Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Come In from the Cold

A Mid City Flower Shop... A few days later!
Inside this shop, a young woman was looking at floral designs and smiling.. She saw a familiar portly figure.

"Justin!" she said and smiled as Attorney Justin Brown walked in with us..

"Connie..How are you?  Of course I would come... These are four of the five attorneys who will be defending your husband.... Everybody, this is John Atwood's wife, Connie Atwood... Connie this is Natalie Charles, her husband, David Charles, Brooke Marks...They are from the Wrongfully Convicted /Conviction Integrity Unit.  And Sean Marks, Brooke's husband...A U.S. Attorney, A Federal Public Defender who will also be helping us." said Justin....

"Pleased to meet you and thank you for helping my husband....We met in Paris last year and were married in London early this year...I practice International Law with the Harris Group. I reached out to Justin on my husband's behalf... I had complete faith that he can fight this case and win...I don't practice criminal law...but I knew Justin would and could put together a team that can fight his case and end his two year flight from American Justice." said Connie Atwood.

"Pleased to meet you Connie." said Natalie.
"We are going to do the best we can for your husband." I said.
"We've already been working on an appeal in Appellate court and a robust defense for him." said Brooke.
"And hopefully we'll exonerate him and free him." said David.

We were being photographed from a car across the street..

This was not the FBI....These were Detectives from The Philadelphia Police.

"That's Atwood's wife...Wow, she's a babe...I hear she's a lawyer too...And those other lawyers are from the Wrongful Conviction/Conviction Integrity Unit of the D.A.'s office." said the detective snapping photos.

"Fatboy has put together his team eh? I can't stand him.  He's not going to win this... He was convicted before...He'll be convicted again.... Come on let's go....I'm going to give Jumpshot Jim a heads up.." said Detective William Swift.

The Car pulled off..

"That white car that just pulled off, followed me here..." said Justin non-chalantly...

"FBI?? " asked Connie Atwood.

"No that was Philly cops...I recognized Bill Swift....I noticed them following us too." I said.
"I remember him...We beat him before...and we'll do it again." said Natalie.
"I thought this was between us and the U.S. Attorneys Office, How did Philly P.D. get on to this?" asked Brooke.
"People in the FBI share information with the Philadelphia Police all the time...You shouldn't be surprised." said Sean..

We walked down the street to a coffee shop and sat down....

"I talked to Johnny last night...He's scared...He's trying to hold up, be brave...but he knows this is the only way he can be free and not have to look over his shoulder the rest of his life." said  Connie Atwood.

"I know I lost his last case...but it was very hard to convince a jury of his innocence and he wasn't present, he was in fact a wanted fugitive at the time....And that prick, Detective Swift got on the stand and made him out to be unco-operative when actually he was very smart...He wasn't going to say anything or give up DNA or fingerprints without an attorney present...I tried to explain that he was exercising his rights...but Jumpshot Jim had the kind of jury he wanted and he got the win." explained Justin..

"Well it won't be that way this time...We know Jumpshot Jim and we can handle him.." said Brooke, who remembered that Jumpshot Jim..

was once sweet on her, wanted to date her and that she almost did date him..

"I'm wondering who the judge will be...That's important too!" said Natalie.

"We've got more work to do....I've got to look at a potential jury pool." I said.

"Olivia and Beverly know Appellate Court Judges....We need to know what Judges to go in front of first to get his conviction thrown out before we can even think about a trial." said Sean.  He was right!

"I like them....You've put together quite a team Justin..." said Connie Atwood.

"I tell you...they're the best...." said Justin.

as we all drank our coffee.


It's good to have a friend like Olivia Bennett-Alexander...

She's a talented Attorney in her own right....and a mentor and Earth Mother to practically everybody in the neighborhood with a law degree...

Her Office /Duplex is open to all of us for meals..

We had dinner with her and her crew the next few nights after work..

"Olivia, Alfreda, Donnie Ray, everything was delicious."said Karen..
"I love having three squares a day, whether at work or here..."said Natalie.
"You know that as Public defenders we rarely got three squares." I said.

"As ADA's we rarely got three squares...You know how the court system is...a trial a minute."said Brooke.
"Well, since I hooked up with you guys I've eaten better."laughed Sean...


"Believe me I know...The later years I was a Public Defender, I dreamed of having my own law firm and eating three squares...When I bought this building...I made it as comfortable as possible for my staff and our guests." said Olivia.

"It certainly is the most comfortable work environment I've ever worked in."laughed her husband, Donnie Ray.
"But you guys didn't come here to eat and enjoy our company.."laughed Beverly...

Natalie hugged her childhood friend..

"Of course we came here to enjoy your company darling." she said to Beverly.

"You guys are doing research for Johnny Atwood's retrial.." said Nelson...

''That's right man" I said.

"And you need a suggestion of Appellate court judges to throw out his original verdict." said Josie.

 "That's right."said Brooke.
''Well you come to the right place." said Paris.

"Well good luck guys." said Bresha.
''Yeah Good Luck.." said Tony...

"I don't envy you guys..." laughed Alfreda.

"They'll be just fine." said Rockland. 

We retired to their law library in the adjacent building.....

Natalie, Brooke and I researched laws, predicates and like cases for the next two nights...


Karen and Sean talked to Olivia about liberal appellate court judges we could argue our appeal in front of.

We got home every night a little before midnight....

That night after we all returned to our homes...

"Boss Lady said we could come in late tomorrow" I said.
"I'm glad...." said Natalie... "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" she moaned..
She kissed me slowly and softly.....

"WE are going to do it a little bit, aren't we husband?" she whispered in between soft kisses.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! It'll help us sleep better." I said.

"Oh you are such a lawyer." Natalie laughed.

I slipped her blouse off and opened up her skirt...


"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW NATALIE....." was all I could get out of my mouth...

I unhooked her bra...


"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW NATALIE....." was all I could get out of my mouth...

I slipped her panties down...



My mouth opened...but nothing came out....


"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW NATALIE.....YESSSSSSS" was all I could get out of my mouth...

She giggled.

Natalie eased herself down on to my engorged and waiting penis..

"OUUUUUUUUUU..WOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU OH MY GODDD!" she screamed out, her entire body trembling......
She began to ride me like a surfer riding the waves.....
Our lovemaking got crazier....


Natalie wrapped her legs around my waist...her body was trembling something fierce, her head was turning both ways and tears were flowing from her eyes down the side of her face...She was having an intense orgasm...
For the next THREE TO FOUR HOURS we were giving that bed a good work out....

And next door-

"VANILLA, GIVE IT TO ME!" moaned her husband, Sean..
"It's all yours Chocolate Daddy."moaned Brooke.
Their kissing was wild...they were almost slobbering on each other..
They were breathing deep and kissing passionately.

"Not until you give me some Hot Chocolate..." she cried out..

He unsnapped her bra 

and slipped her panties down....

"OUUUUUU JUST PUT IT IN....OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed... He flipped her legs over and entered her slowly...


Brooke's body was trembling something fierce, her head was turning both ways and tears were flowing from her eyes down the side of her face...She was having an intense orgasm...



They made love for the next THREE TO FOUR HOURS.....

The four of us wound up satisfied and sleeping peacefully.



"I'm glad he decided to come in in the afternoon and not undercover of the night." said Justin...

"I'm just glad he's coming in....I haven't seen him in a month..." said his wife, Connie Atwood.

"Thank you for coming with us Ms. Olivia."I said.

"You're all my babies." said Olivia , hugging Natalie and Brooke.

I looked at them, they both seemed like little girls with Olivia...

Sean and Karen arrived with tumblers of hot coffee for all of us.

Sometime after 7:00 pm, The plane carrying Johnny Atwood arrived...

A smiling Johnny emerged from the plane..

"Heyyy  Baby!"he said to his wife...It was his first time in Philadelphia since August of 2022.

"Oh Johnny..." said Connie.
He took her into his arms...and kissed her passionately...
So passionately I even got excited...

"Justin! Good to see you man...Good to see you." said Johnny...

"Hi Johnny...these are the attorneys who are going to be assisting me with getting your conviction tossed and getting you retried." said Justin..  "This is Mrs. Natalie Charles, Staff Attorney with the Wrongfully Convicted/Conviction Integrity Unit,  Mrs. Brooke Marks, also a staff attorney with Wrongfully Convicted, Conviction Integrity Unit, Natalie's Husband, David Charles, also an Attorney with Wrongfully Convicted ,Conviction Integrity Unit and Mrs. Mark's husband, Sean Marks...He's a U.S. Attorney,a Federal Public Defender, who will also be assisting us...and last but not least, Karen Page, their supervisor at Wrongful Conviction, Conviction Integrity Unit..All good friends and associates of mine." said Justin Brown.

"Hi Pleased to meet you." said Natalie.

"Hello." said Brooke....

"Pleased to meet you." I said.

"Pleased to meet you." said Sean..

"Hello, pleased to meet you." said Karen..

"Wow Justin, you've put together a dream team here and is that famed Defense Attorney Olivia Bennett-Alexander I see? She on my defense team too?" asked Justin..

"Hi...No I'm not on your defense team...but I have been helping them out...They have been consulting with me and my staff." said Olivia, smiling.. "I'm just here for moral support....You're in capable hands though...Trust me." she added.

Johnny looked around...

"Well let's get out of here...I'll turn myself in to the Feds in the morning." he said.

"You're coming with us tonight..."said Todd Dellums..."I'm Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Dellums and I have a fugitive warrant for your arrest...Take him boys." he said.

A team of FBI agents arrested him on a fugitive warrant of Interstate Flight to Avoid Prosecution for Murder.

Johnny shrugged... He expected this...

"It's okay Johnny...We'll be at the Federal Building tomorrow for your arraignment." said Justin...

We all stood in silence as the FBI walked off with him...We had expected this.

We all ran to our a soft rain began to pour..


The Next Morning we were all at the Federal Building...

In Federal District house.... Justin and Sean surrounded John Atwood as he was arraigned.

True to his word, Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Dellums dropped all Federal Charges against him and the judge said he was free to go...

The four of us waited outside the Federal Building.

"They should be out shortly....This procedure only takes a few minutes." said Karen..

"Good ..there is a nice cafe down the street...We can take him and get him some coffee and breakfast before we turn him over to Tragg." said Brooke.

"Maybe they won't show up today." said Natalie.
"Don't bet on that."I said as I walked up with tumblers of coffee for each of us.

Justin, John Atwood and Sean walked out of the doors of the Federal Building...
''All done...Federal Charges dropped, just like he said they would be." said Justin.

"You guys are good." laughed a jubilant John Atwood.

"We are halfway there anyway." said Sean.

"OH?  I WOULDN'T TAKE THAT BET!" came the sneering all too familliar voice of Lt. Tragg.

"He's ours now...Hook him up boys." said Detective William Swift...

The squad of policemen with them handcuffed him and put him in the back of a police car...

The police car with him and the police pulled off...Lt. Tragg left with them also...but not Detective Swift. He wanted to stick around and gloat.

Karen ,Brooke, Sean,Natalie and I stood on the corner... He glared at us..

"You know we are supposed to be on the same team...You guys are part of the D.A.'s Office...I just don't understand it." he said.

"There is a lot you don't understand." said Justin...

"I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!" he said, not hiding his pure hatred of Justin....

He walked to his car, got in and pulled off....

"Well guys, buckle up....The battle begins." said Karen.

Brooke ,Natalie and Me, Sean and Justin already knew...