Tuesday, September 17, 2024

See Justin Run

In an apartment complex across town....

They were standing in her kitchen....He had taken a hot shower and put on one of the suits he kept at her apartment for when he stayed over....
Justin Brown and his girlfriend , Attorney Alicia Masters.stood in her kitchen kissing passionately...
He had spent the night with her.....
"Ummm baby...we don't have time to do it again...You need to get out of here and get to work." she cooed.

"I know, but I can't let you go..." said Justin Brown...

''See you later baby!" she whispered.

She wiped her lipstick smudges off of his collar and his suit jacket...

"Most definitely..." he said.

He entered her apartment complexes parking lot and got in his car..

Not realizing a GPS tracking device was on it..

He noticed after a few blocks he was being followed by a car with shaded windows...He hated that!

The car , A Dark Blue Nissan Rogue, followed him for blocks, 16 Blocks to be exact...He suspected a tracking device was on his vehicle...which meant he was followed last night...This wasn't cops....They didn't drive nice up to date cars like this...This was the Feds or someone else, he thought!

He parked around the corner from the Women's Law Center....Ditched his car and then ran down the
back streets in the opposite direction...

He made it to the Bridge Building and Karen's office... He was out of breath...

"Justin, what's wrong?" asked a shocked Karen Page.

"I was followed here....I'm certain of it...whoever it was....They don't know I came into this building." said Justin...

"You're safe here...Come on with me...The kids are upstairs." said Karen...

We were in Yvette Jones-Lockwood's office getting a lesson from Ms. Virginia.

"Wow I'm sure glad we came and talked to you.." said Natalie.
"Yes..We didn't know where to begin on a case like this.,"said Brooke.
"Never had to defend a man already convicted, who wasn't even at his trial." I said.

"Me neither." said Sean.

The four of us listened intently...

as Ms. Virginia talked about her case and the laws and predicates she used in her argument to get a person convicted in absentia 's conviction thrown out and to win him a new trial and acquittal...
She had been a brilliant attorney when she was practicing...a shame she was now disbarred...but she never hesitated to share her sage wisdom with the attorneys around her..

"I was just like you four when I got my case...Lucky for me, a Judge, not the one on the case....but an older man, who liked me...Took me under his wing and showed me the laws and the possible arguments I could present...I took it from there and I improvised a bit." said Ms. Virginia.

As Ms. Yvette and her staff, Keith, Bee Bee, Sofia, Kahlil and Jade could attest to. She was great to have around...She made everybody around her better.


 "Virginia and I were often on opposite sides in the courtroom....We became friends...She always gave me a run for my money in court... We became friends, had lunch and dinner , went out for drinks...I introduced her to Olivia and Karen and Zoey and the four of us often met for coffee some mornings, went shoe shopping.. I'm so glad to have her here with me, on my team , helping my attorneys." said Yvette.

"Ms. Virginia makes us all better." said Keith.
"She teaches us so much..." said Bee Bee.
|"And she's funny too..she tells us such funny stories." said Sofia.
"Yeah she's a gem."said Kahlil..."And so are you." he said, hugging Jade..
Jade smiled...She considered all of us, her family...

They sat in the conference room with us and listened and learned as Ms. Virginia held court...

"Thanks Vettie, Virginia for lending a helping hand." said Karen Page as she and Justin entered.

"Yes thanks...can you guys fill me in?" asked Justin..

"You look out of breath , like someone has been chasing you." said Ms. Yvette.

"Someone has, ever since I left my girlfriend's apartment...Whoever it is..I think they put a tracking device on my car.. I parked down the street in front of the Women's Law Center and took the back streets here..."said Justin.


We sat in the conference room and listened as Justin told us of his morning.
Virginia poured him a glass of Ice Tea.

"From the time I life my girlfriend Alicia's apartment complexd, I could sense I was being followed.. It was a Blue 2024 Nissan Rogue...with shaded windows..." said Justin.

"Feds" said Kahlil.

"That's what I'm thinkin..." I said.

"Cops don't roll in no brand new whips...Always some old beat up jawn." said Keith...

"Listen to Elliot Ness here."laughed Bee Bee..

''Aye Mios Dios." laughed Sofia.

Natalie cracked up laughing...
So did Brooke.
"They are right though...I'm a U.S. Attorney, I know how the Bureau rolls...If this is the Bureau and not some other federal agency...." said Sean...

"Give me your car keys... Where is your car? I know what it looks like...I'm going to take their 
trackers off of it and move it...I'll bring it here to this parking lot." said Jade.  "I know how to evade them and how to spot them." she said.

"Why are the feds following you?" asked Yvette.

"Beats me!" said Justin...

"I know why....They've been monitoring your phone conversations...Your client is planning to come in..He's a wanted federal fugitive, they want to get the drop on him..You can't use that phone anymore."said Karen..

"When is he coming in?" asked Brooke.

"He didn't say...Could be any day now." said Justin.

"Well, let's all go downstairs and get some Lunch....Then we'll figure out our next moves." said Karen.

We all walked downstairs to our cafeteria, where we were joined by are other building mates.

"Ummmmmmmm I've always loved the food here in your cafeteria." said Justin.

"Everybody says that..."laughed Jazzy...
"That's because it's true." said Dabnis.

"Take a load off...Go grab yourself a platter and join us."said Kayla.
"I think he was planning to do that!" said Ray...

"Yeah, there is room here." said Jessica.

Her husband, Chip pulled a seat over and made room...

"We are the biggest clique here..We always eat together." said Karen.

"Yeah, take your mind off your troubles." said Natalie.

''At least for the moment." I said.

"I find eating three squares a day a great and relaxing soother."said Brooke.

Sean smiled..Even though he didn't work in this building,eating with his wife and her friends and colleagues was like High school almost, certainly college and law school ,the comraderie.

"You know ,I didn't often eat three square meals a day before.."said Zoey..
"Hell, there were days I ate one meal..This is the best.agreed her husband, Lem, working with his wife for the first time and loving this building and the people in it.

"Beverly said we are doing laundry day Saturday and going to Bayside for Roller Skating."said Renee.

"Cool...I'm loving that."said her husband, Tyrell.

"Never a dull moment." said Paris..
"Gotta love it!" said Tony.

"Vettie ,thank you and your team again for helping us.out." said Karen. 

 "Awwww, I've been fishing your buns out of the fire since law school...Me and Liv." said Yvette jokingly, hugging her good friend.

"Yes you have and I love you girlie." said Karen, hugging her good friend.

"Don't be fooled by her tough vaneer Karen, Yvette is an Earth Mother...She can't help helping people." said Keith Jones.
''That's right..She certainly has helped us."said a grateful Bee Bee.
''Mi Madre!" said Sofia, hugging Yvette.
"Where would we be without her." said Kahlil.
Jade returned and passed Justin his keys....
"I took the tracker off your car and tossed it in a nearby trash can..I moved your car to our parking lot." she said.

"Jade you are worth your weight in gold." said a happy Justin Brown.

"That she is..." laughed Virginia.

"Ummmmmmmmmm" moaned her husband, Jetty, rubbing her behind...

"Down Boy" said Virginia, smiling.

His Girlfriend, Alicia Masters entered the cafeteria...

"I figured I'd find you here with all these good people." she said. 

She had a building pass ,because she often worked with the other attorneys here on cases.

"Heyyyyyy Alicia." said Jazzy.

"Heyyy girlie." said her husband, Dabnis.

"Well your man is here, you might as well pull up a seat and join us." said Kayla...

"Yeah go on and grab a plate." said Ray...

"I'll go with you...Hubby and I are having seconds." said Jessica.

"Yeah...come on." said Chip...

"Her being here, could be a slight problem." said Karen.

"Yeah..if they were following him, they probably were following her too!" said Natalie.

"They are probably mad as hell that they lost him and his car..." I said.

"But they jumped right on her."said Brooke.

"You're probably right." said Sean.

"Then expect them here any second."said Zoey.

"Yeah, she led them right to him without realizing it." said Lem.

"Yup, expect them here at any minute." said Renee.

"It could be worse...It could be Lt. Tragg." said Tyrell.

"Oh thank God it's not him." said Paris.
"Heads up!" said Tony.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Dellums walked in

with a squad of FBI Agents...

"Hello Everyone... Justin...We need to talk to you.." said Todd.

"I figured as much..." he sighed.

''What are you doin, slumming Todd?" asked Sean, who worked with him at the Federal Building.

"Routine pick up before I go on vacation...You his lawyer Sean?" asked Todd.

"Yeah, yeah I am... Me and my wife and her colleagues.." said Sean...

He looked at Brooke, Natalie, Karen and Me... 

"Alright.....Meet me at the Federal Interrogation room in an hour... Justin ,come with me...No handguffs boys..." he said..

He smiled at Yvette and her team, who he had ample history with....

"Hi Yvette, Keith, Beatrice, Sofia, Kahlil, Jade....Nice digs you guys are in." he said.


 "Hello Todd" said Yvette

"What's up?" said Keith coldly...I had heard that Todd and Bee Bee had once been engaged.
"Hello Todd." said Bee Bee,
Sofia said nothing...
Neither did Kahlil...
Jade simply smiled.

"Hello Todd." said Virginia.

"What's goin on man?" said Jetty..

"Come on Justin." said Todd.

Justin left with Todd, followed by a squad of FBI Agents.


The Federal Interrogation room was different from the city interrogation room called "The Fishbowl..."
This room was clean, almost hospital sanitary clean...It was air conditioned...There was a clean table and comfortable chairs..

Todd had bottles of cold water on the table.

"Justin we happen to know that you've been in communication with your client Johnny Atwood.. He is a top ten fugitive and we want him...We need to know his whereabouts." said Todd..

"You're not a first year attorney, You know this highly unreasonable Mr. Dellums..as his attorney , you know I do not have to answer any of your questions." said Justin Brown..

''Especially since he's not under arrest." said Sean, also a U.S. Attorney (Federal Public Defender)

"The only way you know this is you guys have been listening to his phone conversations....Do you have a warrant? If not this conversation is over and we are walking out of here." said Karen.

Todd smiled... He produced a court order authorizing him to wire tap his phones and put trackers on his car....It was signed by a Federal Judge.

I read it...It was all perfectly legal.

"It's all in order...It's signed by a Judge." I said.

"They can listen and we can talk...but he's not under arrest." said Natalie...

"Mr. Brown can leave here whenever he wants to." said Brooke.

"I know...I know....but let's co-operate....Mr. Atwood wants to turn himself in....We want to clear a federal fugitive warrant....Once he surrenders to us...I give you my word...We'll drop all federal charges and turn him over to that jackass Lt. Arthur Tragg and he's all yours." said Todd.

"Alright, give me that in writing...and we have a deal..." said Justin..

Todd Dellums was prepared....He had already written his deal and signed it on Federal Stationary...and passed it to Justin...

"When he contacts me again and tells me where he plans to surrender, I will turn him over to you.." said Justin...

"Good , you are free to go." said Todd.....

We all left the Federal Building...

"Is he on the up?" I asked.

"I know Todd, he's as good as his word..." said Sean...

"Meanwhile we've got to work on the appeal of his conviction..."said Natalie.

"Yes, our oral arguments.." said Brooke.

"We've got to deal with Lt. Tragg, I don't relish that." said Karen.

"Yeah, me neither....Thanks for coming down, representing you guys." said Justin...

End of a long eventful day!

We were home..

Natalie was in the bathroom, washing up and preparing for bed..
"DAVID!  COME HERE!" called Natalie from the bathroom.....

I walked in.... Natalie was semi undressed...

"Oh My godddd!" I exclaimed.

Natalie giggled..She had on a see through Blue Babydoll that came to her hips...

"Horny devil come give mama some sugar!" she said.

 It was nice when Natalie made the first move... I was always making a move on her...Hugging and kissing on her all day...

She took me in her arms and kissed me passionately for a few minutes.....

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you feel so good!" she moaned in between kisses..


She giggled.

I slipped her panties down...



"GIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL, I like these, they're so colorful.." I said..

"I like them too!" she whispered..

I lifted her off the floor and entered her slowly, softly...


I placed her on the sink ,spread her legs and entered her again....thrusting slowly and kissing her...





I lifted her up again, long stroking her to the bedroom...

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM GET IT IN ME BABY! OHHHHHHHHH GODDDDD!" Natalie screamed out...her body trembling, her head moving from side to side and tears flowing down the sides of her face....

Sitting on the side of the bed , while she moved up and down on me...






"UMMMMMMMMMMPH! GIRL THIS IS TOO GOOD!" I moaned.. as she rode me cowgirl style.



We lie on the bed kissing each other like kissing was going out of style..

I turned her over and entered her missionary style...



"OUUUUUUUUUU DAVID!" she said as she had an intense orgasm, her body trembling, her head turning from side to side,tears flowing down her cheeks...
We made love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

"What a day...I thought Justin was going to be arrested." I said as Natalie lie on my chest....and I softly rubbed her butt.

"I knew he wasn't...They didn't have probable cause ." said Natalie.

And next door.-

"Seannnnnnnn, stop looking at me like that." whispered Brooke..

"Like what?" laughed Sean, staring at her lustfully....

"Like you want to rip my clothes off..." Brooke giggled.

"But I do want to rip your clothes off!" said Sean...

"How bout if I just take them off? Make it easy for you?" Brooke laughed...

"That'll work." Sean laughed...

They began kissing...

"OH MY GOD!!" said Sean...

Kissing passionately.....

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" said Brooke, trembling..



"VANILLA BABY!" he cried out...calling each other by their nicknames for each other.

He unbuckled her bra....

and slipped her panties down...

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM SEAN!!" she cried out as he entered her..

Their bed began to rock as they made furious love for the next EIGHT TO NINE HOURS!

Another nice night for us!


CURLEY'S BAR- Couples Night

As usual, Drinks were plentiful!

It was a packed house tonight... At one table, Attorney Nina Rios sat with her boyfriend, Attorney Carlos Diaz, both worked for the Women's Law Center.

"I'm glad I came out tonight"said Nina
"So many of our friends and colleagues are here." said Carlos.

Judge Charlotte Peterson sat with her boyfriend, Newly minted Assistant States Attorney, Eric Becker..

'' Well it's been two weeks at your new job...How do you like it?" asked Charlotte.

"I love it...everyone is so nice and helpful...They really made me feel at home."said Eric Becker.

And former Assistant District Attorney, Now Staff Attorney at the Women's Law Center, Elaine Young was out and she had a plus one, Bond Attorney Mitchell Kupchick...

"So glad you could meet me here tonight Mitch."said Elaine.

"Are you kidding? I've been wanting to date you for a long time...I finally got enough courage to ask you."said Mitch.

"What a week this has been, followed and snatched by the feds...and waiting for my client to communicate with me."said Justin.

"Well he finally did...It would have been better if you had a burner phone...They're untraceable. "said Alicia.

"We give our clients Burner Phones all the time for that very reason." said Olivia.
"Yeah, but his client is in places unknown.." said Donnie Ray.

"Beverly thanks for inviting me to your "Laundry Day" thing...That was the most fun I've ever had doing my laundry...The fellowship, the games, the food...Wowwww it was so much fun...and Roller Skating last Saturday in Bayside was really cool...Thanks for the invite." said Alicia Masters.

"Oh you're welcome..."said Beverly..
"Join us at Sunday at Josie's for Super Brunch.....Justin will love that!"said Nelson...

"It's a nice Breakfast Spread and a Soul Food Buffet for lunch..."said Josie.
"Plus a live Jazz Band." said Paris.

"Have we sold you yet?" laughed Bresha.

"Yes, Yes...though I need to cut down on my eating."laughed Alicia.

"Oh enjoy...you only live once."said Bresha's husband, Tony.

"You'll be alright...We go to a spa and a Gym on some Saturdays after Brunch...It's right across the street in the Bridge Building." said Alfreda.

"See? We got you covered."laughed Rockland.

"Tonight seems electric, so many people in here." said Jazzy..
"Yeah I know." said her husband, Dabnis.
"Sometimes I like it when it's really packed like this , sometimes I don't."said Kayla.
Ray put his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek.."You're covered baby." he said softly.

Jessica kicked her heels off and sipped her drink and leaned back into her husband's arms.

Chip cradled her head and held her gently....

''So Justin have you heard from Johnny yet?" asked Karen.

"He's coming in next week.. Tuesday afternoon at Northeast Airport.." said Justin.

"I'm going to be there with a camera crew to catch the whole thing for HARD BOTTOM!" said B.L.

"He probably knows the FBI is going to grab him and then turn him over to Lt. Tragg." said Natalie.

"No Detective Swift...I hear he's the main detective on the case." I said.

"I remember him...I hate him!" said Brooke.

"Hate is so unbecoming of you darlin."joked her husband, Sean.

Zoey kicked her heels off and sipped her drink and leaned back into her husband's arms.

Lem held her gently and rocked her back and forth.

"Saturday after Brunch and Spa Time...You wanna go to the movies?" asked Renee.

"That's a good idea."said her husband, Tyrell.

 "Come to think of it..Saturday would be perfect for us to go on a date date." said Yvette.

"Anywhere you want to go ,I'm down." said Gary.

"Hey Saturday Night let's have a "Game Night" at our house.
"Yeah, we can throw some steaks on the grill and break out the cards and games and invite Sofia and Kahlil Over."said Bee Bee.
"And Jessica and Chip." said Sofia.
"And Jade and Danny."said Kahlil.
"That sounds like fun." said Jade.

"Yeah." said Danny.

"We are going to the Mermaid Crab Tavern Saturday Night." said Virginia.

"Yeah a date night." said Jetty laughing.

In a corner in the back, Lt. Tragg and Judge Kelly Ann Mercer were sitting , talking quietly and kissing.

"Kelly Ann, I've got a boner in my pants that just won't quit!" Lt. Tragg moaned.

"OH MY GOD!!! ARTHUR, I don't need to know that everytime you have one...OUUUUUU!" she said and then proceeded to softly rub the crotch area of his trousers... "UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
you horny dog you! OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, yes you dooo, oh myyyyyyyyy!" she cooed.

as they began to kiss passionately.

Bull Bailey sat at a table watching all of us laugh and talk...in particular Brooke and Sean-

"Ouuuuu you are staring at me again."whispered Brooke with a smile.

"I've got a boner in my trousers that is off the charts." said Sean.

"Ouuuuuuuuuu I see! When we get home I'm going to have to take care of that." she said.

He stared at her and opened her blouse a bit.. looking at her bra.

which resulted in them kissing passionately...

very passionately for minutes..

Bull Bailey was livid,seeing Sean kissing Brooke like this, opening her blouse and all...It nearly sent him into a murderous rage...His hands were shaking...His entire table was shaking..

He ordered another beer.

" Mannnnn, I've had a lot to drink tonight....I'm hella horny.." I said to Natalie.

"It's not the alcohol...I'm hella hot."laughed Natalie.

"Indeed you are.." I laughed.

"Awww you just say that cause it's true!" Natalie laughed.

And she kissed me...

It was that kind of night...A calm before the storm kind of night.



  1. Standing and applauding and throwing my panties high....The sex in this was HOT!

  2. The romance between Lt. Tragg and Kelly Ann continues to intrigue me! How long can this last?

  3. The romance between Lt. Tragg and anyone intrigues me! Anyway, good story so far...and we haven't even met the client yet.
