GODDDD!!" she cried out..

"OHHHHHH NATALIE...." I moaned.

For the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS...our bed got a good workout.....

as Natalie and I made crazy love.....

Also that night at the Goggins DNA Labs-

"We got it...the results from Atwood's DNA swab and the DNA in that murdered girls panties....IT'S NOT A MATCH!!! He was telling the truth..."said a lab assistant.

"There were two other guys we examined in that case, Floyd Jenkins and Frank Baxter....They didn't match up either." said another lab assistant.

"This is great news...Tag this and send a copy to The D.A.'s Office and to Karen Page at Wrongful Convicition/Conviction Integrity...I'm sure they'll be relieved...Their client is off the hook.  Send the rest of the results to the Medical Examiners Office and to the Criminal Investigation Division of the Philadelphia Police department." said Dr. Goggins...

And at Brooke and Sean's house...

''Seannnn stop staring at me so....You look like a hungry wolf."laughed Brooke.

"I can't help look so damn good.I love your hair." said her husband, Sean..

"Awwwwww thank youuuuu!" said Brooke.

She rewarded him with a soft kiss...

"UMMMMMMMMMMMM!" she moaned..

"Brookie.....I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too!" she whispered back...

that became a smouldering set of kisses...


"THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK!" he chuckled..

which led to clothes coming off 

and bras and panties coming off as well.....


"CHOCOLATE DADDY!" she cried out as they lie on the bed kissing..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HONEY!" she cried out..straddling her entered her....

"AWWWWWWWWWWWW  LAWWWWD!" he moaned as she rode him......


"DON'T STOP!" he moaned..



It was quite a night.



"This can't be right? There must be a mistake..."said Detective William Swift.

"It's right here, verified by our own Medical Examiner's Office and an Independent DNA Lab.....The DNA is NOT A MATCH....and since Mr. Atwood's fingerprints aren't on the doorknob or anywhere in her apartment as verified by your own men....That let's him off the hook...He's innocent Bill...That's all there is to it." said Deputy District Attorney Lester Burke..

"Well then we've got to get to work on whoever that DNA does belong to."said Detective William Swift.

"Not WE William.... This case has been handed over to Lt. Sissy Van Buren and her Criminal Investigative Division.


She and her detectives are already running that DNA through decks and Interpol and Civil service... If this guy ever worked or was ever convicted of a crime...His DNA will show up." said Gil Garcetti.
''So that's it...We are done here." said Detective William Swift.

"Nooooooooo you're not done!   You and Lt. Tragg harrassed this man for two years with no real cause and no real evidence. You got lucky and got a conviction in a trial he wasn't present at....Then after his conviction was thrown out...You arrested him without cause in the middle of the night and I hear you punched him.....We don't want a million dollar law suit...and especially, YOU DON'T WANT A MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT..So detective...I want a written apology and whatever else you can send his way to make this right...And there is no argument on this.. Make it right detective!"said DDA Lester Burke.

He looked at Gil Garcetti...



Our Conference room-

A Jubilant Johnny Atwood and his wife, Connie were in our office.  He had been exonerated and would not have to face a second trial... With his record clear, he was free to continue his studies... He was enrolled in the law school program at Drexel University's Thomas Kline School of Law...

"I can't thank you guys enough....Although this is my fault... Had I of turned in my DNA two years ago, I could have been cleared like the other two guys." said Johnny.

"I'm just glad you were cleared and your conviction thrown out." said his wife, hugging him.

''We are glad we didn't have to go to court."said Karen.
"Jumpshot Jim is glad we didn't have to go to court too."laughed Natalie.
"He knew we were preparing to demolish him in court." I said.
"Well, nobody had to go to court and it all turned out good for you." said Brooke.
"Yeah, this was one of the easy ones...Every now and then you get an easy one." laughed her husband, Sean...

Justin walked in just then with a food tray...

"Hey Everybody...Look what I got...It's for you Johnny, but I hope you don't mind all of us partaking of this gorgeous platter." he said.

"Oh No, in fact invite the others...we brought Champaigne....and I took the liberty of Asking Olivia and her team and Ms. Yvette and her team to join us." said  Johnny..

It was a huge sandwich tray with all kinds of meats and cheeses and condiments, along with Mustard, Mayo and Sandwich rolls....along with a case of Cokes.

There was a letter of apology from Both Lt. Tragg and Detective William Swift on behalf of the city Of Philadelphia.

Within minutes, all of our friends showed up to help us celebrate....One by one , they all wandered in..

"Ouuu this is sooo nice." said Jazzy.
"I gotta hand it to Lt. Tragg, his caterer has the best meats and cheeses.."said Dabnis..

"Yessssssss these are good.." said Kayla.
"Meats and Cheeses and Soda..and a letter of apology....wowwwww!" said Ray.

"They really didn't want to be sued."laughed Jessica.

"I'll say." said Chip.

"Thank you all for celebrating with us." said Karen.

"We don't need to go to lunch or dinner with all this food." said Natalie, who was sitting on my lap, making sandwiches..

"You're right about that." I said.

''We have to buy a gift for Dr. Goggins, she really came through for us."said Brooke.

"She kept us out of court.." said her husband Sean.

"That's a good thing."said Zoey.

"For sure." said Lem.

"It's nice when you get thrown an easy one."said Renee.

"Yeah." said her husband, Tyrell.

"Thanks to her DNA work we were able to get an acquittal Last Friday in our case."said Olivia.
"We weren't spared a trial, but it certainly helped us win our trial."said Donnie Ray.

"Funny she was able to help Karen and them avoid a trial." said Beverly..
"That's because they got his original conviction tossed out and the DA's Office hadn't refiled new charges or found a new ADA once Jumpshot Jim was kicked off the trial." said Nelson.

"Nobody wanted that loser of a case."said Josie.
"Two other guys were interviewed and their DNA wasn't a match either..."said Paris.

"So who killed that girl?" asked Bresha.
"Don't know, but it wasn't Johnny." said Tony..

"Their job was just to clear him...Not solve the crime..That's for the cops to do." said Alfreda.


 "Spoken like a true attorney's wife!" laughed Yvette.

"I heard the case has been given to Sissy Van Buren and her detectives." said Keith Jones.
"They'll get to the bottom of this."saod Bee Bee.
"Yeah without needlessly harrassing anybody." said Sofia.
"It's better to have them on this case rather than knotheads like Lt. Tragg and Detective Swift."
"That would go for every case they are involved in." laughed Jade.

Virginia laughed and high fived her.

Jetty laughed heartedly.....

"There is only one meat missing....I guess Detective Swift Kept that for himself." said Justin..

"Oh..what is that? Every meat seems to be represented here." said Karen.

"I'm talking about Crow.....Detective Swift should be eating crow." joked Justin...

The entire room burst into loud laughter.....


The DNA in the dead woman's body and in her panties and on her bra strap was a match to a guy already in prison serving life for another rape and murder...Ivan Swearington, a local handyman at the time....When interviewed he confessed that he was in the neighborhood when the young woman was getting out of her car and that he rang her bell and asked if he could use her bathroom, shortly after John Atwood's car reached the corner and turned...She let him in and instead of using the bathroom, he forced himself on her, ripping her clothes off and sexually assaulting her....and then strangling her when she wouldn't stop screaming... He then ran off...He was now sentenced to death by lethal injection for two murders.

With his confession...The Case was closed..

Once again, both Lt. Tragg and Detective William Swift had egg on their faces and were the laughing stock of the department..

Saturday Afternoon, Johnny and Connie invited us all to a bar in their neighborhood, near their condo..

It was very roomy inside and in fact ,all of us filled up an entire area, like we always do..
"I'm so glad you all could come out...We live a few blocks from here and we usually find ourselves eating and drinking alone on Friday and Saturday Nights." said Johnny.

"Unless we venture out to Josie's in your area. or Aqua Bar or Stoleys." said Connie.

"I used to live around here too...I've been here before...This is nice." said Jazzy.
"I didn't live around here...but I used to come in here with her...I love this place." said Dabnis.
"Yeah me too...I have been here with Jazzy before." said Kayla.
"Yeah me too..great food here." said her husband, Ray..

"This is my first time here...but I like this place." said Jessica.

"I've been here before."said Chip... He had been here when he and Jazzy were a couple, but he didn't want to go into that.

"This is my first time here, but it definitely won't be my last." said Karen.

"This is a great date night spot." said B.L.

"It is...Jazzy brought me and Brooke, Beverly ,Josie and Bresha here about a year ago." said Natalie.

"Wowwwww...This is the life I've been missing out on huh?" I mused.

"You're with us now...You have an inside track to all of this." joked Brooke.

"That makes me and you both David." said Sean, who like me was here for the first time.

"We've been here before haven't we honey?" said Zoey...
"Yes indeed...It's been awhile though."said her husband, Lem.

"I haven't...but I'll definitely be back again." said Renee.

"We Have so many options now." said Tyrell.

There was a packed house tonight.
and plenty of good food.


"I've  been here once before...Me and Liv, awhile ago...I like this place."said Yvette.


"Yeah I've been here before too...Great place." said Gary.

"Well we are definitely coming back.." said Keith 
"Yesssss...I love this." said Bee Bee.
"Me too!"agreed Sofia.
"This is soooo cool, relaxing." said Kahlil.
"We just keep finding new places." said Jade.

"This is a great ever been here before Virginia?" asked Danny Ho.

"Yes, I have, several times...I brought Yvette and Olivia here...but it was years ago....They were working in town....

"Yeah I've been here before myself..many times." said Jetty.

"Vettie and I came here with Virginia years ago...I meant to bring you here."said Olivia.
"You guys are pretty did a lot together." said Donnie Ray..

"I came here with Jazzy , Kayla,Natalie, Brookie, Josie and Bresha once. I loved it...We have a place to go on date-dates."said Beverly..
"I'd love to come here with you to be alone." said Nelson.

"This is my second time here...and I love it." said Josie.
"Me too!" said her husband, Paris.

"I love the others said, it's a great date night place. I loved it when some of us girls came here for a girls night last year.." said Bresha.
"And it's a place just for us, no angry cops." said Toni...

"I was here once...with some other guy...Only nice place he ever took me...I'm glad to be here with you...Maybe I can come back here with you."said Alfreda.

"Of course we can." said Rockland. 
While outside....

A Car sat across the street from the Bar...
"That damn kid, he could have cleared this whole thing up two years ago if he had just not been so obstinate and had supplied his DNA like those other two guys....Now he's been cleared and Sissy and her guys solved the case in less than 24 hours and now Lt. Tragg and I look like village idiots." said Detective Swift..
Bill Bailey sat next to him...He was once his superior officer at one time...He didn't say it...but he thought they could have run the DNA found at the scene though decks and other platforms just like Sissy had and have discovered the identity of the killer just like she and her detectives did...They didn't have any evidence on this kid anyway....but he didn't say anything....He let William Swift go on....
"Come on Bill, it's over...let's go inside...they have great drinks and good food in there." he said as they walked inside..

Upon entering they saw Olivia Bennett-Alexander, her husband, her niece and her husband and her young attorneys and their husbands who worked with her...enjoying the good drinks and the good food. 



They also saw Yvette Jones -Lockwood, her husband, D.A. Investigator, Gary Lockwood, her young attorneys, Jade Lee ,her investigator and former attorney,now office manager, Virginia Shaw Dukes and her husband, Judge Jetty Dukes...also laughing and talking and eating and drinking.. 


But worse of all they saw the attorneys who really made their lives a living hell.... Not Jazzy, Dabnis,Kayla, Ray, Jessica and Chip, Renee and Tyrell or Zoey and Lem,  but Karen and her staff, Natalie, Me, Brooke and Sean..


Brooke and Sean were kissing passionately. Oblivious to everybody else.

Our host, newly freed and exonerated Johnny Atwood and his wife Connie were also kissing passionately..

And to make matters worse, Attorney Justin Brown, who made this a cause celebre and who put together the team that got his original conviction tossed out, arrived with his girlfriend, Alicia.

They waved at everybody and joined them in the dining area.

''I can't be in here, not with these people." said an angry William Swift...

And seeing Brooke kissing her Black Husband passionately was driving Bull Bailey up the wall..

"Me neither...Come on Bill, let's get outta here, let's go to Curley's he said..

Both men left the bar without ever ordering anything...

They got in Detective Swift's car and pulled off into the Philadelphia Night.


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